Nato Offensive Search Results

News: Shocking Videos Reveal Truth Behind Syrian “Freedom Fighters

No one can deny that Bashar Al-Assad’s regime has been responsible for violence. But in failing to equally acknowledge the fact that NATO-backed rebels have also carried out innumerable atrocities is not only dishonest, it represents a deliberate effort by the press to manipulate the narrative of unfolding events in Syria as a one-sided war crime rather than the truth – which is the fact that Syria is in a state of civil war.

How To: Teach Blocking Fundamental for Young Football Players

Blocking is the single most important part of offensive football. Before there was passing or catching, there was blocking, and it is the only thing that is a part of every single offensive play on the field. This video for youth football coaches demonstrates the fundamental of proper blocking and how to teach these fundamentals to young football players.

How To: Coach Fundamental Offensive Skills in Youth Volleyball

Volleyball is very much an offensive sport. Even when you're playing defensive, you're playing offensively, too. So, how do you improve a young girl's offensive skills as a coach? This video talks with Burt Weller, who gives great information for teaching your volleyball team the fundamental offensive skills. Learn some great volleyball drills that will get your players to be scoring, spiking machines.

How To: Combat body odor

Offensive body odor can be a major problem for some people. If you need to reduce your body odor, there are several things you can try. It is important to realize that every person has a distinctive smell, and this is normal. The smell is caused primarily by our sweat as we perspire, because our perspiration gives off an odor. This odor only becomes a problem when the smell is offensive to others. If you sweat and the perspiration cannot evaporate freely, it is possible for bacteria to grow i...

News: Offensive Combat on Facebook

Featuring intensely competitive multiplayer action, Offensive Combat enables players to harness their skills and use their creativity and ingenuity to win the ultimate mash-up of first-person shooters. The browser version and the mobile/tablet versions of the game are interconnected, and work together unlike any game before.

How To: Protect your online reputation

With social networking systems, YouTube comments chains, chat rooms, bulletins boards, Twitter updates... It seems as if almost everyone has at one time publicly stated an opinion on the Internet. Nearly half of all prospective employers research job applicants online. Make sure that what you’re posting today doesn’t cost you a dream job tomorrow!

How To: Take on blocks with Donnie Edwards

Donnie Edwards is one of the premier linebackers in the NFL. In this video, he teaches some young linebackers how to take on a block from a offensive lineman properly, allowing you to get more penetration when rushing the quarterback or get to the runner if attempting to make an open field tackle.

How To: Fake shots in water polo

Faking shots in water polo is a great way to keep defense off balance. Fake shots will often send defenders off to one or the other side. Losing the defenders during the fake allows you to get the open shot on goal. Water polo offensive techniques are designed to create more space between you and the defender.

How To: Tackle using advanced techniques

Former football player Steven Boyd discusses advanced tackling techniques. Among these are body position, tackling in the open field, taking on an offensive blocker, and stripping the ball. Tips appear throughout the video in the form of pop-ups.

How To: Win face offs

Hockey coach Tom Martin discusses and shows drills on how to win faceoffs in both the offensive and defensive zones along with faceoff strategies. Sidebars are shown summarizing each set of drills, and tips are shown in the form of pop ups throughout the video. Practice is of course the key!

How To: Play offense in soccer

This is a video tutorial in the Sports category where you are going to learn how to play offense in a game of soccer. The forward soccer position usually stays on the offensive side in order to score goals. Adrian Heath, head coach, shows you how to play the forward position properly. This is going to be a very easy and simple drill. All you are looking for is a nice little floating pass over the defender's head to your own player in the forward position. And the forward player then tries to ...

How To: Create space to score in basketball

In this tutorial, we learn how to create space to score in basketball. In order to create space, you will need to understand the role of the defensive player. Put yourself in their shoes thinking about what they are trying to do as you're playing. As an offensive player, you want to keep them more than an arm's length away from you by closing the gap between you. This will cause the defender to change their stance in order to stand in front of you. After this, you will be able to run around t...

How To: Turn Any Ammo Box into an Awesome Set of Portable Speakers

Believe it or not, an ammo box can still be of use to you once its rounds are gone. You can use it for storage, as a toolbox, or possibly even as a Faraday cage. But if you want to use it as more than just a container, why not turn it into a portable set of speakers that you can take with you anywhere? The ammo can speaker pictured above was made by Instructables user Dustin White. He started with an empty .50 cal box, though you could probably even use thinner 5.56 or 7.62 mm cans. He remove...

How To: Play offensive guard in football

In this instructional video series, learn how to play offensive guard. Understand how the game works, with an introduction to the basic rules and objectives, as well as a rundown of the offensive and defensive positions on the field. Lessons also include skills and techniques for beginner offensive and defensive players: how to carry the ball, throw a pass, block effectively, punt, and make a solid hand off.

How To: Do offensive lineman techniques

In this series of football instructional videos, our varsity high school lineman shares advice and tips on what it takes to become an expert offensive lineman. Mike Nguyen outlines the physical qualities necessary for the position, and tells you the basic steps you will need to master for that first high school tryout.

How To: Run an offensive sweep play in football

In this video series, our expert Sean Hobson, will teach you how to run a sweep play on offense in American football. He will show you how to setup the sweep play, how to setup the offense, and how to setup a similar play, the pitch. Sean will also show you what the line does in a football sweep, what the quarterback and running backs do in a sweep, and how to run a sweep in the I formation.

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