Bodybuilders Eat Search Results

How To: Do a pec pump chest workout to gain muscle for advanced bodybuilders

If you've ever seriously committed to an exercise program (so we don't mean hitting the gym a week in a row because of vacation guilt and then stopping entirely), then you'reknow what happens after doing the same round of exercises a few times: You plateau. It's super frustrating because you know you're trying your hardest, but what happens is your muscles go into maintence mode and are adjusting to your exercises, so they don't have to work as hard. How do you still gain muscle and keep losi...

How To: Gain weight on a vegan or raw diet

Kevin Gianni of the Renegade Health Show interviews vegan bodybuilder Robert Cheeke. Since a vegan diet doesn't consist of any dairy products or meat, vegans can often find themselves losing weight. Robert Cheeke shares his secrets on how he gained weight while following a vegan diet and how he gained muscle mass. Robert says that the toughest challenge is putting the time and effort into gaining weight by eating the right things at the right times and being consistent. Hard work will pay off.

How To: Do a bodybuilding 45 minute back workout

Here is a killer 45 minute back workout that you can do at home with just a set of dumbbells and a pullup bar. This is a back (lats,latissimus dorsi)workout for the advanced bodybuilder. Make sure you have done warm-up sets for both biceps and triceps before starting this workout because we start in with really heavy weights and you don't want to get injured.

How To: Do push ups for bodybuilding

In Scooby's opinion, pushups are the #1 best exercise you can do! They are simple to do and are a great upper body workout for the complete beginner or the advanced bodybuilder. You can get a complete upper body workout by combining these pushups with crunches and pullups, all of which can be done easily at home.

How To: Do a finishing exercise to get bigger biceps

Are you looking to get big, burly arms? If you are into bodybuilding, or are just trying to perfect your physique.. have a look at this video. In it, you will learn how to do a finishing exercise and get bigger biceps. It is probably best if you do these exercises as a more seasoned bodybuilder, so that you do not hurt yourself.

How To: Remove calluses for bodybuilders

Calluses can become a big problem for weightlifters, which is caused by not wearing gloves when you're lifting weights. The friction between the hand and the bar caused by the movement and weight is the factor for getting a callus. Easy way to remove them is using a product called Calluses and scab remover. Apply liberally to spots making sure not to miss any spots. Allow to sit for one to two days and then presto you should see that your calluses have regressed or disappeared completely.

How To: Do backpack pushups

Pushups are a great workout. But if you think you're ready to take it to the next level, you should consider incorporating backback pushups into your workout. The added weight will give your muscles added strength and give an exciting new take on a simple exercise.

How To: Wash hands before eating bread, as per Jewish law

This animated video, produced by Jewish Pathways, demonstrates how to wash your hands in accordance with Jewish law before eating bread. Besides cleanliness and holiness, the instant reason the rabbis call for washing before bread is to keep alive the memory of the proper treatment of teruma (the first priestly tithe that may be eaten only by kohanim and their instant families, and that must be eaten only in the absence of any tum’ah – ritual defilement).

How To: Eat watermelon

Petey Greene shows you how to be yourself and eat watermelon. In this clip from civil rights activist Petey Greene's Washington DC television program in the Spring of 1982, Greene explains how to eat watermelon. Utterly bizarre. Also, pointers on eating corn and fried chicken.

How To: Eat Sushi the Way the Japanese Do

The last time you ate sushi, how exactly did you eat it? Did you hold the piece of sushi between your chopsticks and then dip it in a concoction of soy sauce and wasabi? We know lots of Americanized Japanese restaurants serve their sushi this way these days, but all of this is wrong.

How To: Eat properly and lower high cholesterol

Many Americans have high cholesterol and the foods we eat are often the cause of the problem. In this episode of Ask Amy, learn how to choose your foods wisely and actually lower your cholesterol by eating better. You don't have to sacrifice everything you love for your cholesterol, but adding in some of these healthy alternatives will certainly help.

How To: Eat nutritiously for better health

Looking to make a nutritious change in your life? By choosing the right foods in the right amounts, you can reap rewards that will benefit you in all aspects of your life. In this tutorial, learn how to eat healthy and make positive changes in what you consume.

How To: Create a man-eating plant and a severed finger props

This video will teach you how to make two awesome props for you films for the price of one! Well, technically it's all free, but still, 2 for 1! You will learn how to make man-eating plant and a severed finger props, with instructions given by devoted viewers of Indy Mogul like you. All you need to make this stuff work is $35 for each project.

How To: Make tasty kebabs and snacks for kids' lunch boxes

Eating healthy does not mean crunching on cardboard 24/7, even if that's what your kids think. While it's always easy to reach for a neat package of Cheetos and toss that into your kid's lunchbox for school, doing so means you're giving them a hefy serving of artificial coloring (some of which has been linked to cancer), artificial flavoring, and high fructose corn syrup.

How To: Eat & extract water from a cactus

John Campbell demonstrates how to eat and extract water from a cactus. You can eat a cactus from the hedgehog plant family. First, cut off the top of the cactus and skin down the sides, cutting off the cactus spines. Cutting the cactus will not hurt it because it can heal itself. The cactus meat will be like a sticky cucumber. Try to avoid the central core because it is stringy but you can eat the cactus meat. Wrap the meat in a bandana, squish it and wring it out to extract the water from th...

How To: Eat fuyu persimmons raw and cooked

With the arrival of fall come persimmons. One of the kinds of persimmon called Fuyu persimmons, also called sharon, are in season from September through December. What you need to look out for is that they are firm and have a nice orange color overall with smooth skin. If a persimmon does not comply to this, let it ripen on the counter until it reaches a bright overall coloring and then just eat it or use it in a salad. There are two types of persimmons, the Fuyu is better suited to be eaten ...

How To: Become a fruitarian and eat a healthy raw fruit diet

Fruitarians eat only raw fruit and seeds, both for their health—they think cooked food is toxic—and for the environment’s, since they believe that eating vegetables “kills” the plant. This is similar to raw foodist idealogy of eating all live vegan diet. Try it out and you might find you have more energy and lose weight. It's also high in anti-oxidants. They also eat primarily organic and non- GMO (genetically modified foods). This is an eco-friendly diet that uses less energy to get nutrients.

How To: Measure food quantities for healthier eating

When eating healthy, try this strategy to feeling fuller on fewer calories. This diet and health how-to video is part of Healthy Appetite with Ellie Krieger show hosted by Ellie Krieger. Cooking healthy food can be quick, easy, but most of all, delicious. Nutritionist and author Ellie Krieger has created fast and simple healthy recipes for the real world. She'll show you how simple it can be to stay on the healthy track no matter how busy and stressful your life is. Ellie also has strategies ...

How To: Make a healthy chicken wrap for your kid's lunchbox

With obesity now a confirmed epidemic in the United States, we should be putting more emphasis than ever on how we feed our children and what they consume at school. While many educational instititions sell salads and healthier options like apples and carrot sticks, these foods often don't catch your kids' attention when they're placed side-by-side with cheeseburgers and calzones.

How To: Use the verb "have" for eating and drinking

In this tutorial, we learn how to use the verb "have" for eating and drinking. When someone asks you what you are eating or what you did eat, you will have to use the word "have" to answer or even if you want to ask the question you have. An example of asking something a question like this would be, "what do you usually have for breakfast, lunch or dinner?" Any question with meals will have the word "have" mixed into it, because it's asking what you are going to or have eating in a different ...

How To: Lose belly fat by avoiding junk food

In this tutorial, we learn how to lose belly fat by avoiding junk food. If you eat too many bad fats, they will store inside of your body and cause several health problems for you. The more you eat, the more your body will store and it will be harder for you to burn off, causing you to become overweight. To achieve a flat stomach, you will just need to make sure you are eating healthy foods. Make sure you are not eating foods with a lot of high sugar content or quick burning carbs. Once you s...

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