Snippets Search Results

How To: Add spreadsheet snippets in Microsoft Excel: Mac 2008

Not every client or coworker likes to mine through a spreadsheet to find all the important data. So, with Excel 2008 for Mac, you can easily share that data without sending the entire Excel spreadsheet. To do this, all you need to do is to use the "copy as picture" option. The Microsoft Office for Mac team shows you just how to insert a spreadsheet snippet in this how-to video.

How To: Create a scrolling background in Adobe Flash CS4

Want to animate a background you've designed for scrolling? See how to do just that using Adobe Flash CS4. See how to use the Code Snippets panel to add ActionScript functionalities to your Adobe Flash CS5 projects. Whether you're new to Adobe's popular Flash-development platform or a seasoned web developer looking to better acquaint yourself with the new features and functions of the latest iteration of the application, you're sure to benefit from this free software tutorial. For more inform...

How To: Load text into a dynamic text field within Flash CS5

Learn how to load HTML-formatted text for an external .txt file into a dynamic text field or textarea component within Adobe Flash CS3, CS4 or CS5. See how to use the Code Snippets panel to add ActionScript functionalities to your Adobe Flash CS5 projects. Whether you're new to Adobe's popular Flash-development platform or a seasoned web developer looking to better acquaint yourself with the new features and functions of the latest iteration of the application, you're sure to benefit from thi...

How To: Quickly Paste Commonly Used Words or Phrases into Any Text Field on Your Mac

Your Mac's clipboard is great when you are just copying and pasting a phone number or address, but sometimes you end up having to re-copy the same thing over and over every day. To make those phrases a lot more easily accessible, the people over at Tiny Robot Software have released Pasteomatic. With this app, you will be able to use a hotkey to bring up a collection of your most commonly used text snippets and paste them into any text field or document.

How To: Leverage a Directory Traversal Vulnerability into Code Execution

Directory traversal, or path traversal, is an HTTP attack which allows attackers to access restricted directories by using the ../ characters to backtrack into files or directories outside the root folder. If a web app is vulnerable to this, an attacker can potentially access restricted files that contain info about all registered users on the system, their permissions, and encrypted passwords.

How To: Write an autobiography

No matter what age you are or what kind of life you've lived you can put your story out there by writing an autobiography. Every life can be interesting if written about in a well formulated, and honest manner.

How To: 8 Menu Bar Apps Every Mac Power User Needs

The menu bar is a great place to perform quick searches, track battery life, and switch Wi-Fi networks on your Mac, but it can do way more than that if you let it. I've rounded up some menu apps below that not only have features that will boost your productivity, but are lightweight enough to run entirely from the menu bar.

News: Snapchat's Spotlight Confirms That the TikTok, Instagram Social Media War Is On — And AR Is the Next Battlefront

In the realm of social media, all roads lead to one destination: cracking the code of continuous partial attention dopamine hits. We learned this back in the days of Vine, before Twitter foolishly killed it. And I pointed my lens at the emerging trend back in 2016 when I highlighted for Mashable, just before it was snapped up by China's Bytedance for $1 billion and merged into what is now TikTok.

News: Apple's iOS 14 Developer Beta 6 for iPhone Contains Spatial Audio & Fixes for Files, Widgets, Automations, Mail & More

At first, Apple's six developer beta for iOS 14 isn't much to look at, but there wouldn't have been an update if there weren't some important issues to address. Most of the serious updates in build number 18A5357e revolve around SwiftUI, which even has a few new features, and there's a fix to Shortcuts automation that will likely please you if you use those.

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