Record Highs Search Results

How To: Make high-quality home music recordings on a shoestring budget

If you're a musician, but can't cover the cost of an expensive recording studio to get your song onto a playable media, then this video is what you need. It will show you how to make your own high-quality home music recording studio on a shoestring budget! If you're trying to get the attention of big music record labels, you need some hgih-quality sounds, but you don't need the high-quality costs! The setup is pretty simple— a microphone, MP3 player, sound mixer, headphones and a good-quality...

How To: Record HD video footage of XBox 360 games using an HD PVR

If you read a lot of video game press on the internet, you've probably salivated at the high-quality HD video footage of console games that reviewers are able to record and use to illustrate their points about games. If you too want to be able to record HD footage of XBox 360 and Playstation 3 games and put them on your computer for editing and distribution, this video will show you how to do it. All you need is a $200 device called an HD PVR, which is an external device that records your gam...

How To: Record guitar

Want to record guitar? Learn from the professionals at PreSonus while host Bill Gibson shares his techniques for recording guitar with this instructional recording video. Discover the typical mic choice for recording an acoustic guitar and how to mic the speaker with this recording tutorial video. Record professional sounding audio quality of your music for your guitar by learning the various types of microphones to use.

How To: Record audio in Ableton

In this video, we learn how to record audio in Ableton. When you are ready to record audio, you will need to first make sure everything is set up correctly. Check the audio input and output so you can choose the sources and configure them so they are correct. You will want to choose the level of input you have and find where the record and on buttons are. There will be a signal of the input when you are recording so you can see what the level of noise is while you are recording. As you monito...

How To: Mic a guitar

Check out this instructional recording video that shows you how to mic a guitar. This installment focuses on guitar recording techniques, covering the basics of acoustic and electric guitar recording and some of the options you as an engineer have after the recording is done. Any recording has to start by getting it right at the source. When recording guitar, new strings are a must. Having the instrument set up properly so that it plays well in tune is also important. Once the guitar plays an...

How To: Record the acoustic guitar in mono with one mic

This instructional recording video will show you how to record the acoustic guitar in mono, using 2 different microphones in 2 different positions. It also shows you a few simple steps on how to make a stereo signal from a mono recording. Record better sound quality and learn how to record the acoustic guitar with one microphone by watching this tutorial video.

How To: Make a high-tech spy stethoscope

A stethoscope, often considered the symbol of a doctor's profession, but also used by safe-crackers and auto mechanics to hear sounds that otherwise couldn't be heard. Well, it's time to make a high-tech electronic spy stethoscope with Kip Kay in this gadget video tutorial, for only twenty-five bucks! You can hear and record heartbeats with this spy gadget, or even listen through walls!

How To: Record a drum set

Check out this instructional recording video that demonstrates a few basic steps you need to know to record a drum set. You will learn microphone placement and the 3 to 1 rule. Record better sound quality and learn how to properly record a drum set by following the tips outlined in this tutorial video.

How To: Upload HD videos using Camtasia Studio (WMV)

In this video the instructor shows how to upload High Definition HD videos using Camtasia Studio. Here the instructor shows how to upload the videos that you recorded using Camtasia in HD to YouTube. Now to generate a HD video you will need to record in high resolution like 1280 by 800 pixels. Now record the video at full screen. Now after recording you will have your HD video. Open the video in Camtasia and add the clip to the time line by right clicking it and selecting the option from it. ...

How To: Shoot in extreme weather and rain

You need a rain barney among other items before you go out there and record the world's end. Shooting in extreme weather conditions? Heavy rain or snow and high winds can pose quite the obstacle, but with a little bit of foresight, a few tips from Matt, and the right equipment, such as a rain barney and woolie, your show will go on!

How To: Make and use a pop filter to record audio

Check out this instructional podcast video that demonstrates how to use the pop filter or pop shield to record audio. A pop filter helps control your voice while recording it. It's a little device that goes between you and the microphone to eliminate the air in your voice so your voice is recorded accurately. This tutorial contains step by step video instructions that will help you make a pop filter. Record better sound quality by learning how to make a pop filter.

How To: Improve video quality when recording with Camtasia

HelpTube1 teaches you how to improve video quality when recording with Camtasia. The reason some videos don't have the HD version is that it takes 30-40 minutes for YouTube to verify whether the video is in high definition or not. In Camtasia 5 there is a Tools tab at the top of the program window. Click on that and then go to Capture. Check the box that says Save as AVI. Then go to Video, change Manual and change the frame rate to 80. Then click Ok and you will get these options every time. ...

How To: Set-up Record in Reason for de-essing

This how-to video shows you how to reduce the "s" sound in a certain recording software program. They play a line a music where the singer emphasizes on her "s" sounds. The tutorial shows you how to reduce the "s" sound so that it clear and sharp. It also shows you how to change the frequency and the compression of the "s" sounds. The video explained that if you make the compression too high, than the "s" sounds will sound like a lisp.

How To: Use the scribble when scratching turntables

This instructional turntable video shows you how to use the scribble when scratching turntables. Basically, the scribble entails putting the cross fader on and leaving it on. Then scratch a very small amount of the record as fast as possible. Lift your arm up high and force a spasm-like movement down it in order to move the record a short distance quickly. Show off your scribbling skills at the next DJ event.

How To: Record distorted guitar using mics, amps, settings, and digital effects

Recording the tortured sounds of a guitar running through three pedals and a dirty amps worth of distortion has been the heart of rock n' roll since Jimi Hendrix at least. In this video you'll learn everything you need to know to record distorted guitar sounds yourself. It discusses mics, amps, settings, and positioning, then moves on to computer-side stuff like amp sims, EQ, double tracking, and compression. If you play rock guitar, want to record it, or both, this is a must-watch.

How To: Make a drum loop with MIDI on Pro Tools

This video shows a quick and easy way to create a drum loop using "MIDI MERGE". A stereo instrument track with expand 2 is used here. First, select a track, expand 2, and select session drums (you can take any other track) for the patch and also create a "click track" which will be available in the track menu. Open the transport window and select "loop playback". In order to create a looped playback, right click on the "play" button and select "loop". This is a loop, so make sure that you do ...

How To: Create a new session in Pro Tools 9

Before you can get started recording or mixing in Pro Tools 9, you'll need to create a new session for your project. This free video software tutorial from Lynda presents a complete and thorough overview of the process. Whether you're new to Pro Tools or just new to Pro Tools 9, Avid's first native, software-only version of their popular Pro Tools DAW, you're sure to find much of value in this brief video.

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