Apartment Rooftops Search Results

How To: Set up a hydroponic herb garden on your rooftop

Setting up a hydroponic herb garden might sound like a dauntingly big project but, as this clip demonstrates, it's much more manageable than you might expect. It's so straightforward, in fact, that this gardener's guide can present a complete and thorough overview of the process in just over three minutes' time. For more information, and to get started setting up your own rooftop hydroponic flower or vegetable garden, take a look!

How To: Get the rooftop wanted poster of Vladimir Semotan (aka Preacher) in Mafia II

Despite how easy it looks in this video, finding and acquiring this rooftop wanted poster in Mafia II is not a simple task. But, if you're determined to get the wanted poster of drug trafficker Vladimir Semotan (aka Preacher), then follow along the best you can. Geoff and Jack from Achievement Hunter will show you the way to the roof of the Authorized Repair Shop to grab the poster, which will bring you one step closer to the Card Sharp achievement on the Xbox 360.

Walkthrough Assassin's Creed 2: Mission 61

Caged Fighter: Make your way across town and you'll find an injured soldier on the rooftops that gives you some new information on finding Bartolomeo, who should in turn help you with Silvio. You get a large green area added to your map, but note that it's overlapped by a restricted area. Expect trouble.

How To: Get on the rooftops in the Skate 3 demo

If you haven't tried it yet, the Skate 3 demo is pretty wicked. Not only are you able to complete various challenges and tasks, but you can also do a bunch of different glitches as well. This one in particular involves being able to get on top of rooftops with ease. All you need to do is set some items up around the area and it should be a breeze. So check out the tutorial above and good luck!

How To: Make a Window Garden to Grow Food in a Small Space

Growing whatever food that you can yourself is tremendously good for the environment because industrial food production has all sorts of ecological problems. If you live in an apartment, it might seem impossible to grow your own food. Think again! This video will show you how to make a window garden in your apartment and use it to grow herbs and other small crops, decreasing your carbon footprint and making your meals more green.

How To: Install a Hanging Room Divider - IKEA KVARTAL

Whether you own or rent, it’s not always easy to decorate a studio apartment to keep the bed out of sight. In this episode, you’ll see how to divide a studio apartment with an IKEA KVARTAL system. Panels, curtains and art hanging from the ceiling tracks give the illusion of a wall, creating a separate living room that’s easy to open up anytime. All it takes is a few simple tricks and you’ll see what an easy project this is for decorating a studio apartment or any space that could use a room d...

How To: 5 Apartment Improvements You Can Do in an Hour

Presented by Apartments.com When looking for a new apartment, it's hard not to notice the improvements (on large and small scale) needed prior to moving in. While your landlord may be taking care of new carpeting, cleaning the central air vents, and fresh paint on the walls, there may be some additional improvements on your list that you can take care of on your own. Here are five quick improvements you can check off your list before the big move.

How To: Play Mission 2 in Splinter Cell: Conviction co-op mode

The co-op story mode in the new Splinter Cell: Conviction game has plenty of missions, which allow you and a buddy to play next to each other in front of one Xbox 360. Achievement Hunter presents this three-part video which gives a walkthrough on the 2nd mission in the co-op story mode: Russian Embassy. Jack and Geoff walk you through the Consular Offices, Public Building, and Rooftop until you finally tag team the helicopter ride home.

How To: Make a soldering iron out of a graphite pencil and jumper cables

Now this is one how-to video you probably don't come across often. While most jewelry makers and welders probably purchase their soldering irons, it's actually possible to make your own soldering iron out of graphite pencil, car battery and jumper cables. We know it sounds like you're going to end up lit up like those much-parodied dads trying to set up Christmas lights on the rooftop during the holidays, but this process actually works quite well.

Walkthrough Left 4 Dead 2: C4, Hard Rain - Town Return

And just when you thought it was safe in town, you come back and find out it's like you were never there. Zombies everywhere. Watch this L4D2 walkthrough to play Campaign 4: Hard Rain - Return to Town. Gather any equipment and head out of the safehouse. The suburban neighborhood you travelled through last time is now flooded. You will want to spend as little time as possible wading through water. Try to look for rooftops or makeshift walkways to maximize your maneuverability. After dropping d...

How To: Straighten your photos using Photoshop CS4

In this how-to video, you will learn how to straighten crooked photos in Photoshop. First, open the photo you want to straighten in Photoshop. Next, use the ruler tool under the eye dropper tool. Select it and zoom in to an area. Find a crooked line to straighten, such as a building rooftop or ground line of some sort. Click, hold, and drag. Next, zoom out. Go to image, image rotation, and arbitrary. Click okay and your image will be adjusted. Go to the crop tool and crop out the spaces. Hit ...

How To: Shape bread dough into a sandwich loaf

Need to know how to make a sandwich-style loaf from bread dough? Then you need this quick guide from Apartment Therapy. With the proper technique, making your own loaves of bread can be easy. So easy, in fact, that this free video cooking lesson can present a complete overview of the process in about a minute. For more information, and to get started making your own loaves, take a look.

How To: Carve a whole roasted chicken

Need to know how to carve up a whole roast chicken? Then you need this quick guide from Apartment Therapy. With the proper technique, carving a chicken can be easy. So easy, in fact, that this free video cooking lesson can present a complete overview of the process in about two minutes. For more information, and to get started carving up poultry yourself, take a look.

How To: Toilet train the cat

Information provided by Karawynn Long's website and her cat Misha. This is one of a few excellent cat training videos. You'd be amazed at what those felines can do. Poop in the toilet is just the beginning. Feline pine is eco-friendly and great for apartments & flushable!

How To: Create an Entryway Using Ikea Billy Bookcases

Small studio apartment decorating can be challenging, especially when it comes to creating separate zones and keeping clutter at bay. In this video, you'll see how to create an entryway using Ikea Billy bookcases and natural jute grasscloth. This bookcase room divider serves many functions, including separating the bedroom from the rest of the space, and providing extra storage, crucial to organizing small spaces. And best of all, you can take your bookcase wall with you when you move out!

How To: Decorate a Small Balcony

In this episode, see how to decorate a small balcony to add livable square footage to your apartment by installing a reed fence, and making a bench out of a few plastic storage containers and plywood. There’s even room to include a balcony garden with a raised planter. These balcony decorating ideas can also be used for small patios and decks and will inspire you to create your very own outdoor oasis.

How To: Make a Drum Shade

Do you like everything about your apartment, except for that unsightly ceiling light fixture? No need to replace it, just cover it up with a DIY drum shade – it will instantly give your room a more sophisticated and personalized look. See how easy it is to make a customized drum shade that will fit any décor, all with inexpensive and easily sourced materials. This is do it yourself lighting on a budget that’s perfect for renters and anyone looking for a quick upgrade to their lighting fixtures.

How To: Fry an egg with a runny yolk

Interested in making fried eggs with runny yolks? Then you need this quick guide from Apartment Therapy. With the proper technique, making frying eggs can be easy. So easy, in fact, that this free video cooking lesson can present a complete overview of the process in about three minutes. For more information, and to get started making your own sunny fried eggs, take a look.

How To: Knead bread dough by hand when baking

Need to know how knead dough by hand? Then you need this quick guide from Apartment Therapy. With the proper technique, making your own loaves of bread can be easy. So easy, in fact, that this free video cooking lesson can present a complete overview of the process in about eight minutes. For more information, and to get started kneading your own bread dough, take a look.

How To: Make a fireplace in Minecraft

The ability to control fire has allowed humankind to go from living in dank caves to penthouse apartments in one thousand foot tall glass skyscrapers. It'll help you in Minecraft, too. Check out this video to learn how to build a fireplace in Minecraft

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