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How To: Setup your HP TouchPad using the initial webOS wizard

If you were one of the lucky individuals to score a TouchPad before HP discountinued them, you will need to proceed through the initial setup wizard when you turn on the device for the first time, or after performing a data wipe and reset on the tablet. This guide will walk you through everything from accepting the terms & conditions, connecting to a Wi-Fi network, and creating a webOS account for the first time.

How To: Create an initial state when working in RealFlow

See how to generate an initial state within RealFlow with this software tutorial. Whether you're new to RealFlow's popular fluids and body modeling software or are just looking to get better acquainted with the application its various features and functions, you're sure to enjoy this free video software tutorial. For more information, and to get started using this trick in your own RealFlow projects, watch this 3D modeler's guide.

Watch Out Facebook & Twitter: Google's Stepping Up Their Live-Streaming Game

Live streaming has emerged as a major part of the way people share information. With celebrities and news/media personalities utilizing mobile live streaming effectively to reach thousands, the appeal has bolstered the fortunes of Twitter's Periscope and Facebook's Live. Now, Google is ready to join the fray, and it's backed by its enormous YouTube property. According to initial reports, Google is at work on a brand new application for YouTube simply called "Connect," which will take its curr...

How To: Perform the initial setup of your Mac Mini server

How to Use Your Mac as a Server: Turn your Mac Mini into a server! Yes, that's right, with a little know-how and a little spunk, you can turn an inexpensive Mac Mini computer into a server to provide services over you network. You won't even need the Mac OS X Server, just the Mac OS X Client, so there is no extra software to buy, just the Mac Mini and it's operating system.

How To: Hide Contact Photos from Your Apple Messages List & Conversations to Declutter the Interface

The Messages app on iOS features contact photos for every one of your conversations — including group chats. Even if you don't have a picture for a specific contact, their initials will appear instead. For non-contacts, a generic profile avatar appears. These give threads a bit of flare, but if you're looking for extra privacy or don't enjoy the look, you can easily hide those images and icons.

News: Google Joins Netflix in Shaming ISPs into Faster Service

Netflix releases monthly reports on major ISPs relating to how well their service works on each provider. The purpose is to educate the public on their choice of service provider, but since many of us hardly have any choice at all when is comes to an ISP, it backhandedly works to shame them (if they're even capable of feeling shame under all those millions of dollars).

How To: Use the reporting features in AxoSoft OnTime

Need some help getting started running reports? This installment from Axosoft's own series of video tutorials on the OnTime Project Management Suite covers the basics of running reports and sending data to those reports. Did you know there are four ways you can manipulate what data is sent to a report without any direct report customization? Take a look!

How To: Use the TextNow 4.0 App to send unlimited texts on the iPhone

TextNow is a great App for the iPhone that allows you to, for a $1 initial fee, send unlimited text messages to any other TextNow user without using any of the precious limited texts on your AT&T plan. The App is very easy to use, requires only a modest amount of additional money to keep using it forever, and will probably wind up saving you money in the long run by cutting down your monthly billed texts.

How To: Create reports & pass parameters in C# programming with Visual Studio

If you're not sure about creating reports in Visual Studio, this two-part video will cover the entire process. This assumes that you already know a few things in Microsoft Visual Studio and the C# programming language. So, if you're not a beginner and still need help to create reports from data in the SQL Server, this is how you do it. Also, learn a quick and easy way to pass parameters to reports in C#.

How To: KitKat Leaked! How to Install the Latest Android 4.4.2 Build on Your AT&T Samsung Galaxy Note 3

The @DesignGears guys have been busy today, leaking an unofficial KitKat build (Android version 4.4.2) for the AT&T Samsung Galaxy Note 3. The latest is a peek into what the international variants are beginning to see, although this build is far from official. Still, if you want to give it a shot, I'll show you how to install it, but make sure to check out the details below the how-to to see what you can expect, good or bad.

How To: Create a metallic 3D logo with Cinema 4D and Photoshop

Create a three-dimensional logo in Cinema 4D and Photoshop with realistic lighting, reflection and shadows. The render is created in 3D inside Cinema 4D using Mograph Text and a bend deformer, textured and lit for initial reflections, and polished in Photoshop with blending modes, blurs and curves. Greyscale Gorilla demonstrates in this informative hour-long video.

News: Update — Apple Linked to OLED Maker Investment, but eMagin CEO Says No Cash from Cupertino

Update: Monday, 11 p.m. ET: In a report from Bloomberg, eMagin CEO Jeffrey Lucas has contradicted what appeared to be investor information found in SEC filings that surfaced on Monday. Although Apple is listed among several other investors in the company in filing, Lucas told Bloomberg that Apple is not, in fact, an investor in the company. Offering further clarification, Lucas told the news site that eMagin "listed those companies in the filing because it had discussions with them at industr...

How To: Create a watercolor technique with ink pads

This how-to video demonstrates the right skills for stamping with a watercolor technique. You will need non-running inks to stamp the initial image, a specialty brush pen, and watercolor paper. This watercolor effect is pretty, and can add some different texture to your stamped images. Watch this video tutorial and learn how to make a watercolor look with stamps.

How To: Wrap a logo around a photo in Photoshop

In this tutorial you will learn to wrap a logo around a photographed object in Photoshop. Learn to work with smart objects and label grid to do the job. However, some of the initial steps are not shown in this video, so you might want to listen closely to the narration about the preparation work.

How To: Use the Report Wizard in Microsoft Access 2010

Learn how to work with the Report Wizard tool in Microsoft Access 2010. Whether you're new to Microsoft's popular database management application or a seasoned MS Office professional just looking to better acquaint yourself with the Access 2010 workflow, you're sure to be well served by this video tutorial. For more information, and to get started using the Report Wizard in your own Access projects, watch this free video guide.

How To: Use reference words in reported speech in English

In this video, we learn how to speak English: Reported Speech/Reference Words. Reported speech is reporting another person's words or telling what someone else said. Indirect speech doesn't use the use the exact words that we use. Examples of reference words are: her, she, herself, him, and himself. Types of references can be pronouns or possessive adjectives. Listen to who the speaker is so you can change the reference words so that the statement is logical. Use this example as a reference: ...

How to Speak English: Reported speech/Indirect speech

In this Language video tutorial you will learn how to report another person's words. In other words how to restate what someone else said. This video focuses on two aspects. #1. What's the difference between quoted and reported speech? #2. When can we use say and tell? In quoted speech you quote the exact words spoken by a person within inverted commas or quotation marks. It is also called direct speech. Here is an example. Jennifer said, "I like birthdays." Whereas, reported speech does not ...

How To: Report a car theft

The first thing that comes to mind when your car is stolen is: ####!! However, once calm, cover these bases when your car is stolen to notify relevant parties and help ensure vehicle recovery or replacement.

How To: Analyze product sales with PivotTable report in Excel

With PivotTable reports in Microsoft Office Excel 2007, your sales report will sparkle with power, flair, and functionality. Take a look at this instructional video to learn how to show the big picture, show all the details, or show anything in between. Easily create multiple worksheets to switch back and forth between the various versions of your report. Sort, filter, and summarize your data any way you like. Show the details of any summary value in your report.

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