Motown Legend Search Results

How To: Mix rock music

Want to mix and scratch like a professional DJ? To be a good DJ you need to understand the concepts of mixing tracks, adding cool effects, and of course you need a good sense of rhythm to line up the beats. This how to video explains how to mix rock music. Most rock, soul, disco, motown and other old school styles had real people playing real instruments, so the timing was never exactly the same all the way through the song. So it becomes quite difficult to mix these styles. Watch this DJ tut...

How To: Play a powerful summoner in League of Legends

Your summoner is the core character in your League of Legends game, the one who summons the champions to fight on your behalf on the Fields of Justice. Going screenshot by screenshot, the summoner aspect of the game is explained. Stay up to date on your score, monitor your champions and keep track of your points!

How To: Play Garen as your champion on League of Legends

This spotlight focuses on Garen, the Might of Demacia, a melee champion who can be brutal with a sword. This video goes over how his abilities let him deal a great deal of damage to others while taking very little himself. Here are also some useful strategies when it comes to playing Garen in a battle.

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