Mentions Search Results

How To: Clean your scratched CDs with toothpaste and water

This video is presented by A K Dlnny. The video starts with common location in any household. A K shows a CD which is fairly scratched. Most of us have scratched CDs with us and he teaches us a very simple way of cleaning these CDs. As first step A K takes good portion of common toothpaste on surface of CD and spreads it all over with rubbing it with circular movement of his finger. Once the entire surface is covered then he allows the CD to dry for five minutes. In next step he washes of the...

How To: Control snails & aphids

In this video, Extension Horticulturalist Curtis Smith talks with Master Gardener Marsha groves about controlling harmful pests that are damaging to plants throughout the year in both outdoor garden and greenhouse environments. The first part of the video covers the issue of plant eating snails, and how they might best be dealt with. Smith explains that there are a number of non-toxic methods which one can use to rid a plant of snails. The process of introducing predatory creatures such as tu...

How To: Race your car on the big track of Willow Springs

This video shows a few laps around the big track at Willow Springs International raceway. Colin an instructor at Willow Springs Raceway. He mentions safety rules and race etiquette. He goes over the apex's of turns and vehicle placement. This is a great intro to auto racing and a great chance to experience Nascar in the driver's seat.

How To: Create cute underwear from old t-shirts

You've probably seen old t-shirts being turned into dresses, miniskirts, and if you're a fan of Gianny L, even two-piece bikinis, but you've probably never even thought about it transforming them into underwear. It may seem a bit odd at first, but making these intimate pieces from t-shirts means you can customize the pattern as well as the type of cut (cheeky, granny top, or thong?).

How To: Drive traffic to your website using Twitter

In this tutorial, we learn how to drive traffic to your website using Twitter. To get started, you will sign up for an account and then go to your profile. Start to follow people and have them follow you back as well. If someone mentions your name then all of their followers will see your name and can click on you to see your profile. If you have something interesting on your profile, then they will want to follow you! It's important to have your main website link on your website and a bio wi...

How To: Negotiate your salary without losing the job

This is a video tutorial in the Business & Money category where you are going to learn how to how to negotiate your salary without losing the job. You want more salary but, the company wants to pay less. How do you come to an agreement where both sides are happy? George Black, CEO of RSA Corp, gives tips on how to facilitate salary negotiations. The most important tip is he who mentions money first loses. So what you need to do is say "I am very interested in this position and I would serious...

How To: Build a backyard quarterpipe for snowboarding

In this video, our author, Jimmy Jacobs, shows us how to build a quarter pipe. He shows use many ways to grip the shovel to form our quarter pipe such as “the granny” or the “railroad”. Please make sure your shovel has a sharp tip, otherwise this will be difficult. From here, just repeatedly hit your pile of snow with the sharp tip of your shovel to smooth out the surface. It is important to note that you it helpful to build your pile first, instead of trying to smooth the snow before...

How To: Build confidence by sharing your smile

This video is presented by Patricia Stark. The Patricia Stark says "smile and the whole world smiles with you". She goes onto say that smiling breaks the ice and can let people know your intentions. She mentions that body language experts state that people who do not smile are usually not confident and not prepared. The same studies show that people view those who smile as more intelligent. If you want to look confident and knowledgeable in your next presentation, make sure you smile! Patrici...

How To: Stage your home when selling it

This video is about staging a home for sale. Bridget Kiene, a real estate broker, describes home staging and its significance. Bridget starts with defining home staging and mentions that 92 percent of people advertise their house for sale on the internet. This video also has some tips on home staging, such as, always stage an empty house, create a neutral color palette, eliminate clutter and modernize your decorations. Bridget clearly explains the basic steps we need to follow to sell a house...

How To: Tell the difference between a knit & purl stitch

This video involves making the distinction between two different types of stitches that are used in knitting. To be more specific, the video explains how to differentiate between a knit stitch and a purl stitch. The video is a part of a series of videos that deal with knitting; the speaker mentions that the subject at hand was touched on in a previous video. The speaker explains that is important to understand the difference in knitting so you can keep track of your work. The speaker explains...

How To: Use the HTC Touch Pro 2 camera and video

Celluar Chloe from cellular zone shows us the features of HTC Touch Pro 2 camera and video. She shows us at first some picture quality and then shows us how to take a picture. The features of black and white, auto and etc, the rather settings that one can change when taking a picture. The video quality is poor and one cannot see the phone screen clearly. She shows us how to access each of the features she mentions but does not explain in detailed instructions.

How To: Set up sound output & input in Mac OS

Gary Rosenzweig of MacMost is describing how we can use sound input and output controls on one's Mac computer. He mentions of the availability of multiple input and output devices like built-in mic; line-in etc and speakers , USB headset and provides a detailed information of using each of it; by selecting the one the user requires. He shows how the user can use popular communicating tool the Skype with the Mac laptop. One must go through this video to understand the selection of the output o...

How To: Add tippet to the fly fishing line

Steve Auxley shows how to add tippet to a fly fishing line. He mentions here that you do not add tippet to fishing line, you add it to the leaders. So lets see how you do it. You hold the leader in one hand and about two feet of tippet in another hand. Now you are going to tie a knot between these two. It is called as a “improved surgeons knot”. You just take six inches of the leader and six inches of the tippet and put them together. Then you make a big loop. Next you put the tag end of the ...

How To: Make a YouTube video using Screenflow & iMovie

Mr. Blake is showing us how he uses various features of Screenflow and iMovie 09 for making YouTube videos. He takes us through features of Screenflow which not only includes recording a video but also lets us customize the video wherein you can edit giving various effects to the video with the size or the scale, make changes in the audio, give click effect, change passive things, covered action, add text or other things which also includes media. He also mentions and shows us how to use the ...

How To: Teach your children to multiply early

The gentleman, acting as the Instructor, starts the session immediately by suggesting that to teach early multiplication all parents should practice a method of "Count-by's" with their children when they are very young using ones to ten, twos to twenty, threes to thirty, fours to forty, and so forth. The Instructor then demonstrates this method of counting by tens using a grid behind him on a chalkboard which depicts columns of ten elements. He counts each column from 10 to 100, and then writ...

News: New Evidence Implies Apple Pencil May Work on the New iPhone 11 Models

Although styluses and smartphones have existed together for years, the iPhone has always ignored the pairing. After all, "Who wants a stylus?" But ever since the Apple Pencil made its debut on iPad, the rumor mill has churned out the idea that an iPhone could one day see stylus support. That day will probably come with the release of iPhone 11, and there's a good indicator to make its case.

How To: Use commutators to solve the Rubik's Cube

Want to solve the Rubik's Cube without any algorithms at all? Well, you're in luck. In this video tutorial, you'll learn about commutators, which are sets of moves that only change very small parts of the Cube. All of these things are intuitive and derivable, and there are no mentions of algorithms. After understanding this video, you will most likely be able to intuitively solve the entire Rubik's Cube! Just don't expect to watch this video once and be an expert on Rubiks Cube commutators; y...

How To: Get Notifications Only for Messages You're Tagged In on Your iPhone

Group chats, particularly ones with many active participants, could bombard your iPhone with hundreds of texts in a single day. It can get overwhelming real quick unless you take precautions to hide all notifications for that conversation. But there's another option now, one that'll make sure you only get alerts for the messages that matter to you most in the thread.

News: The 5 Best Free Twitter Clients for iPhone

Twitter's official iOS app is adequate if you're not much of a tweeter, but if you are, there's a lot of useful features that are missing. Luckily, there are plenty of free Twitter clients available that you can use on your iPhone. These third-party apps have features such as customizable interfaces, post scheduling, and different browser options for opening links, to name just a few.

News: Essential Releases Oreo Beta 2 Update

Back in November, Essential opened the Android Oreo Beta Program for all users of their PH-1 flagship. We even wrote up a full guide on how to install the beta, if you're interested. They followed the Oreo beta with a Reddit AMA, where they mentioned the second beta software would arrive very soon. That update has just gone live, so you can grab it right now in a few easy steps.

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