Matheson Analytics Search Results

How To: Create an account with Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a state of the art barometer of how a website is doing. With this program you can measure traffic, get statistics and anything else you would like to know about your page. This free service is especially useful to business owners and others who depend on site traffic to stay afloat. So, whether you need it for business reasons or are just curious, check out this clip and get started with Analytics.

How To: Add Google Analytics to your site and monitor traffic

Wouldn't it be nice to know how many people actually visited your site each day, and how long they stayed there? Google Analytics is a great, free utility from Google that will tell you just that and so much more. In this clip, the Web Guru will show you how to use this program, generate and install an HTML code onto your site so that you can keep track of your visitors and demographics. This is a fantastic tool for advertising purposes and so you can see which content is working best for you...

How To: Prep for a Lucrative Project Management Career with These Courses

More and more tech-savvy leaders are flocking to the lucrative and exciting world of project management thanks to the high-pay, analytical environment, and nearly unparalleled flexibility. But this means that competition for the best positions in this dynamic field is fierce. If you want to stand out from the crowd, you're going to need to have more than a few base-level certifications on your résumé.

News: Want to Make Your Own Live Broadcast? New Facebook App Aims to Help

Facebook, you either love it or you hate it ... or maybe you're indifferent. The point is, Facebook is everywhere, and the debate is still raging over whether or not it's actually, well, good. That debate may not exist for the various personalities of Facebook much longer, however, as Facebook announced a new app geared directly towards improving how they broadcast their content to their audiences.

News: Adobe Integrates with HoloLens for Personalized Marketing

At Adobe Summit 2017 this week, Adobe announced they are looking to occupy a new space in the market by combining their analytic capabilities with augmented reality. Teaming up with Microsoft, the company has combined Adobe Sensei software with the HoloLens, reports GeekWire. Together, the tech and software create a new tool for retailers to track their consumers' habits.

How To: Expand Your Analytical & Payload-Building Skill Set with This In-Depth Excel Training

It's nearly impossible not to be at least somewhat familiar with Microsoft Excel. While it's needed for many office jobs and data analysis fields, hackers could also benefit from improving their spreadsheet skills. Many white hats already know some of the essential Excel hacks, such as cracking password-protected spreadsheets, but there's so much more to know from an attack standpoint.

News: The Second iOS 13.2 Public Beta Is Out, Includes New Emoji, In-App Camera Settings & More

We public testers are in luck. Today, Apple released the second developer beta for iOS 13.2. As is the case with most beta releases, developers get theirs first, while public testers are left waiting. Will we get our update the same day, or will we need to wait? As it turns out, Apple decided to throw us a bone. The second public beta for iOS 13.2 is officially here.

News: Take Spectator View to a Whole New Level with DataMesh's MeshExpert

Beijing- and Seattle-based DataMesh have announced the release of a new enterprise geared mixed reality middleware — MeshExpert. This solution for collaborative interaction with dynamic data is made up of two primary components: MeshExpert Live!, a 4K mixed reality capture system built off of the Microsoft Spectator View, and MeshExpert DataMix, which offers the ability to blend different types of data with XR and mobile hardware.

News: Ford Appoints Self-Drive Chief as CEO

After Ford's CEO Mark Fields' three-year tenure failed to keep up with the driverless industry and resulted in a 40% drop in shares since Field's took over in 2014, Ford is going in a new direction. Jim Hackett, who was previously chairman of Ford's self-driving division, has succeeded Fields as the company's new CEO.

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