Conventionally Search Results

Decoding Produce Stickers: The Hidden Meaning Behind Fruit & Vegetable Labels

Like Costco's price codes or the tags on your bread, the numerical codes printed on those sticky little fruit and vegetable labels can reveal a lot of information to us consumers. Once you understand the codes, you can look at that little label (also known as PLU, or "price look up" label) and know whether the produce you're about to buy or eat was treated with pesticides, genetically modified, both, or neither. Before we go any further with deciphering the codes on these labels, let's take a...

Organic Produce: Do I Have to Buy It?

There are some fruits and vegetables that contain many pesticides and are dangerous to consume on a regular basis. However, there are also many that are fine if they are grown conventionally. Sometimes buying organic can be expensive. This guide to the "Clean 15" and the "Dirty Dozen" shows you when to go organic, and when you can save your $$$. Check it out!

OL's Favorites: Chez Panisse Vegetables Cookbook

Chez Panisse Vegetables has been a sort of farmers market "bible" for me.  When I first started going to farmers markets I kept reaching for the same vegetables I had conventionally used for years. I felt overwhelmed by the cornucopia of earthly riches as I reached past crisp daikon, funny looking fava beans, and brilliantly colored radicchio. Yes, I knew what some of these things were but I didn't know how to use them in the kitchen. Then this book changed my world. For over 25 years Alice W...

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