Children Task Search Results

How To: Paint a little girl's tea table

This how-to video is a vibrant and animated tutorial on how to paint children’s furniture: in particular, a little girl’s tea table and chairs. It’s fast paced yet easy to follow. The video couple takes you from the taping and preparation of the table and chairs to the completed and professional quality finished product, which would thrill any little girl. Their method of communicating the most important steps is to race to the camera and speak to the audience, in an amusing sort of wink, whi...

How To: Coach a Youth Football Practice More Effectively

Organizing young children to do anything in groups is a behemoth task. A youth sports practice in particular can be hard to organize for an inexperienced coach. This video features tips from a real football coach on how to organize a productive youth football practice. These include using lots of scrimmages, and organizing and motivating your assistant coaches to help as much as possible.

How To: Create summary tasks in MS Project 2007

In this tutorial, we learn how to create summary tasks in MS Project 2007. First, put a task into your project and use the fill option to create more tasks. Fill in the duration and start time of your tasks as well. Now, write the subject at the top and then highlight the tasks that have to do with them, and click an arrow to indent all of these tasks. You can have up to nine levels of indenting and tasks, but this can make your project look far too complicated. When finished, save your proje...

How To: Use My Day in Microsoft Entourage: Mac 2008

There's a lot of great features in Entourage 2008 for Mac, and one of the new features in "My Day". It's a small integrated app that helps you stay organized and helps you manage all of your upcoming events and tasks. The Microsoft Office for Mac team shows you just how to manage tasks and events by using My Day in this how-to video.

How To: Create links between tasks in MS Project 2007

In this tutorial, we learn how to create links between tasks in MS Project 2007. First, select the task you want to link, then click on the link task button on the toolbar. You will now see a finished task link between these tasks. In the entry table, you will see the predecessor, which is task two. You can also type the numbers in the predecessor column and enter the information in. You may want to create a link that is different, so you don't confuse two things that will start at the same t...

How To: Link tasks in Microsoft Project 2007

In this Software video tutorial you will learn how to link tasks in Microsoft Project 2007. There are four ways to link a task. Finish to start is the default, then you have start to start, finish to finish and start to finish. Here you will see how to link up two tasks and what is the dependency between them. There are various methods of creating dependency between two tasks. One method is to select the two tasks and click on the ‚Äòlink tasks‚Äô button on the tool bar or you can go to the ‚...

How To: Get the task manager in Windows Vista

Vista Tips teaches the viewer how to easily get the task manager in Windows Vista. Vista Tips warns that the simple way to get task manager used to be to simply hold the keys Ctrl, Alt, Del down simultaneously. Now, these keys yield a menu. The way to get task manager on Windows Vista has now been changed to Ctrl, Shift and Esc. Simply hold down Ctrl, Shift and escape simultaneously to directly yield the task manager. Another way to do this is to use the start bar to get the task manager. Sim...

How To: Schedule tasks in Windows XP

In this video, the instructor shows how to schedule tasks in Microsoft Windows XP. Scheduled tasks are nothing but programs you want your computer to run at specific reoccurring intervals like daily, weekly, monthly, etc. This can be a very helpful feature if you want to update a particular software or run a system virus scan at regular intervals. To do this, click on the start button and go to run. In the Run command prompt, type in 'tasks' and hit enter. Now this opens up the schedule tasks...

How To: Find hidden taskbar shortcuts

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to find hidden task-bar shortcuts in Windows 7. Begin by pressing the Windows and T keys on the keyboard. The will focus on the task-bar, allowing the user to navigate through using the arrow keys. Users will be able to move between different icons. If the application has a window open, it will show the thumbnail. Then press the up arrow key to sort through the thumbnails. Press the down key to focus back onto the task-bar. This video will benefit tho...

How To: Use task types in MS Project 2007

In this tutorial, we learn how to use task types in MS Project 2007. First, open up the form view of all the different tasks you have. Now, look at the unit task type and see if it's effort driven or fixed units. Now, change what you want the task type to be and then click on the next button. Assign a second resource if you need to, then change the duration if you need to as well. Continue to change the task types depending on what durations you have then make sure to save this. Double check ...

How To: Pin a program to taskbar in Windows 7

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to pin a program to the task-bar in Windows 7. Click on the Start menu and click on All Programs. Find the program that you want to pin in the task-bar and click on it. Right-click on the program and select Pin to Task-bar. The program will then be pinned as an icon on the left side of the task-bar, beside the Start menu. Users are able to pin as much programs to the task-bar as they want. This video will benefit those viewers who have a Windows 7 com...

How To: Pin programs to the task bar & start menu in Windows 7

Windows 7 has an interesting new feature by which you can pin your programs to the task bar and this video shows you how to do it. In Windows 7 if you have any frequently used program you can improve its ease of access by pinning it to the task bar. Now to do this first open the start menu, go to the programs, and now browse to any program and right click it. From that menu select the Pin to task bar option. When you do this the program icon will appear on the task bar. Now the program is pin...

How To: Make a charcloth for lighting fires in the wild

Lighting a fire in the wilderness can be tricky, but having a piece of charcloth can make the task easier. Charcloth is carbonized cotton fiber, which lights easily when exposed to a spark, making your task of lighting a fire in the wild, much, much easier. You'll need a fire, a metal container with a lid and a piece of cotton fabric. Voila, charcloth!

Tasker 101: How to Create an Exit Task

When you create a profile in Tasker, it will run a task as soon as all of the conditions in your profile are met. But what happens when the profile's conditions stop being met? By default, nothing will happen, but if you create an exit task, the automation tool will run that instead.

How To: Install a Child Car Safety Seat

Car accidents are the leading cause of death of children in the United States. Follow the guidelines in this how-to video to give your child a safe ride. All you'll need is the kid's new car seat and the owner's manual to your vehicle. Proper installation is key, so check out this instructional video to learn where and how to put that car seat in safely and correctly.

How To: Stop procrastinating by rewarding yourself

In this tutorial, we learn how to stop procrastinating by rewarding yourself. To do this, you should first select one task you've been putting off for a long time. Then, time yourself and give the task one full hour of your time. Ignore everything else you have to do during this time, don't take breaks and let anything bother you. When you are finished with the task, give yourself a reward for completing this job! This will help you finish your task at hand and get things done more effectivel...

How To: Create and edit tasks in MS Project 2007

In this tutorial, we learn how to create and edit tasks in MS Project 2007. Before you begin, you need to set the start date by going into project information and changing the start date and end date. After this, type in your first task name, then enter in the information that goes with it. After you have entered this, press the check mark to set it up. After this, enter in the other task names that you need to specify in your project. When you are finished, you will need to save this onto yo...

How To: Craft a colorful paper banner with your kids

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to make a colorful paper banner. This task is very easy, fast and simple to do. The materials required for this project are: construction paper, yarn, scissors and a hole puncher. Begin by folding the construction in half. Then fold it in half on again. Now cut pattern on the side edge of the paper and repeat this process for additional paper. Open the paper to reveal the symmetrical cut out pattern. This video will benefit those viewers who are inter...

How To: Open task manager instantly in Windows Vista

Techmaniacs the youtube user show us how to open task manager without having to go through the intermediate screen on a new Windows Vista. When you click on the ctrl button, the alt button and the delete button on your keyboard, it opens up a new window that gives you the options of switching users, log off, change password and start task manager. If you do not want to go through this every time there is a shortcut to get straight to task manager. You click the ctrl button, the Shift button a...

How To: Teach your children to multiply early

The gentleman, acting as the Instructor, starts the session immediately by suggesting that to teach early multiplication all parents should practice a method of "Count-by's" with their children when they are very young using ones to ten, twos to twenty, threes to thirty, fours to forty, and so forth. The Instructor then demonstrates this method of counting by tens using a grid behind him on a chalkboard which depicts columns of ten elements. He counts each column from 10 to 100, and then writ...

How To: Automate tasks by creating your own actions in Adobe Photoshop CS5

In this video tutorial, we learn how to create custom actions to automate repetetive tasks within Adobe Photoshop CS5. Whether you're new to Adobe's popular raster graphics editor or a seasoned designer looking to better acquaint yourself with the new features and functions of the latest iteration of the application, you're sure to benefit from this free software tutorial. For more information, watch this video guide.

How To: Create a new task in Microsoft Project 2010

In this clip, you'll learn how to create a new task when using MS Project 2010. Whether you're new to Microsoft's popular project management application or are just looking to better acquaint yourself with the Project 2010 workflow, you're sure to benefit from this free video software tutorial from Lynda. For more information, including detailed, step-by-step instructions, take a look.

Tasker 101: How to Import Tasks & Profiles

Regardless of what you're trying to accomplish with Tasker, there's a good chance that someone else has already walked through the same steps. If you're unfamiliar with creating tasks and working with profiles, simply importing someone else's work would be a great shortcut. After all, there are 2 billion Android devices out there, so someone must've created a setup that suits your needs, right?

How To: Draw a tree in detail

Drawing a realistic tree can be difficult: The branches, the leaves... There's a lot of detail going on within the workings of a tree. In this dawing tutorial, learn how to take on the task of drawing a realistic tree and how to master the task. Get tips and learn tricks with help from this video.

How To: Automate tasks with actions in Photoshop

In this software tutorial Paul Wyatt reveals how to get to grips with Photoshop’s automation tools. Whether you want to resize images, apply filters, or add effects, getting to grips with Actions will transform your workflow. Learn how to use actions to take care of small repetitive tasks in Photoshop.

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