Exploited Search Results

How To: Eavesdrop on a Bluetooth headset

Few Bluetooth users realize that Bluetooth headsets can be hacked or otherwise exploited to a remote attacker the ability to record and inject audio through the headset while the device is not in an active call. SANS Institute author and senior instructor Joshua Wright demonstrates, and explains, the security vulnerability in this how-to. For more information, including step-by-step instructions on how you can replicate this hack yourself, take a look.

How To: Use the overworked defender tactic in a game of chess

Ever here of the "overworked" defender" chess move? Of course you have, but that doesn't mean you know how to pull it off. See how to do it, right here. A chess piece is overworked when it has more than one defensive job (guarding pieces or squares) to do. Typically, the overworked piece is exploited by capturing one of the pieces it's defending or occupying a square it's defending. This forces it to leave one of its defensive jobs usually resulting in material loss or checkmate.

How To: Do the Modern Warfare 2 javelin glitch

The javelin glitch in Modern Warfare 2 is currently being exploited for great and evil purposes. Watch this video to learn how to take advantage of this glitch, for both the XBox 360 and the PS3. Fair warning, though: doing this glitch could get you banned by the powers that be at XBox Live.

Hack Like a Pro: Metasploit for the Aspiring Hacker, Part 11 (Post-Exploitation with Mimikatz)

Welcome back, my neophyte hackers! Metasploit is such a powerful tool that I can only scratch the surface of its capabilities here. As it has developed over the years, it is now possible to use Metasploit for nearly everything from recon to post exploitation to covering your tracks. Given its versatility, every aspiring hacker should have at least a tentative grasp of Metasploit.

How To: Inject Coinhive Miners into Public Wi-Fi Hotspots

Coinhive, a JavaScript cryptocurrency miner, was reportedly discovered on the BlackBerry Mobile website. It was placed there by hackers who exploited a vulnerability in the site's e-commerce software that allowed them to anonymously mine cryptocurrency every time the website was viewed. There's no doubt Coinhive, an innovative mining method, is being abused and exploited by hackers in the wild.

How To: Hack WPA WiFi Passwords by Cracking the WPS PIN

A flaw in WPS, or WiFi Protected Setup, known about for over a year by TNS, was finally exploited with proof of concept code. Both TNS, the discoverers of the exploit and Stefan at .braindump have created their respective "reaver" and "wpscrack" programs to exploit the WPS vulnerability. From this exploit, the WPA password can be recovered almost instantly in plain-text once the attack on the access point WPS is initiated, which normally takes 2-10 hours (depending on which program you use).

How To: Use the Koadic Command & Control Remote Access Toolkit for Windows Post-Exploitation

Koadic allows hackers to monitor and control exploited Windows systems remotely. The tool facilitates remote access to Windows devices via the Windows Script Host, working with practically every version of Windows. Koadic is capable of sitting entirely in memory to evade detection and is able to cryptographically secure its own web command-and-control communications.

How To: Seize Control of a Router with RouterSploit

A router is the core of anyone's internet experience, but most people don't spend much time setting up this critical piece of hardware. Old firmware, default passwords, and other configuration issues continue to haunt many organizations. Exploiting the poor, neglected computer inside these routers has become so popular and easy that automated tools have been created to make the process a breeze.

How To: Use Command Injection to Pop a Reverse Shell on a Web Server

Command injection is a technique used by hackers to execute system commands on a server, usually via a web application or some kind of GUI. This can happen when an application provides some sort of functionality to the user involving the use of system commands. When the input is not properly sanitized, commands not originally intended to be run are allowed to be executed.

Hack Like a Pro: How to Hack the Shellshock Vulnerability

Welcome back, my hacker novitiates! Every so often, a MAJOR vulnerability appears that makes millions of systems vulnerable to attack. The most recent, named Shellshock, basically leaves every Mac OS X, Linux, and UNIX system on the planet vulnerable. As nearly two-thirds of all web servers on planet Earth run one of these operating systems (primarily Linux), that's a whole lot of systems out there waiting to be harvested.

How To: Scan for Vulnerabilities on Any Website Using Nikto

Before attacking any website, a hacker or penetration tester will first compile a list of target surfaces. After they've used some good recon and found the right places to point their scope at, they'll use a web server scanning tool such as Nikto for hunting down vulnerabilities that could be potential attack vectors.

Social Engineering: How to Use Persuasion to Compromise a Human Target

Social engineering makes headlines because human behavior is often the weakest link of even well-defended targets. Automated social engineering tools can help reclusive hackers touch these techniques, but the study of how to hack human interactions in person is often ignored. Today, we will examine how to use subtle, hard to detect persuasion techniques to compromise a human target.

How To: Fix Your Hacked and Malware-Infested Website with Google

While websites may run smoothly without any noticeable vulnerabilities, there's always the looming threat that any background weakness in the site can be exploited by hackers. Once a site is compromised, it can be difficult to get it fixed without the proper help. Google has recently launched a new series entitled "Webmasters help for hacked sites”, which teaches web developers and site owners how to avoid getting hacked and how to recover their website if it gets compromised in any way.

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