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How To: Encrypt files in Mac OS X with the Disk Utility app

The Mac OS's Disc Utility allows for the encryption of files. To open Disc Utility click on the magnifying glass (spot light) up in the top right hand corner, and search for Disc Utility. Click on the first result in the list. Once Disc Utility is open, click on "create a new image" in the top tool bar. A new window will drop down, where you choose what you want to save the new image as. Give it a name, and choose the size you want it to be. Moving down, choose the encryption you want to use ...

How To: Prevent workplace-related back injuries and back aches

Work can be a rough place, especially if you're in construction or another laborious field of work, but that doesn't mean that anybody who works (or even doesn't work) isn't susceptible to work-related injuries. The most common workplace injuries are back injuries. This educational video, entitled "Back Your Back: Back & Muscle Injury Prevention" is all about reducing your risk of back problems.

How To: Properly perform the triangle pose with Yogatic

In this tutorial, we learn how to properly perform the triangle pose. Start off on your hands and knees, then place your knees further back behind your hips. Next, bring your shoulders back and go into a downward facing dog position. From here, lift your arms away from the floor, then take a step forward with your right leg between your hands. Then, drop your left heel to the floor and place your right hand next to your right foot. Bring your right hip back and straighten the leg. The left hi...

How To: Do barbell full squats

In this video from Livestrong we learn how to do a barbell full squat to increase leg strength. Find a squat rack at a gym and rack your bar a little bit below shoulder. In a split stance, come up underneath the bar and rest it on the back of your shoulders. Lift off, core tight, and step back away. Feet shoulder width apart, chest up, head up. In a sitting motion, come back down and then back up. Drive through the heels, abs tight. Down and up. Remember to keep chest and head up always and s...

How To: Do a dead lift and back extension

By combining dead lift with back extensions, the result is a thorough workout of the lower body, back, and glutes. Learn how to perform dead lift with back extensions properly from a professional trainer in this workout tutorial. When doing dead lifts and back extensions you should dead lift with dumbbells, mix with back extensions, perform back extensions on machine. With this how to video you can incorporate dead lifts and back extensions into your workout.

How To: Do a back hand spring

In this how-to video shows just how to do a back hand spring. This is a scary experience for any new person to doing a back hand spring. A back handspring is very hard and takes a lot of practice, so enjoy, and be safe.

How To: Do a back flip on a trampoline

A trampoline is one of the most fun things you can possibly have in your back yard. If you have one and are looking to learn some tricks to do on it, the back flip is a good place to start. Watch this video to learn how to execute a perfect tucked back flip on a trampoline.

How To: Back up your data to an external hard drive

Want to know how to back up your data to an external hard drive? Protect yourself against data loss and heartbreak with this free home computing how-to from the folks at CNET TV, which offers complete instructions on how to back up your important files either manually or automatically. For specifics, and to get started backing up your own stuff, watch this handy how-to.

How To: Do a kickboxing back fist

Check out this instructional kickboxing video that demonstrates how to do a kickboxing back fist, also known as the spinning back fist. A back fist can surprise a kickboxing opponent. Learn the skills of kickboxing in this video on competitive kickboxing moves.

How To: Get rid of bacne back acne

A random pimple or two is one thing. But if your back is covered with acne, you, my friend, have bacne. Benzoyl peroxide, an exfoliator, and even professional help shoud do the trick. Watch this video skin care tutorial and learn how to treat bacne back acne. It's not that much different than the zits you're getting on your face, so whatever is working there should keep your back clear too.

How To: Avoid back pain from sitting at a desk at work

In this tutorial, we learn how to avoid back pain from sitting at a desk at work. You can sit safely by keeping your back locked and using variations. Change position regularly and stand upright while moving. This will change the pressure in the disks in your back. Alternate between active and passive sitting, which will let your back muscles work. You can lean against the back rest of your chair for support on the hollow of your back. The position of your feet and legs has an impact on your ...

How To: Perform a back handspring easily

Hoping to make the cheer squad this year? Gymnastics can be a huge plus on your scorecard, expecially back handsprings. In this tutorial, learn the basics and how to start practicing to do a back handspring. Before trying this it is important to stretch, and either get a spotter or put together a soft, padded enviornment to practice on. Begin by practice doing a "bridge" to warm up the arch in your back.

How To: Learn a back roll without hard falls

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to lower the impact of their back rolls when wave-boarding. This video provides 4 steps that will help the user have a lighter impact when they fall off a back roll. The steps are: air back roll, inside out back roll, one wake back roll and wake to wake back roll. When first attempting each of these back rolls, the objective is to rotate as much as you can and not to land it. Once you have more experience, practice landing each one. This video will be...

How To: Easily do a back handspring

To do a back handspring, raise your hands over your head in a standing position. Then, stretch your arms out in front of your while lowering yourself, with knees bent, to a simulated sitting position. Use propulsion from your legs to jump into the back handspring. If you don't jump into the back handspring you may hit your head on the ground. Reach back as far as you can go, keep your body tight and keep your toes pointed. Keep your arms extended over your head and reach back to flip your bod...

How To: Bring sexy back to your body in ten days

Looking to bring sexy back in your life? Bring back welcomed curves with this eleven part vieo series hosted by Momma Gee who shows how she brought sexy back into her life in ten days. By using a series of exercises to slim and tone your body through the P90x program, Momma Gee notices a reasonable difference in her body. The eleven videos go over the following:

How To: Do a spin back on a CDJ turntable

Want to mix and scratch like a professional DJ? To be a good DJ you need to understand the concepts of mixing tracks, adding cool effects, and of course you need a good sense of rhythm to line up the beats. This three part how to video explains how you can do a spin back on a CDJ turntable. A small spin back can give a subtle change to the mix. Watch this three part DJ tutorial and you can learn how to do a spin back on a CDJ turntable.

How To: Perform a kickboxing back kick

Try a back kick next time you're kickboxing. Learn the skills of kickboxing in this tutorial on competitive kickboxing moves. When doing the back kick you should start from fighting position, keep correct hand position, step up & across and use the heel. With this how to video you can incorporate the back kick into your kickboxing routine.

How To: Do back exercise properly using cables

Back exercises are an essential part of lifting weights and strength training. This fitness how-to video tutorial demonstrates how to avoid injury and work out the back with cables. Learn tips and techniques for working out the chest, back, shoulders, and arms in this weightlifting video.

How To: Do back extensions

Watch this instructional fitness video to do a back extension exercise. Keep your back straight and your body in a controlled position. Exhale on the way up and inhale on the way down. This back extension exercise works the lower parts of the back.

How To: Prepare pork loin back ribs for barbecuing

Barbecued pork loin back ribs taste great when prepared properly. In this how to video tutorial we show you how to prepare pork loin back ribs for smoking in the Weber Smokey Mountain Cooker. Always start by removing the white membrane from the back of the ribs for tender and succulent grilled pork ribs.

How To: Make lever back earrings with snap fit findings

Gemstone earrings are quick to make at home, not to mention cheaper and more customized. To make gemstone lever back earrings with snap fit findings, you'll need snap fit lever back findings, gemstones to match the findings, and bent chain nose pliers will help. Learn how to make gemstone lever back earrings with snap fit findings by watching this video jewelry-making tutorial.

How To: Do the half camel pose (Ardha-Ushtrasana) in Yoga

Ardha-Ushtrasana, or Half Camel Pose, is a Yoga pose designed to help strengthen your neck, back, pelvis and abdominal muscles while also helping you to relax. It's great for relieving back ache, rounded back, and drooping shoulders. In this video you will get a quick tutorial on how to perform the pose.

How To: Pull off a back roll catch out of a push up in freestyle soccer

If you can already do the push-up freestyle soccer stall, you're probably wondering how the heck you transition out of it without dropping the ball. Well here's how. This video will teach you how to do the back roll catch, which enables you to roll the ball down your push-up position back to your leg, where you catch the ball and get back up without letting the ball fall. And now you're up and ready to get back into your routine.

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