Strengthens Bloodstream Search Results

How To: Do the Superman pilates exercise

The Superman is a variation on original pilates exercises that strengthens the muscles of the upper back and improves posture. Be sure to keep the shoulders down, especially when the arms reach forward, in order to keep tension out of the neck and shoulders. The Superman strengthens the core, flattens the abdominal muscles and improves body awareness. Watch this fitness how to video and you will be strengthening your body with pilates in no time.

How To: Strengthen weak knees

In this video, we learn how to strengthen weak knees. The first exercise you can do is a shallow squat. This is where your feet will be facing forward and knee width apart. Grab onto a pole in front of you and squat down slightly squatting through your skills. Next, you can hold a stick while standing on one leg with your legs forward. Hold this pose for as long as you can while balancing on a pole if you cannot stand by yourself. Both of these exercises can help strengthen your knees with ti...

How To: Strengthen quadriceps

The large quadriceps muscles on the front of the thigh are important to target when strength and weight training to build overall muscle mass. Learn how to do quadriceps exercises in this strength training video. Take action: squats and lunges strengthen quadriceps, keep back straight, keep knees above heels in squats and lunges, and never lean forward during a lunge. Tom Clifford, the instructor in this how-to video, has a degree in physical education, fitness and health from Eastern Michiga...

How To: Strengthen your career path with feng shui at home

Elizabeth Chamberlain with Space Lift demonstrates how to strengthen your career path with feng shui at home. First, find your focus room with your energy map by laying the energy map on top of your home floor plan. The career area is in the front center section of your home, along the line of your front door. In feng shui, all the energy enters through your front door. Encourage the energy up to your front door with your front yard. Feng shui means "wind water" which is the best way that ene...

How To: Use grip savers for rock climbing

Grip savers, or finger-strengthening devices, help prepare a climber for the strength and endurance challenges of climbing. There are a variety of devices and exercises that can strengthen a climbers hands. Learn how to use grip savers in this climbing video tutorial. Take action: squeeze a tennis ball, strengthen fingers to keep balance, and follow good diet and exercise. Josh, the instructor in this how-to video from Live Strong, is an avid climber that resides off the coast in central Cali...

How To: Strengthen your body with Hatha yoga

Flexibility is not hard if you know which poses to practice and how to practice. Many yoga teachers will tell you to take it easy, be safe, and take your time. Yoga can work miracles, but you have to work too. Learn how to strengthen your body and increase flexibility with Hatha yoga.

How To: Do the Short Plank pilates exercise

Short Plank is derived from original pilates exercises in order to teach proper abdominal and torso support in the push up position. The exercise in this how to video will strengthen your core, strengthen your shoulder girdle stabilizers and target the deep muscles of the abdomen and spine to protect your lower back. Watch this fitness tutorial and you will be toning your body with the Short Plank pilates move.

How To: Do the Swimming pilates exercise

Swimming is an original Pilates exercise that strengthens the muscles of the back and strengthens the core. By focusing on pulling in the abdominals (even though you're lying on them!) you'll not only flatten the abs but also protect the lower back. Watch this fitness how to video and you will be toning your body with pilates in no time.

How To: Do the Scissors pilates move

The Scissors is an original pilates exercise that strengthens the abdominal muscles and increases hamstring flexibility. If your hamstrings are tight initially, decrease the range of motion so that you can keep your knee straight, otherwise your hamstring flexibility won't increase as quickly. The Scissors will deliver flatter abs and lean sculpted legs. Watch this fitness how to video and you will be strengthening your body with pilates in no time.

How To: Do the shoulder bridge pilates exercise

The shoulder bridge is an original pilates exercise that builds core strength and strengthens the hamstrings and glutes. Keep your abdominal muscles contracted throughout the exercise to support the lumbar spine. Watch this how to video and you will be strengthening your body with pilates in no time.

How To: Do a double leg lift pilates move

The double leg stretch is an original pilates exercise that strengthens your abdominal muscles and your core. Reaching your arms and legs away from your torso challenges your core strength. To increase the core challenge, don't let your head and shoulders drop as your arms and legs reach away and pull in your abs to keep them as flat as possible. Watch this fitness how to video and you will be strengthening your body with pilates in no time.

How To: Do a side leg lift circle pilates exercise

The side leg lift series is part of the classical Pilates repertoire and the circles strengthen the core, flatten the abdominal muscles and tone the inner and outer thighs. If you feel strain in your lower back, bring your legs slightly forward of your body, but for a real challenge, maintain a perfectly straight line and bring your top hand to your hip. Watch this fitness how to video and you'll be strengthening your body with pilates in no time.

How To: Target your obliques with pilates

The obliques exercise is a classical pilates exercise which targets the abdominal muscles to flatten the stomach and strengthen the core. Keeping the elbows wide helps keep the shoulders down and increases the rotation in the trunk, which helps shrink your waist. Be sure to stretch your legs fully each time and stop the knee at 90 degrees of hip flexion to encourage greater strengthening of the abdominal muscles. Watch this how to video and you will be strengthening your obliques with pilates...

How To: Become aware of your pelvic placement

Pilates exercises involve strengthening the core and flattening the abs, so why are your instructors always talking about the pelvis? This how to video explains the importance of pelvic placement and how it relates to the lower back and the muscles around the hip joint. Just becoming aware of your pelvic placement as you drive your car, walk down the street or do any household activity can help you improve your alignment and strengthen the deep postural muscles of your body.

How To: Strengthen legs with deep squat exercises

Add deep squats to your workout to really strengthen your legs. Learn how exercising with squats can strengthen the legs in this fitness video. Take action: feet wider than shoulder-width, toes pointed out, keeping abs tight and chest high, squeeze quads at top of movement. Michelle, the instructor in this how-to video, is a personal trainer at a gym in NC and has been a personal trainer for several years. She is certified through ACE and is a certified aerobics instructor as well. Her Specia...

How To: Do a front arm extension

This how to video is one from a series of gentle back strengthening exercises. Learn how to do a front arm extension. The front arm extension strengthens your shoulders and lats. Watch this tutorial and you can perform the front arm extension back exercise.

How To: Strengthen your hand and wrist with piano exercises

If you are looking to improve your piano technique then this how to video is the place to start. You will learn how to strengthen your fourth (ring) and fifth (pinky) fingers, as well as the wrist and arm, with this easy piano exercise. The fourth and fifth fingers are often the weakest fingers when playing piano. You must learn to strengthen then so you can play piano better. This is a great exercise for beginner to advanced students. With this tutorial you will be able to gain strength in y...

How To: Strengthen your lower body

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to do a pedestal routine. This exercise circuit contains exercises. The exercises in this circuit are: 5 reps of prone leg lift, 5 reps of lateral leg lift, 5 reps of supine leg lift, 10 reps of donkey kicks, 20 reps of scorpions, 5 reps of Rockies, 5 reps of donkey whips, 10 reps of lower body crawl, 20 reps of iron cross, 20 reps of Australian crawl, 5 reps of pedestal lateral leg lift, 10 reps of groiners, 10 reps of hurdle seat exchange, 5 reps of...

How To: Work out your lower abs

If you are trying to strengthen your midsection, check out this video from the experts at In this tutorial, learn some stretches and floor exercises that you can do to work out your lower abs and get closer to that six pack you've always dreamed of. These exercises are easy enough for beginners but will definitely leave even the most seasoned gym bunny feeling the burn.

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