Bubbling Effervescence Search Results

How To: Cook sugar glazed pecans

Looking for a healthy dessert? You say pee-cans, I say pe-cahns. Sugar glazed pecans can be served as a holiday dessert, a festive snack, a gift for a friend, or an everyday healthy snack. Four eggs, non-stick spray, ginger ale (for effervescence), salt cinnamon, sugar, and eight cups of pecans. Baking the nuts will help release their natural flavor.

How To: Blow bubble rings underwater

Anyone can blow bubbles with that soap formula and a bubble wand, but what about blowing bubbles rings underwater. It surprisingly, isn't too much different from blowing regular bubbles underwater. You'll need to be able to hold your breath for a long time and to be able to stay under the water's surface (the deeper you can go, the longer the bubble ring will last). Watch this video bubble-blowing tutorial and learn how to blow bubble rings underwater.

How To: Create bubble text in Adobe Photoshop

Need a little help with your new Adobe Photoshop graphics editing program? Working with Photoshop can be a bit tough if you don't know what you're doing, so instead of getting out the books, check out this 'no nonsense' video tutorial to learn how to create bubble text in Adobe Photoshop. Photo manipulating and editing is always tricky, so just watch to see how to create bubble text, for beginners.

How To: Create a speech bubble in Photoshop

In this Photoshop tutorial video from Tasktutorial, the host leads you through the process of creating a speech bubble in Photoshop. As you watch this video and follow along with the host, you will learn how to create a speech bubble, like they use in the comics. You will also learn how to add color and blur effects to it, to give it a more three dimensional feel, as well as how to use the stroke effect to give it that comic book outline when you're done.

How To: Make exploding dry ice bubbles

This is a dry ice experiment for Halloween fun with bubbles. Mr Brunner shows us how to grow dry ice bubbles in buckets. This experiment is super easy and very interesting. You need soap, cloth strips and a big bowl. Oh and of course dry ice. This takes a couple of minutes to explode so be patient.

How To: Make a maple leaf with two balloons

This video shows viewers how to create a maple leaf using two long balloons which are used for making animal balloons. You will begin by inflating the first balloon, leaving a few inches of empty space at the end of the balloon. Begin by making two small bubbles by twisting the balloon and creating consecutive bubbles in the balloon. Follow these with two larger bubbles and 3 more smaller ones, to create a hexagon shape. Continue to create small bubbles, folding them into each other to create...

How To: Blow a bubble with bubble gum

Blowing bubbles isn't just a way to waste time at the bus stop… It's an art form! In this tutorial, you'll learn how to blow bubbles that will dazzle your friends. There are also various examples of people blowing bubbles, to show you how it's done.

How to Make Propane Bubbles: Fire You Can Hold

You must ONLY conduct this experiment if you are experienced in using combustibles and understand the risk. Fire is very dangerous and can seriously burn you. Seems harmless at first, but believe me, these are bubbles turned evil. When ignited, the bubbles pop almost instantly, and all the propane is released in a huge fireball.

How To: Design a bubbles brush in Adobe Photoshop

Add air bubbles to an image with a custom-made bubble brush. Whether you're new to Adobe's popular image editing software or simply looking to pick up a few new tips and tricks, you're sure to benefit from this free video tutorial from the folks at IT Stuff TV. For more information, including step-by-step instructions on how to get started making your own bubble brushes in Photoshop, watch this graphic designer's guide.

How To: Make burning soap bubbles

Learn how to make bubbles burn in this science video tutorial. You will see exactly how to make burning bubbles, with aerosol spray deodorant, a bowl of water, and liquid soap. It's a pretty simple experiment -- you just pour some dish soap in the water, stir it, then spray the deodorant can while submerged in water. The final step is lighting the burning bubbles on fire. Yeah!

How To: Make HUGE Soap Bubbles

Learning to make giant bubbles for this video has been the most fun I've had with a project in a long time. It's addicting to try to get them to grow bigger and bigger than the ones before. Since filming this video, my skill has improved tremendously and the bubbles you're about to see, though spectacularly big, are dwarfed by what I've made since. Everyone loves to watch. This is definitely one project that will draw a crowd!

News: Colloidal Display Turns Soapy Bubbles into a Transparent 3D Projection Screen

We've all played with bubbles as kids, but I think most would agree that they're not exactly the most functional of objects. An international team of researchers made up of Yoichi Ochiai, Alexis Oyama and Keisuke Toyoshima wants to change that. They've figured out how to project both 2D and 3D images onto a micro membrane (soap bubble) using ultrasonic sound waves and a standard projector. The bubble is made of a solution of sugar, glycerin, soap, surfactant, water and milk. The glycerin and ...

How To: Make a simple balloon sunflower out of 2 balloons

his video show viewers how to make a basic sunflower out of 2 balloons. First, you should begin with the green balloon which will make the stem. Make sure that both balloons have some empty space at the ends for allowance of air movement during folding. Make two small bubbles on the green balloon and then twist this together with the yellow balloon which will make the petals. Make 6 rather large bubbles to form the petals. Make a loop with the yellow balloon after all 6 bubbles are made and a...

How To: Make Amazing Dessert Art Using Bubble Wrap

The internet was blowing up recently over this mind-blowing, mouth-watering video of a woman making a cake decoration out of… wait for it… chocolate bubble wrap. Yes, that's right: she turned the ubiquitous packing material into the mold for an absolutely gorgeous cake embellishment that, deservedly, went viral. You can watch the video below.

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