Population Density Search Results

How To: Calculate and solve for density

Density is a means of representing how much mass is contained in the body of an object. The basic formula is: Density (D) = Mass (M) / Volume (V) so D=M/V. Density is important to know for buoyancy and to understand how heavy an object is. This video will show you three examples of measuring density so you can learn and put it to good use.

How To: Explore Density, Viscosity & Miscibility with a Colorful Layered Liquid Science Experiment

Ever wonder why Jupiter has those colored bands across its surface? Jupiter's enormous mass is made from an array of different liquids, and those fluids do not play well together because of their different makeup. All of the hydrogen- and helium-based fluids are thought not to be miscible, which means that they aren't homogeneous in nature, resulting in strikingly beautiful bands across the planet's surface. But what about viscosity and how that correlates to the development of planets? What ...

How To: Find the density of an object

School yourself on density with help from this video courtesy of Kruse teacher. In this tutorial, get a quick demonstration on the subject of density, mass and volume. Also learn how to find the density of two different kinds of objects through the power of math!

How To: Calculate density altitude when you are flying

In flight school, at some point or another you will be asked to determine your density altitude. In this professionally taught tutorial, lean how to calculate density altitude on a flight computer. This lesson is taught by an instructor from the Golden State Flying Club at Gillespie Field in El Cajon, California. So, if you are just beginning to fly, check out this clip and make sure you know all there is to know.

How To: Teach students a song to calculate irregular density

If your students are having trouble with density, check out this tutorial. In this entertaining video, teacher Mr. Edmonds goes through all the steps to find the density of an irregular solid object to the tune of "Afternoon Delight". This song should help your kids remember how to solve these problems quicker and easier.. just don't be surprised if you get this catchy tune stuck in your head!

How To: Understand & calculate density

In this episode of Science Theater Dr. Carlson helps you understand the concept behind Density and how it relates to Mass and volume and how to calculate the Density of a substance if its Mass and Volume are known. The Density of various metals is demonstrated using aluminum, tin, zinc, lead and copper of the same mass but different sizes. The easiest way to measure the density of a substance is also mentioned. Next, Dr. Carlson measures his own density using a scale and a bathtub.

How To: Perform the activity density rainbow experiment

Check out this instructional science video that demonstrates the details about the activity density rainbow. From the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry's teacher curriculum, "No Hassle Messy Science with a Wow", this is an activity demonstrating liquids with different densities. Perform the activity density rainbow experiment by watching the step by step instructions in this science tutorial video!

How To: Find density using the water displacement method

To find out the density of any given object there is a simple equation, mass divided by the volume equals the density. In this video a lady is showing how to get the volume of three objects using water. First the objects are measured on a scale to find out how much they weigh, the mass. Next each one of the objects is placed into a measured amount of water to find out the volume. Before you place the object into the water you will want to know just how much water in there. That way when the o...

How To: Save the Bee Population from Colony Collapse Disorder

The bee population is in trouble. Colony Collapse Disorder is a mysterious malady that is decimating bee colonies all the country and could kill them completely, which would leave all of the plants and honey-loving people of the world in serious trouble. This video will give you some tips for encouraging the bee population, which is really one of the most green things you can do in this, the bees' time of need.

How To: Prune a high-density fruit tree

In this how-to video, Ed Laivo and Tom Spellman of Dave Wilson Nursery give you advice on how to prune high-density fruit trees as they look at Santa Rosa plums, pluots and nectarines in their own orchard. Watch this video to learn how to open your trees up for sunlight and airflow while simultaneously managing fruit buds so as to ensure uniform, healthy fruit growth.

How To: Create a crazy ketchup packet water bottle experiment

This video displays a very interesting experiment or magic trick involving the concepts of density and buoyancy. You will need an empty plastic bottle with its label removed, some water, and a ketchup packet. Using the concepts of pressure and density, this video demonstrates an interesting experiment which can also double as an interesting party trick; by squeezing a full water bottle, you can cause the ketchup packet to rise and sink in the bottle at your whim. This video is an interesting ...

How To: Compare population proportions in statistics

From Ramanujan to calculus co-creator Gottfried Leibniz, many of the world's best and brightest mathematical minds have belonged to autodidacts. And, thanks to the Internet, it's easier than ever to follow in their footsteps. With this installment from Internet pedagogical superstar Salman Khan's series of free math tutorials, you'll learn how to compare population proptions in stats.

How To: Compare population proportions in statistics

From Ramanujan to calculus co-creator Gottfried Leibniz, many of the world's best and brightest mathematical minds have belonged to autodidacts. And, thanks to the Internet, it's easier than ever to follow in their footsteps. With this installment from Internet pedagogical superstar Salman Khan's series of free math tutorials, you'll learn how to compare population proportions.

How To: Beat the Population Control challenge in God of War 3

In this helpful video tutorial, you'll find out the secret to beating the Population Control challenge in the popular PS3 title, God of War 3. It's a pretty simple challenge that needs to be completed in a certain amount of time. You basically just have to make sure there are no more than 50 enemies at the same time. So good luck and enjoy the video!

How To: Find the percent increase or decrease in a quantity

This video shows us the method to find the percent increase or decrease in a quantity. This can be done in 30 seconds. The formula states that the percentage increase or decrease is equal to the product of the ratio of amount (increase or decrease) and the original amount and 100. This is explained by two examples. In the first example the amount of increase of the price of groceries is found by taking the difference of the new price and the old price. This is divided by the original price an...

How To: Work with point density volumetrics in Blender 2.5

This clip offers a quick guide on how to work with point density volumetrics within Blender 2.5. This same technique can be used to make tornados, drifting fog, dry ice and a great number of other things. Were you aware Blender 2.5 includes a cloud generation script? See how to use it with this video guide. Whether you're new to the Blender Foundation's popular open-source 3D computer graphics application or are a seasoned digital artist merely on the lookout for new tips and tricks, you're s...

How To: Use neutral density or ND filters

Photography is a fast growing hobby with the relative drop in prices of high grade equipment. The use of different filters in photography is a very common thing, and different filters have very different uses. The neutral density (ND) filter reduces the amount of light reaching the film or sensor. This allows the photographer to create different effects with the available light, allowing slower shutter speeds and larger apertures. The video helps explain the differences in shutter speeds and ...

How To: Find deviations and variance for a population in Excel

If you use Microsoft Excel on a regular basis, odds are you work with numbers. Put those numbers to work. Statistical analysis allows you to find patterns, trends and probabilities within your data. In this MS Excel tutorial from everyone's favorite Excel guru, YouTube's ExcelsFun, the 41st installment in his "Excel Statistics" series of free video lessons, you'll learn how to calculate deviations, variance and standard deviation for a sample and a population using Excel tables and the VAR, S...

How To: Understand mean and standard deviation

Keith M. Bower explains the meaning of mean and standard deviation. This educational video gives insight in the basics of statistics. The relations between population mean and sample mean and between population standard deviation and sample standard deviation are explained. The mean gives an idea on the central tendency. Standard deviation gives an idea about how spread out the data are. Keith also explains how these two parameters, the joint sufficient statistics, define a normal distributio...

How To: Work with continuous random variables in calculus

Looking for a primer on how to work with BRIEF probability density functions and continuous random variables in calculus? Learn how with this free video calc lesson. From Ramanujan to calculus co-creator Gottfried Leibniz, many of the world's best and brightest mathematical minds have belonged to autodidacts. And, thanks to the Internet, it's easier than ever to follow in their footsteps (or just finish your homework or study for that next big test).

How To: Find confidence intervals without the sigma in Excel

If you use Microsoft Excel on a regular basis, odds are you work with numbers. Put those numbers to work. Statistical analysis allows you to find patterns, trends and probabilities within your data. In this MS Excel tutorial from everyone's favorite Excel guru, YouTube's ExcelsFun, the 82nd installment in his "Excel Statistics" series of free video lessons, you'll learn how to construct confidence intervals when the sigma value (the population's standard deviation) in NOT Known using the TINV...

How To: Build a barrel rocket stove

A rocket stove is a "rocket" combustion approach to preparing meals, which provides high combustion efficiency and efficient heat transfer to the cooking pot. Research suggests (through practical experience) that by using a rocket stove, you could save at least 50% of fuelwood, which is a significant savings for anyone's financial situation.

How To: Diagnose and treat hemorrhoids

Around half the UK population will develop piles at some point in their life. In this exclusive guide, Dr Jessen explains the causes of hemorrhoids and dispels some myths along the way. He also discusses treatment options – from over-the-counter creams to surgery – and advises on the best way to prevent piles occurring in the first place. Watch this video tutorial and learn how to diagnose and treat hemorrhoids.

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