Photos Xxx Search Results

How To: Use Flickr to share photos on the Internet

Flickr is the most known and dependable photo sharing website to date, so if you haven't made an account yet, you better now, if you want to share your precious photos with family, friends, and even the whole world! Flickr allows you to store digital photographs online and share them with other people.

How To: Use the iPad Photos App to view your pictures

The iPad is the reigning king of the tablet PC's (although it isn't one, strictly speaking) and allows users to do things that they never thought possible with a computer. One of it's coolest and most applicable Apps is the Photo app, which allow you to view high-fidelity photos in a fun and portable way. This video will show you how this App works and how to use it to impress your friends with your awesome photos.

How To: Create an optical illusion with any color photo

This will show you how to take negative afterimages to another level. By introducing a negative color photo and then immediately incorporating a black and white version of the same photo, you will perceive the black and white photo in full color (the way the color photo was meant to look). This can be done with any color photo, along with any photo editing program, like Adobe Photoshop.

How To: Composite photos in Photoshop

When creating an aesthetically pleasing image, sometimes more is more. Blending images together and blurring the edges is a great method for creating desktops featuring multiple photos of hottie Sam Worthington, or simply for creating a pretty website background.

How To: Add photos to your Facebook fan page

Laura Roeder demonstrates how to add photos to your Facebook fan page. First, sign into Facebook and go to your fan page. Then, click on the photos tab which is an application on your page. Click the plus sign if you do not see the photos tab to access the photos function by adding the application in the edit page option. If you don't already have a photo album created, set one up using the create a photo album button. Then, use the add photos tab to add photos to your photo album. You can on...

How To: Create a photo background in Photoshop

Have you ever wanted to create a background with one of your photos? This video shows you how to use one of your photos to create a photo background using Adobe Photoshop. It will show you how to use the free transform tool, overlay blend modes, hue and saturation, drop shadows, and other cool effects. Learn all about creating photo backgrounds with this video tutorial.

How To: Edit a raw photo file using Adobe Photoshop

If you're new to Adobe Photoshop, editing photos can be a bit intimidating, especially when dealing with raw file formats. But with the help of this Photoshop tutorial, you'll be able to fix up your raw photos without any problems. Gavin Hoey walks you through his steps of Camera Raw in CS5, using an awesome picture of Matisyahu as an example, tweaking and fixing the pic using the crop, white balance, temperature and noise tools.

How To: Make your photos look like they were taken with a great camera

If you take a lot of photos with your smartphone or cheap digital camera, you can see the difference compared to results from a pro camera. So, if you want to get a professional camera look without dropping the money, check out this video to learn how to enhance your pics. This trick works with Photoshop, or any photo editing software that has a selection tool, a gradient tool and a gaussian blur filter.

How To: Take an infrared photograph with a DSLR camera

Infrared photos are photos that are taken in such a way that they absorb light from beyond the visual spectrum, giving your pictures a cool, surreal effect. This video will teach you everything you need to know to take them yourself. You'll learn how to determine if you have a camera that will work, get the proper filter, and take the photo. It's pretty quick and easy if you have the right equipment, and looks really, really cool.

How To: Assign a ring tone on your iPhone

If you have a iPhone then you can assign a photo or a ring tone to any of your contacts. With this feature you can know who is calling just by the sound of the ring tone or by seeing their picture if the phone is in silent mode. To do this open the contact and tap on the edit button at the top right corner. Now tap add photo. This allows you to take a new photo with the integrated camera or choose a new photo from your library. To assign a ring tone tap assign ring tone and choose the tone fr...

How To: Make rounded photo corners in Photoshop Elements

This is a simple Photoshop Elements tutorial on how to make rounded photo corners for quick and tidy effect. See how to make photos with one, two, or opposing rounded corners. This could be turned into an overlay, too! This is a great, detailed Photoshop tutorial on rounding your picture corners. Easy to learn.

How To: Shoot stunning raindrop reflection photos

This tutorial will walk you through the steps of making stunning raindrop reflection images. Lindsay Adler (of Adler Photo Workshops) will cover equipment and techniques, and give you advice to make the most of your time. You don't need a rainy day, just the right preparation to create amazing raindrop reflection photos.

How To: Add your own photos to Facebook

To add photos to Facebook, log into Facebook and go to your profile page. Click the photos button on the left hand side of the screen. On the next screen, click the my photos button at the top of the page. Next, create a photo album. Type in the name, location and description of the album into the appropriate boxes. Choose your visibility preferences and click the create album button. Next, using the Facebook Java upload tool, choose the hard drive file that your photos are located in from th...

How To: Delete your iPhone photo library

Well, you've shot one too many compromising photo and it's time to wipe your iPhone photo library. But, for some reason, this isn't the easiest thing to do. Well, with this how-to video, you'll learn how to get rid of those 212 photos of your niece in her sailor suit you thought looked adorable. Those cat climbing photos. Gone. That girl/boy you were recently dating. Bye bye. Delete at will and clear your iPhone photo library.

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