Deadly High Explosive Search Results

How To: Build bar shells and other explosives

In this tutorial, we learn how to build bar shells and other explosives. First, you will need to pack up the explosives into a container tightly. Then, you will need to wrap it up inside of string tightly and tie it shut tightly. Apply a piece of thick paper over the explosive and then tie it shut again. Once you are finished, you can place all of these inside of a large tub and carry out to use as explosives. Make sure to do this carefully and don't light these when you are close to them, or...

How To: Make a prop movie bomb

Dynamite your way to movie success with an explosive bomb. A fake explosive bomb, of course. TNT on a timer is a great movie effect for you action flick. Watch this video tutorial to learn how to make a prop movie bomb.

How To: Quickly kill a Big Daddy in Bioshock

One of the biggest challenges in Bioshock are the Big Daddies. They roam throughout the game protecting the Little Sister. Naturally, the best way to kill a Big Daddy is by obtaining a lot of explosives, and that's precisely what Sam of Game Almighty does. This video shows how to create a very powerful explosive barrel used to kill the Elite Big Daddy in a matter of seconds.

How To: Create exploding water

Watch this instructional science video to learn how to create hydrogen from water, salt and electricity, for only a few dollars. This is an experiment that produces explosive gases, involves electricity and water and a number of risks so please be careful. Not an experiment to be performed by idiots. Create exploding water with this educational tutorial.

How To: Get the Armory of One achievement in Left 4 Dead 2

It's time to lock, load, and prepare to kill some zombies. In this Left 4 Dead 2 tutorial, you'll find out how to easily unlock the Armory of One achievement. In order to get it, you'll need to find and drop an ammo crate for your teammates to pick up. They spawn from explosive ammor to fire ammo and can be used to help end those zombies lives.

How To: Mix an Irish Car bomb

It doesn't need to be St. Patrick's Day, nor do you need to be a member of the IRA to enjoy the explosive cocktail concoction known as the Irish Car Bomb. You will need Guinness beer, Bailey's Irish Cream, Irish whisky, a pint glass, and a shot glass. It sort of tastes like alocholic chocolate milk. Watch this video specialty drink-making tutorial and learn how to build an Irish Car bomb cocktail.

How To: Tone abs with a wood-chopper exercise

The "wood-chopper" isn't just for lumberjacks. You can get the full woodsman workout yourself, without the axe! Men's Health shows you how to do the wood-chopper exercise, and when you power through this move, your upper and lower body, along with your core muscles, are working to the max.

News: Explosive Polymerization Is Basically Magic

This video is by Adrian McLaughlin, aka plasticraincoat1 on YouTube, who shows us one of the most magnificent examples of explosive polymerization ever. In the video, what appears to be about 1/2 tsp of p-nitroaniline (which is short for para-nitroaniline, which is also referred to as 4-nitroaniline) is treated with a few drops of concentrated sulfuric acid, in a ceramic dish, over a Bunsen burner flame.

How To: Use the ISA M327 grenade launcher in Killzone 2

Killzone 2 is the latest iteration of one of the Playstation 3's only reputable exclusive series. It's a great shooter, and has many guns that are well-balanced and each offer distinct advantages. If you want to master the game, you'd better know how to use each one properly. This video will teach you everything you need to know about the ISA M327 grenade launcher, a rapid-fire close-range highly-explosive weapon great for clearing an area.

How To: Create a nuclear blast on 2D surface in After Effects

Not TOO many Western people want to see the United States nuked into the stone age. Some do, but not too many. Now you can simulate the effect on your computer! This video will show you how to use After Effects to simulate the effect of a nuclear blast or other major explosive catastrophe on a map of the US in 2D. This effect is used in many video games and movies, so master it yourself and we promise that you'll find cause to use it again at some point.

How To: Chain Fuse Smoke Bombs & Sparklers

The chain fuse is one of the linchpins of every elaborate fireworks display that you've ever seen. This video shows you how to construct one at home using some cool colored smoke bombs and sparklers. Create a colorful display for your friends and family on the 4th of July and any other occasion where you feel like lighting some fused explosives in a series.

How To: Do a side box jump exercise

This tutorial demonstrates a plyometrics sports training exercise. This side box jump workout was developed to increase your overall sports performance. This how to video explains a plyometric side box jump exercise and how you can incorporate this explosive training into your routine to develop your speed and power to become bigger, faster and stronger.

How To: Do the knee tuck jump

This tutorial demonstrates plyometrics sports training exercise. This knee tuck jump workout were developed to increase your overall sports performance. This how to video explains a plyometric exercise and how you can incorporate this explosive training into your routine to develop your speed and power to become bigger, faster and stronger.

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