Lgbt Representation Search Results

News: Google Helps Tell the Story of Stonewall in Augmented Reality

Snapchat isn't the only tech company transforming landmarks with augmented reality for Pride Month. About four miles southwest of New York's iconic Flatiron Building, which is getting its own Pride makeover via Snapchat's Landmarker AR, Stonewall National Monument is also receiving some augmented reality treatment by way of the Stonewall Forever mobile app published by the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Community Center (better known as The Center) in partnership with Google.

How To: Evaluate a line integral along a straight line segment

This video tutorial is in the Education category which will show you how to evaluate a line integral along a straight line segment using the definition of the line integral. This video evaluates a line integral along a straight line segment using a parametric representation of the curve (using a vector representation of the line segment) and then integrating. A vector representation of a line that starts at r0 and ends at r1 is r(t) = (1-t)r0 + tr1 where t is greater than equal to 0 and lesse...

How To: Create an open gash wound on a head

Head wounds are among the very worse types of wound, and as a results are very fun and popular subjects for representation in film. This video will teach you how to create an open gash wound on the head of your actor without taking a bottle to it. The wound looks very real, make sure you don't let your actor get near a hospital!

How To: Get yourself an agent in Los Angeles

In this video, producer and actress Kathleen Cooke, offers advice on how to find a fantastic agent in LA. You won't find much success in Hollywood without representation, so listen to Kathleen's advice and make sure you choose the right one and how to impress them so that they sign you.

How To: Prune roses in January

Roses are beautiful flowers that hold many different representations, including love. Growing them can automatically add beauty to your home's garden and a scent that is very relaxing. Pruning them is important since leaving them unattended can cause problems. This tutorial will show you how to properly prune roses during a cold winter month, January. Good luck and enjoy!

How To: Make a pregnant belly cake for a baby shower

Looking to make a pregnant belly cake for a baby shower (and have no qualms about eating a representation of a pregnant woman's belly)? With the proper tools and technique, it's easier than you might think. So easy, in fact, that this free video cake decorating lesson can present a complete overview of the process in about ten minutes. For more information, including full instructions, and to get started making your own pregnant belly cake, watch this video guide.

How To: Use a TI-89 to calculate nCr

This video shows you how to do a mathematical representation on computing the nCr function using a TI-89 calculator. You can write the nCr notation in different forms. It can be simplified from nCr to C(n,r). The symbol can either be read "n choose r" or "n taken r at a time" which are from it's probability applications. On the example to find "26 choose 17", go to the Home screen of the TI-89 calculator and then go 2nd 5 which is Math. Go choose probability and then to nCr to type in (26,17)...

How To: Use the sparkline function in Microsoft Excel 2010

There is a new function in MS Excel 2010 called ‘Sparkline’ which helps you quickly find trends associated with a set of data. To create Sparkline, you can go to ‘Insert’ tab and then select ‘Sparkline’ section and then select the graph type. After you enter the data range and location range, the Sparkline will show up indicating the trend based on the data range you identified earlier. You can change the types and styles of your Sparkline easily. As the video demonstrates, whenever you use E...

How To: Use general printing options in MS Word 2007

In this video the instructor shows how to user printer options in Microsoft Word 2007. To do this go to the Microsoft button and click it. Form the drop down menu select the print option. Now you are presented with the three options of Print, Quick Print and Print Preview. Print is used to directly send documents to the printer by selecting the necessary settings. Quick Print is used to quickly send the documents to the printer using the default settings. Print preview is a useful way of seei...

How To: Describe chemical formulas

This is a video tutorial in the Education category where you are going to learn how to describe chemical formulas. A chemical formula represents the actual number of atoms of each element within a molecule. Different visual representations of molecules include the ball and stick three dimensional model, a line drawing that represents the structure in two dimensional terms, and a shorthand used by organic chemists. If a molecule has 4 green atoms and 2 orange atoms, the ratio of green to orang...

How To: Create your own free cartoon avatars online

Want to make a cartoon representation of yourself? See how to create free cartoon avatars that can be customized to represent your unique personality or interests across the social networks or chat clients you frequent with this video guide. For more information, including detailed instructions, take a look.

How To: Make minifigures of Star Wars Arc Troopers

If you are trying to make an accurate representation of a Star Wars battle out of Legos, completeness is crucial. Just because you've made a hundred Arc Trooopers doesn't mean you are done, you've got to make each one appropriate to their job on the battlefield! This video features instructions on how to make Arc Trooper gunner and heavy gunner custom minifigures. Pop them into their appropriate gun emplacements on your Lego battlefield and impress your friends with the accuracy of your repli...

How To: Highlight your mouse pointer in Camtasia 7

If you're into screencasting, then you know all about Camtasia. But there might be a few things you're not well-versed in, like the mouse pointer. That little arrow could be constantly eluding you in Camtasia, but you can fix that! This video will show you how to highlight the mouse pointer for better visual representation.

How To: Use a TI89 calculator to graph linear equations

This video shows the user how to use a T189 calculator to plot linear equations. The video demonstration is done using an ‘on screen’ representation of the calculator – there are also verbal instructions. The equations are plotted on the same axis by selecting the ‘y=’ function. The corresponding values of y in terms of x are then inputted into the graphical calculator. Once this has been done for every equation you can get the calculator to display the graph. This then allows you to compare ...

How To: Change the ownership & permissions of a folder

This tutorial is to explain how to change the ownership and/or permissions of a folder or file on your computer. It is very simple and easy to understand. There is a step by step guide to the process. There is a verbal as well as a visual representation of the process that you need to use to be able to change the permissions and ownership of the individual files on your computer. The computer screen video is of a computer using Microsoft Windows XP. It is a great guide for beginners and compu...

How To: Make Filipino-style chicken adobo

Adobo is a Spanish word for sauce, seasoning or marinade, mainly used in Latin American- and Southwest U.S.-style cooking as well as in the Philippines. The noun form "Adobo" generally describes a marinade or seasoning mix. Adobo is also a style of cooking used in Filipino cuisine. In Filipino cuisine Adobo refers to a common cooking process indigenous to the Philippines, The dish was named after the Spanish who found this indigenous cooking process that involved Stewing with Vinegar, they ca...

How To: Make a Chinese paracord snake knot

The Chinese snake knot is a considered a representation of good luck, or its considered as an embodiment of the Snake in the Chinese Zodiac. This Paracord Snake Knot can be used as a bracelet or another decorative piece. This snake knot technique would make a great time passer to have some fun in your leisure. In this video you will learn exactly how to make a Chinese paracord snake knot, and if you were born in '89 you should make one too.

How To: Format dates & calculations in Excel

This is an Excel magic trick video in which the instructor shows how is time represented in Excel and how it is formatted before displaying it to us. He talks about the decimal representation of the time. He says that if O hour is mapped to the number zero and 24th hour of a day is mapped to number one then we can represent any time of the day in the format of a decimal number between zero and one. He shows the type of formatting that excel uses to convert the decimal number into a human read...

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