Anti Trump Protesters Search Results

News: Downloads for Encrypted Messaging App Signal Have Almost Doubled Since Trump Took Office

Signal, the encrypted messaging app, has seen 1.4 million downloads in just the first quarter of 2017—roughly twice the downloads it received in the same period last year. Rani Molla at Recode attributes this to Donald Trump's inauguration, as the private messaging service saw a 40% increase in US downloads between Election Day and the end of the first quarter of 2017.

How To: Make Donald Drumpf Again

John Oliver sunk his teeth into Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump during the long segment on the latest Last Week Tonight. The whole 21-minute video is definitely worth a watch, but the real fun starts around the 18-minute mark.

How To: Play The Card Game "Judgment"

Definition Judgment is a game where you have to predict the number of hands you'll make and try to make those number of hands that you predict. It is a game usually for 3 or more players. Even 2 players can play but then the game won't be that interesting. 5 players can play the game using one deck of 52 cards. Jokers have no role here.

Minecraft: Metropolitan City

I've often marvelled at the complex worlds people come up with on Minecraft. I particularly enjoy looking at maps with skyscrapers and modern structures in modern cities. If you're one of those people too, check out this sneak peek for a tour of a world-class city containing replicas of buildings including the Trump Tower, BMO and one of my favourites: The Bellagio Hotel! The world has been made on the XBOX 360 by a very creative user with the gamertag: TH3 3ND 0F TiM3.

News: Is FireChat the Future of the Internet?

As you already know, Hong Hong has been rocked in recent weeks by protests against their Beijing overlords. Promised free and fair elections, Beijing has reneged on this promise and is now telling Hong Kongians (that's what they're called, aren't they?) that they will only be able to vote on Beijing-selected candidates. All that is interesting from a political perspective, but from a technological perspective, the more intriguing story is how the protesters are communicating. Faced with their...

How To: Make a Human Blockade Lockbox

I'll admit it, yes, I support protesting. It doesn't matter what my opinions are about any individual protest—overall, it is a human right and the only way to avoid tyranny. We can't deify Ghandi and demonize American protesters. That shows a silly shortsightedness that we can't afford to dabble in.

How To: Define an antiderivative in calculus

The relationship and the definition of derivatives and anti-derivatives is described in this video. First, consider a function F(x)=x^3-5x+2 and another with small 'f', f(x)=3x-5. f(x) here is the derivative of F(x). However, on the contrary, F(x) is said to be the anti-derivative of f(x). There is a catch though; even though F(x) has only one derivative in the form of f(x), f(x) here has more than one anti-derivative. This is because f(x)'s anti-derivatives are of the form F(x)=x^3-5x+c, whe...

How To: Define an indefinite integral in calculus

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to define an indefinite integral in calculus. Finding the anti-derivatives of a function is called anti-differentiation. The f(x) is the derivative of F(x), while F(x) is the anti-derivative of f(x). If F(x) is the anti-derivative of f(x), then F(x) + c are all anti-derivatives of f(x). This video is very descriptive and clearly explains all the functions of this mathematical function. This video will benefit those viewers who are students, and are in...

News: Pentagon prepares re-education camps for political activists

On May Day in 1971, the US Army rounded up approximately 7,000 protesters into a stadium in Washington, DC that they treated like a make-shift prison camp. Have things changed in the past 40 years? Now a Department of Defense document has been leaked to the Web that details "Internment and Resettlement Operations." The manual outlines policies for processing detainees in internment camps domestically and abroad and how to "re-educate" unruly activists. Alex Jones, host of the Alex Jones Show,...

How To: Remove a rogue anti-virus software from your PC

Trojans, viruses, and malware can be more than a simple nuisance to your computer--they can destroy data and ruin your system. This video tutorial shows how to get rid of malicious software on your computer. When combating a virus, it's best to use multiple applications to insure system extraction.

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