Iodine Purified Search Results

How To: Purify water 3 different ways

Purify water 3 different waysThere are three water purification methods demonstrated: Chlor floc tablets, 2% tincture of iodine and a MSR hand filter.Gather water into your plastic bottle. Add one chlor floc tablet to one liter of water. Close the top and shake the bottle for one minute. Wait seven to ten minutes. The floculation agent in the tablet takes the dirt out of the water so that it can be separated. Strain the water using a bandana over the cup to trap all loose sediment. The water ...

How To: Make iodine easily

In this video, we learn how to make iodine easily. You will need potassium iodine and sulfuric acid to make this. First, add the acid into the potassium iodine slowly. After you add in each part, swirl the beaker slowly so it gets mixed together. After you have added in all of the potassium, you will place this into a beaker filled with ice water while you add in more, because the mixture gets really hot. When finished, you will end up with a mixture that is iodine and nothing else. Fill with...

How To: Purify water

Thoreau said, “Water is the only drink for a wise man.” Here’s how to purify yours when you’re out in the wild. To purify water, you will need a camp stove or campfire, water purifier, water purification tablets, and a container to collect the clean water. Learn how to make safe drinking water while camping or out in nature by watching this video nature safety tutorial.

How To: Make crystal iodine

MAKE brings the do-it-yourself mindset to all the technology in your life. Make Magazine celebrates your right to tweak, hack, and bend any technology to your own will. In this tutorial, Robert Bruce Thompson shows you how to make crystal iodine. As Thompson says in the video, crystal iodine is currently a schedule one compound, and in order to buy you have to fill out a lot of paperwork and you'll end up on a DEA list. This tutorial gets you around that, but proceed carefully.

Classic Chemistry: Colorize Colorless Liquids with "Black" Magic, AKA the Iodine Clock Reaction

Want to make boring old colorless water brighten up on command? Well, you can control the color of water with this little magic trick. Actually, it's not really magic, but a classic science experiment known commonly as the iodine clock reaction, which uses the reactions between water and chemicals to instantly colorize water, seemingly by command. You can use different colorless chemicals to produce different colors, and you can even make the color vanish to make the water clear again.

How To: Reveal latent fingerprints on paper & other surfaces

In this tutorial, we learn how to reveal latent fingerprints on paper & other surfaces. The item you will need to do this is crystal iodine and plastic sheeting to protect your work surface. Place your specimen into a plastic container with the iodine, then put the top on and let sit, placing your hand under to warm it up. Within a few minutes you will see a violet color vaporizing in the container. When finished, you will be able to take out your specimen and see the fingerprints that are al...

How To: Purify muddy river water

In this video, we learn how to purify muddy river water. First, take a bucket of dirty river water straight from the river. This will be in a 2-5 gallon bucket. Now, add 1 packet of water Purifier per every 2 gallons. Stir this in for 5 minutes, stirring constantly. Once the powder has been in the water for a full 5 minutes, it will purify the water and the dirt will all go to the bottom of the bucket! This is being used in Haiti where an earthquake destroyed the homes of many people who now ...

How To: Take an arterial blood gas sample

This medical how to video demonstrates how to take an arterial blood gas sample. The purpose or arterial gas sampling is to assess the patient's respiratory status as well as the acid/base balance in their blood. To perform this medical procedure you will need the following instruments: protective eye wear, gloves, alcohol, iodine, arterial blood gas sampling kit, gauze and a bag of ice. Please not that this video is intended for medical professionals only.

How To: Make safe drinking water

Using only a plastic bottle, a lighter, a string, and the step-by-step instructions in this how-to video learn how to turn any water into safe, potable drinking water. This is a vital skill for camping, hiking, and even emergency situations when there's something wrong with your running water at home. Check out this video survival training tutorial and learn how to purify water.

Better Than Brita: Water Filters with No Plastic Parts

I used a plastic water filter for years. Who wouldn't? It cuts down on buying bottled water, which, as it turns out, is pretty much the same as unfiltered tap water. Plus, bottled water is terrible for the environment and your wallet, too. Water that costs only pennies a day and actually was purified as opposed to just saying it was? That's a no-brainer.

How To: Make a dye-sensitized solar cell with titanium dioxide and anthocyanin

Discover the power of raspberries! Literally. In this NurdRage science video, learn how some crushed raspberries and some titanium dioxide (TiO2) can create a powered dye-sensitized solar cell. Inside a raspberry is something called anthocyanin, which is a flavonoid pigment. Commercially purchased solar cells are way more powerful than this DIY solar cell, but with a little improvement, who knows. Nurd Rage also lets you know how this works.

How To: Fire up your metabolism

This video focuses on strategies you can use to boost your metabolism--one-step needed in order to lose belly fat. Obtaining a faster metabolism will train your body to burn more calories throughout the day. The first step to boost your metabolism is through strength training, which means developing leaner muscle mass. This will result in long-term investment for caloric burning. The second step involves exercising in the morning; this will help you burn calories more easily throughout the da...

How To: Make raw vegan vanilla extract

In this video, we learn how to make raw vegan vanilla extract. First, take whole organic vanilla beans and chop them into small pieces. After this, place the pieces of vanilla into a high speed blender along with 1 c of purified water. Start blending this on high until you have a pure vanilla liquid and there are absolutely not bumps or husks left in the blender. There should be no fibers or husks on the side of the blender. Place your hand on the side of it to make sure your blender isn't ge...

How To: Survive in the wilderness and not wear cotton

Check out this video to learn appropriate attire for wilderness activities and how NOT to get lost in the first places. (Once lost) signal for assistance! Watch the get tips on how to build land markers to indicate direction, choose a location for shelter, build a shelter, find and purify water, and use basic land navigation (and direction determination)without a compass.

How To: Milk your farm cow

Veterinarian Mark Lopez of Wholesome Dairy Farms demonstrates how to milk a cow. Use a teat dip to wet the teats. Then, massage in the fluid so it loosens up the surface dirt and kills bacteria. Stimulate the teat end with your fingers. Next pre-strip the cow by gently pulling on the teat and mimicking the suckling action of a calf. Let the iodine teat dip to sit on the udder. When the cow squirts milk out of the teat, it means that she is stimulated and comfortable. Take a clean towel and wi...

How To: Prepare a survival kit

This video shows you how to make a survival kit: i.e. which things to gather together to make a survival kit. This one fits in the palm of your hand. For this kit, you will need the following: a small cloth bag. It can be used to filter sediment out of water. It can also be used to make a patch in clothing.

How To: Use a Neti pot for beginners

Jack is showing us upon request how to use a Neti Pot. She finds half of an eight of a teaspoon is the amount of salt that she needs. Her neti pot is a little plastic neti pot, but there are many different kinds including ceramic. You want to use non-iodized salt, you do not want iodine although she does not know why. She then puts the neti pot in her nose, and lets the water run in her nose and out her opposite nostril. You would want to use a full neti pot for each side. Neti pots can be us...

How To: Say "strawberry" in Polish

There are many health benefits when eating strawberries. They are an excellent source of Vitamin c, manganese, dietary fiber, and iodine. Learn the words of your favorite fruits & vegetables with help from these short Learn Polish videos. In this language instructional, learn how to pronounce & say the word "strawberry".

How To: Shrink an enlarged skin pore

Robert Scot, from ModernMom, shows viewers how to shrink an enlarged skin pore. Scott reminds us that genetics and aging do contribute to enlarged pores and skin condition, but there is still a way to deal with this. There is no way to permanently shrink enlarged pores but you can handle them with time. You can use cleansers and exfoliation to do the trick. Your cleanser should be for oily skin that will naturally purify your skin. You really want to focus on exfoliation and use exfoliates wi...

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