Political Battles Search Results

How To: Be an effective political dissident & protest

You’ve decided to protest an unjust political system or organization. Make the most impact with these tips. Protest with courage, communicate with exiles and know your rights. If you disagree with a political system, concentrate your beliefs and opinion. Study famous dissidents like Ghandi and Martin Luther King.

How To: Turn a presidential debate into a drinking game

Presidential debates are riddled with clichés. Keep the democratic process interesting, and use the political farce as an opportunity to get shit-faced. Politics can be fun, especially with a little bit of alcohol. Find out how to turn a presidentail debate into a drinking game by watching this video party game tutorial.

How To: Be prepared for outdoor disaster

Whether it's a political or economic collapse, a natural disaster or even the zombie apocalypse, follow these outdoor survival tips to make sure you are prepared! Learn how to make a shelter in the wildnerness, proper preparation techniques for supplies, and become a better survivalist!

How To: Vote using the eScan voting machine

This instructional video shows how to vote on the eScan precinct digital paper ballot scanner, from Hart InterCivic. You'll see how to start the voting process for when you first walk in the door to cast your vote, to using the eScan electronic vote scanner, and to choosing your next political party. So vote eScan!

How To: Walkthrough Assassin's Creed 2 DLC: Battle of Forli

The Battle of Forli: This is downloadable content that fills in the missing pieces and has Ezio defending the town of Forli from the Orsi Brothers. There are six new memories and Leonardo's flying machine makes a return allowing players to fly it across Romagna. Ezio is joined by Machiavelli and Caterina Sforza to protect a Piece of Eden from the Templars. For more info, watch the whole gameplay.

How to Walkthrough Castlevania: Harmony of Despair on the Xbox 360

In this video game walkthrough, you'll see the gameplay for Castlevania: Harmony of Decay on the Xbox 360, available exclusively from the Xbox Live Arcade (XBLA). There's tons of vampire smashing action in this 2D action-adventure game, plus you can play with up to six other players on Xbox Live. Watch all of the parts in this Mahalo gaming walkthrough, and check out their site for more information. And check out all of the other Castlevania walkthroughs.

How to Walkthrough Darksiders: Prologue - Straga Fight

Right off the bat you have a horrendously hard battle against Straga in the Xbox 360 game Darksiders. The Prologue battle with Straga is difficult, unless you have your car throwing skills down. Straga is a massive demon that looms over the streets and War. During the battle, hold the Focus Button to keep the camera locked on this massive creature which also gives you a nice wide perspective so you can really see your surroundings. You'll want to get used to using the Dash Button to dart left...

How To: Express "to be" in Spanish using ser, estar and haber

In this tutorial, we learn how to express "to be" in Spanish using ser, estar and haber. When expressing forms such as: am, are, was and were you will say "ser" and "estar" in Spanish. The verb "ser" should be conjugated for each of the different tenses that you are using. Often, "ser" is used to ask questions such as: where you are from, what nationality are you, and what things belong to someone. "Ser" is also used to indicate occupation, religion, political party, event locations, date, an...

How To: Defeat the sand boss Stygian in Darksiders

In this next tutorial, you're going to want to make sure you have plenty of time on your hands. That's because this boss battle is pretty long. You'll be going one on one with the sand boss Stygian. He's a giant, ugly worm that takes some time to defeat. On top of him, you;ll have to battle a bunch of enemies who are on foot.

How To: Wheat paste, poster, or flypost

While it's debatable that this video will teach you to subvert consumerism and make people think for themselves, it is a handy guide to learn how to flypost, wheat paste, put up posters, or whatever you want to call it. Get your message, be it political, artistic, or anything else worth sharing with others, by pasting posters out on the town where people will see them and maybe even think about them. These guys might be anarchists, but you don't need to be. Watch this video urban art tutorial...

How To: Fight the Shiva Sisters in Final Fantasy XIII

The Shiva sisters fight in Final Fantasy XIII is more to prove yourself to the sisters so you may summon them than to actually fight them. To win the battle, you must fill up the gestalt meter which appears over the sisters' heads. No one will die, one sister will actually heal you throughout the battle, but you do have a timer over your head which will give you a game over if it runs out. To begin, use Libra on the sisters to determine their weaknesses, which will make you realize that physi...

How To: Play Garen as your champion on League of Legends

This spotlight focuses on Garen, the Might of Demacia, a melee champion who can be brutal with a sword. This video goes over how his abilities let him deal a great deal of damage to others while taking very little himself. Here are also some useful strategies when it comes to playing Garen in a battle.

How To: Walkthrough Shank (co-op mode) for the Xbox 360

This video series covers a complete walkthrough for Shank on the Xbox 360, played on Cooperative Mode. Watch all of these videos to see how you can beat Shank with your trusty sidekick during all the side-scrolling action. The co-op mode has its own unique story, acting as a prequel to the main single-player storyline. Check it out!

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