Mere Communicating Search Results

How To: Communicate with your dog

Check out this lesson on how to understand your dog and train her to listen. This video will show you how to use a clicker to communicate with your dog. It will also show you how to teach your dog the "Leave It" command. This is a helpful video for training puppies and older dogs.

How To: Communicate during a bike ride

When you are riding with a group or in a trafficked area, communicating with the people around you is essential for keeping all of you safe. This videos will explain the importance of good communication for riders and show some commonly used hand signals that you can use to signal your fellow riders. These will help you avoid obstacles and have the most fun ride you can.

How To: Communicate with your partner in the Lindy hop

Sosh and Gina continue your Lindy Hop education. This clip will teach you how to communicate with your partner. The front to front, the sling shot, the scissor kick, the swing out, the big turn, are all dance moves distinct to the Lindy Hop. It was named for Charles Lindbergh and his Atlantic crossing in 1927. Black communities invented the moves, and the popularity spread throughout the world.

How To: Communicate with a graphic design client

In this tutorial, we learn how to communicate with a graphic design client. When you are dealing with a graphic design client, you will want to ask them a ton of questions to try to get into their head. If they are hard to deal with, then drop them as a client and don't do business with them. When dealing with other clients, make sure you communicate with them clearly so you both see the same vision and you are working in the right direction. Ask the client what type of budget they have first...

How To: Use Skype telecommunication program

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to use Skype. Skype is a software application that allows users to make voice calls over the Internet. It is very similar to MSN messenger. It allows users to communicate through instant messaging, voice chat or have a video conference. Users are able to communicate with others anywhere in the world who also have Skype. It is a free program. Users will need to make an account and download the program. This video is very descriptive and clearly explain...

How To: Use Skype to communicate via video chat

Skype is an easy to use, safe, and affordable way to keep in touch with people inside the country and outside. This video tutorial will show you how to download the software and set it up so you can call anyone or communicate via video chat. Enjoy!

How To: Find the secret palmistry meaning in the fingers

Just because it's called palm reading doesn't mean it's only "palm" reading. Palmistry involves more than mere palms — it looks at all parts of the grasping side of the hand, including the fingers. And in this two-part video from Jim Winter, a professional palmist, tarot reader, face reader and graphologist, you will learn the secret, underlying meaning behind a person's fingers. Knowing the digits is just as important as knowing the sweaty palm.

How To: Make a 400-watt video light for film or photography

Bring a little life to your films, or maybe a little "light". Watch this video to see how to make your own 400-watt video light for film or photography. You can make this video light with mere parts from the local hardware store, such as plastic paneling (which is cheap, easy to cut and non-conductive), zip ties, 4 plastic bulb sockets, lamp cord (like Romex), a cheap plug, and good and cheap diffusion. With all of these materials, you'll have your own homemade light for any film or photo pro...

How To: Check into a hotel using the Mandarin Chinese language

If you're traveling to China, you'll probably staying at an airport. And that means you could run into some trouble when communicating with the hotel's desk receptionist, who may not speak any English. This video will help you learn some essential words in Mandarin Chinese when checking into a hotel, including how to confirm how many rooms you booked and the duration of your stay. You'll learn the essential words and phrases in Mandarin Chinese for communicating with the hotel receptionist wh...

How To: Communicate with a dog in their own language

In this video, we learn how to communicate with a dog in their own language. First, you will learn common signals that dogs use to calm down other dogs. Dogs offer each other signals constantly and when you start to recognize these you can start to see what your dog is thinking and feeling. Dog thinks they are being obvious and don't understand you don't know you don't understand what they are trying to tell you. The first signal is soft and slow eye blinks. The second is looking away, the th...

How To: Tango using rhythmic communication in 3s and 5s

Tangostudent shows you how to tango using rhythmic communication in 3s and 5s. This is a demo of a lesson that you can learn in a tango class. The class was focused on rhythm in 3, 5 and 7. You also learn how to communicate that rhythm in linear fashion or in turns. You will learn communication through the embrace and how it's communicated, and how dancers balance each other. A sample dance is then shown to illustrate those techniques.

How To: Calculate the percentage of a number

This video presented by Cris Ippolite makes a comparison between flat files and relational databases made with FileMaker Pro 10. It starts by showing flat files, which programs like Microsoft Excel use. Flat files have a big disadvantage: they cannot communicate with other files, even those with related data. If you wish to make your job easier, you should use relational databases. With databases, the tables communicate between one another. Once you store an entry in a table, you can use it i...

How To: Use flat files vs. relational databases with FileMaker

This video, presented by Cris Ippolite, makes a comparison between flat files and relational databases made with FileMaker Pro 10. It starts by showing that programs like Microsoft Excel uses, what in the databases circles, are called flat files. This flat files have a big disadvantage: it cannot communicate with other files even those have related data. So, instead of using those, if you want to ease your job, you should use relational databases. With databases, the tables communicate betwee...

How To: Say "I have brown hair" & other statements in Hindi

In this tutorial, we learn how to say "I have brown hair" & other statements in Hindi. First, learn the basic body parts in Hindi. For example, "I have brown hair" and "I have blue eyes" would translate to, "mere baal bhure hain" and "meri aankhein neeli hain". These sound a bit different when they are translated into English, but that is the proper way to say them in Hindi. Once you have learned how to say the basic body parts and keywords in Hindi, then you will be able to better have basic...

How To: Use basic words in Hindi

In this video, we learn how to use basic words in Hindi. The easiest way to learn the basic words is to hear them and see them at the same time. When you are saying "I" you will say "main" in Hindi. When you want to say "I have" you will say "mere paas hai". Try saying each of the parts individually so you can get a better feel for them, then combining them together quickly to make just one word. Once you are ready to combine these into a sentence, feel free to use the basic words together in...

How To: Keep clean with a homemade drill dust collector

Drilling is always a messy job. Some just drill and leave the dirt behind to clean up later. Some require someone to stand next to them with a vacuum cleaner, sucking up the dust as they drill. But to eradicate the extra manpower, and to clean up your mess as you drill, try something a little simpler... a mere piece of paper.

How To: Be an effective political dissident & protest

You’ve decided to protest an unjust political system or organization. Make the most impact with these tips. Protest with courage, communicate with exiles and know your rights. If you disagree with a political system, concentrate your beliefs and opinion. Study famous dissidents like Ghandi and Martin Luther King.

How To: Read into mixed signals from a guy

Flirting can be a scary, confusing world if you're not prepared. Everybody has their own way of communicating their feelings and more often than not, it's not all black and white. Being able to read into those shades of gray can make it much easier to tell when you're being flirted with and when he's so done with you. This video will show you to read mixed signals from a guy.

How To: Use Wiki Server in Mac OS X

Whether it's a small business or a work group inside a large corporation, all members need access to the same materials in order to work effectively. Mac OS X server makes it easy for groups to collaborate and communicate through their own Wiki-powered Internet website. To learn how to use Wiki Server with Mac OS X Server, watch this video tutorial.

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