Active Checking Search Results

How To: Hide Your Active Status in Facebook Messenger to Go Incognito Online

For all of its advantages, Facebook Messenger isn't the best for people who like their privacy. The popular app lets all your Facebook friends know when you're online by default, as well as how long you've been idle, making it impossible to check up with one person without leaving yourself vulnerable to your entire friends list. Luckily, this feature is one you can turn off.

How To: Perform a Software Update on Your Nintendo Wii System

Using the Wii Options menu, it is possible to upgrade your Wii software to the latest version released from Nintendo for the gaming console. You will need to have an active internet connection to download the update first, so make sure that the Wii is connected to your home network. Be sure to check for upgrades every so often so that you have the latest features!

How To: Use Windows Defender in Windows 7

This video shows you how to use Window Defender on your computer. Go to the start button on the screen and click it. Next, select the control panel. At this point you can type in the word ‘Defender’ or find the icon in the control panel. Once the Windows Defender page comes up you should be able to see whether or not the program is active. If it isn’t active then simply activate it. This program should be run because it helps protect you against spyware and other unwanted activity on your com...

How To: Practice active breathing for flute

Check out this flute lesson on breathing techniques by Nina Perlove who teaches at Northern Kentucky University. This unconventional breathing method was taught by Alain Marion in Paris. The end goal is to allow your lungs and chest cavity to expand. You will have more breath control when playing the flute with the technique shown in this video.

How To: Increase the chances of conception & pregnancy

So you've decided that it's the right time for a baby. In this video, Lisa Gibbons talks about how to increase your chances of conception. She explains that knowing your menstrual cycle is key to understanding when you might ovulate. You can also check your basil body temperature and she explains the steps to track this month to month. Ovulation prediction kits are also available over the counter and she explains how to use them to increase your chances. The last thing that she covers is how ...

How To: Plug a 2 way active PA system together

Want to mix and scratch like a professional DJ? To be a good DJ you need to understand the concepts of mixing tracks, adding cool effects, and of course you need a good sense of rhythm to line up the beats. This how to video explains how to set up a 2 way active speaker system. This video shows you how to plug a two way active PA system together by using an active cross over and two power amplifiers. This is the kit used: 1 Peavey vsx cross over, 1 KAM KXR 2000 amp, 1 KAM KXT 23600 amp, 2 x V...

How To: Manage second day unwashed hair frizzies

Hairstylists often recommend that you don't wash your hair more than three or four times a week, since the natural hair oils will help maintain hair moisture and keep strands strong and healthy. But any girl who leads an active (read: sweat-inducing) lifestyle knows that second day hair feels greasier than the gulf coast.

How To: Check basic gearing and bike fit

Active Expert Gale Bernhardt explains basic gearing and bike fit in this instructional cycling video. Learn the proper pedaling forms and correct bike fit to maximize your bike power output. This video also provides tips on looking for a bike that fits you and your needs. As a beginner, the bike you have now is just fine for your first race. As you get more into the sport of triathlon, then you might consider investing in some new equipment. So watch this cycling tutorial video that demonstra...

How To: Determine the active hand for a palm reading

Palmist and astrologer Peeter John explains the right, left, and active hand for palm-reading in this how-to video. The active hand is the dominant hand which is more important to be interpreted for palmistry. This video also suggests a method for determining which is the active hand. Watch this video palmistry tutorial from Peter John and learn how to distinguish the active hand for a palm reading.

How To: Use active D-Lighting for your photo shoots

This instructional photography video explains step-by-step the features of active D-Lighting: what it can do and how it affects your images. Active D-Lighting allows you to photograph in various lighting situations for more neutral contrast results. Here is a basic explanation of the settings on a professional Nikon photo camera:

How To: Create active-page button links with CSS and PHP

In this clip, you'll learn how to use PHP and CSS to generate active-page button links for your website. Whether you're new to CSS and the PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor scripting language or are a seasoned web developer merely looking to improve your chops, you're sure to find benefit in this free video programming lesson. For more information, including detailed, step-by-step instructions, take a look.

How To: Move the active cell in a selected range in Excel

New to Microsoft Excel? Looking for a tip? How about a tip so mind-blowingly useful as to qualify as a magic trick? You're in luck. In this MS Excel tutorial from ExcelIsFun, the 389th installment in their series of digital spreadsheet magic tricks, you'll learn how to use a ctrl-period keyboard shortcut to quickly move the active cell in a selected range.

How To: Enable Active Noise Cancellation on Your AirPod Pros

Apple unveiled the latest generation of its flagship earbuds, AirPods Pro, on Monday, Oct. 28. Aside from the increased price tag, new in-ear design, and wider charging case, the biggest change by far is in Active Noise Cancellation. Finally, we can listen to AirPods on a plane, walking by a busy road, anywhere with a lot of noise pollution. But how does it work?

How To: Improve your scratching as a DJ with active listening

Learn how to scratch in a mix by listening to the tracks playing. While DJing might appear simple to the untrained eye, truly mastering the turntables requires as much time and dedication as mastering any other instrument. Fortunately, the internet is awash in free video DJing lessons like this one, which make the learning process easier than it's ever been. For more information, including detailed, step-by-step instructions, take a look

How To: Replace sound alerts with visual cues in Windows 7

In this how-to video, you will learn how to set up Windows 7 that system alerts will come up as images rather than sounds. First, go to start, control panel, and click on ease of access. Next, at the top of the window, click replace sounds with visual keys. Check the box that says Turn on visual notifications. You can choose the different types of visual warnings, such as flash desktop or flash active caption bar. Once this is done, click okay to complete the task. Now your computer is set up...

How To: Enable Javascript and update Flash in IE

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to enable JavaScript and update Flash in Internet Explorer. To update the Flash player, go to the link provided in the description and install it. To update JavaScript, click on Tools and select Internet Options. Then click on the Security tab and click on the Custom Level button. Now scroll down the list and find Active Scripting Option. Check Enable and click OK. When the Prompt window pops up, click Yes and click OK in the Internet Options window. ...

How To: Use Form Tracker in Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro

In this software video tutorial you will learn how to use Form Tracker in Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro. The forms tracker window can be opened by clicking on the 'forms' on the toolbar, or 'forms' in the menu bar or, if Acrobat is not open, by double clicking on the notification button in the tray. Here you are taken to the latest update category. On the left hand side, you will find the response file location. Check its status; whether it is active or not by clicking on 'view responses'. This will gi...

How To: Connect to Xbox Live using your laptop

If you don't have an active WiFi connection, or have one that you are not able to use on your Xbox, check out this tutorial. In this video, learn how to hook your Xbox Live account up to your laptop and share Internet. This works for almost all Windows based laptops or PCs and is not difficult to set up.

How To: Make uTorrent 2.0 faster

This video is about how to make uTorrent 2.0 faster. The first step that you will have to do is to open your uTorrent 2.0. Once you have opened uTorrent 2.0, go to "options" then click "Preferences". Once you have clicked "Preferences", go to "Connection" found on the left side of the window. Then beside the random port, change the numbers to "45682". After you have changed it, go to "Bandwidth". Then change the maximum upload rate to "15". Also change the maximum download rate to "1890". You...

How To: Set up an active speaker system

This video shows you how to set up an active speaker system with a built-in amp. Move the gain up and have it halfway up on the mixer. The actual volume control should be set to 0 prior to moving the gain up and down. Mess around with the gain, and slowly bring the gain up until you are slowly tapping into the ampere. You can mess with the gain until it sounds right. This will increase the bass on our mixer.

How To: Make a model of a space comet

Are you an active or aspiring scientist? In this free educational video from National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, learn how to make a model of a comet, and why models are important to scientists. Get started on a scientific road to discovery with help from this excellent video on how to make a model of a space comet.

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