Survival Kits Search Results

How To: Make a neck knife survival kit

In this tutorial, we learn how to make a neck knife survival kit. This is good to have so you can use it for eating and making shelter as well as protect against wild animals. The neck knife should be a small kit and able to hide underneath a shirt. It should be adjustable with a paracord knot so you can make sure it doesn't snag against something. The knife should be a simple one that has a decent point on it. Make sure the pouch that the knife is in is thick enough not to let the knife poin...

How To: Prepare a survival kit

This video shows you how to make a survival kit: i.e. which things to gather together to make a survival kit. This one fits in the palm of your hand. For this kit, you will need the following: a small cloth bag. It can be used to filter sediment out of water. It can also be used to make a patch in clothing.

How To: Make a mini survival kit in an Altoid's tin

WeaponCollector teaches viewers how to make a mini survival kit using an Altoid's tin. You can get an S.A.S. guide for exact instructions and further information on what you will need in an survival kit. First, you should make sure you have rubber bands around your tin to hold it shut. It is easier to get into it and it keeps it closed. You can also wrap the tin with a power cord. Elastic bands work better if you plan on using this everyday. Simply wrap 3 bands around the width and one around...

How To: Assemble a wilderness survival kit

This is a video showing how to assemble a wilderness survival kit. To do this there are some basic things in every kit. One of the things is water, food, or ways to make food, and shelter, or ways to make shelter. There is one prepared kit with pieces of equipment necessary to survive. To prepare your own, a sturdy knife or a multi-tool is important. Ways to start fire, either lighters or matches are important. Something like a first aid kit, or at least bandages and antibiotic ointment are i...

How To: Assemble a Survival Kit

I am writing this quick post in response to the recent earthquakes and tsunamis that are affecting Japan. As soon as the news broke, and we began to hear of tsunami warning for our area, I immediately realized how under prepared I was for a natural disaster. The thing that drove this point home even deeper was the number of people asking me for advice on what they could do to prepare for the possibility that we are hit by one of the resultant tsunamis. Many thoughts raced through my mind, and...

How To: Make an advanced fire starting kit and use it

A fire is the second most important thing you need to have in most survival situations, so having a good fire starting kit in your wilderness survival gear is crucial. This video will show you a variety of great fire starting tools you can include in your survival gear and how to use them best. These include tea light candles, waterproof matches, cotton balls, and ingenious combinations thereof.

How To: Pack a survival backpack or bug out bag (BOB)

Whether you call it a survival backpack, bug out bag, get home bag, or 72-hour kit, having a backpack full of survival gear is a must for anyone concerned about disaster survival. This video series will show you how to pack an ideal survival backpack that contains everything you need to survive for 72 hours or more in an emergency in a package you can carry on your back.

How To: Suture a wound with a first aid kit in austere conditions

In a wilderness survival situation, someone in your group suffering a major laceration is a catastrophe. Achieving sterility and suturing the wound closed will both be very difficult to achieve. This four-part video series features a detailed explanation and demonstration of how to use a basic first aid kit to suture a wound closed in an austere situation, such as out in the wilderness. Suturing a wound closed in an austere setting is a last resort, but knowing how to do it could keep you or ...

How To: Pack a recovery kit for your 4x4 to ensure your safety while offroading

If you spend a lot of time alone or close to it in the wilderness, then hopefully you already know how important it is to bring a properly packed survival kit. This is true for offroading enthusiasts as well as pedestrian outdoorsman, but the kit requires some great specifically related to your being in a 4x4. This video will show you what you should pack in your 4x4 offroad recovery kit and explains why this stuff will keep you safe.

How To: Prepare a personal first aid kit as a Boy Scout

Second Class Boy Scouts work on building their outdoor survival and camping skills. Compass work, nature observation, camp tools, and swimming are areas where new skills are mastered and demonstrated. A second class scout, having completed all the requirements, should be able to lead a hike, care for his own equipment, set up a campsite, and perform basic first aid.

How To: Make a tin can survival cook stove

This is a how-to on how to make a survival cook stove instead of spending $25 to buy one online. It is a simple projecting that requires an old can, a pair of scissors, and a knife. Be careful and pay attention to his excellent instructions! Watch this video survival training tutorial and learn how to build a cook stove out of a tin can.

How To: Make an cord eye splice for wilderness survival uses

Here is the technique for creating a strong sleek loop in a natural length of cordage... perfect for many wilderness survival applications. Learn how to survive in the wild. You never know when you'll be stranded on a desert island, lost in the deep woods, or be a contender for Survival, the TV show. This series of videos, by Hedgehog Leatherworks, brings you the basics in outdoor survival. Wilderness survival skills include fire starting, deadfall traps, primitive fishing, making jerky, rope...

How To: Make a figure four deadfall trap for wilderness skills

Learn how to make a Figure Four Deadfall trap- Wilderness Survival Skills, demonstrated by Paul Scheiter of Hedgehog Leatheworks. Learn how to survive in the wild. You never know when you'll be stranded on a desert island, lost in the deep woods, or be a contender for Survival, the TV show. This series of videos, by Hedgehog Leatherworks, brings you the basics in outdoor survival. Wilderness survival skills include fire starting, deadfall traps, primitive fishing, making jerky, rope & cordage...

How To: Make wilderness survival cordage

How to make rope, cordage, and twine from natural materials found in the wilderness. Learn how to survive in the wild. You never know when you'll be stranded on a desert island, lost in the deep woods, or be a contender for Survival, the TV show. This series of videos, by Hedgehog Leatherworks, brings you the basics in outdoor survival. Wilderness survival skills include fire starting, deadfall traps, primitive fishing, making jerky, rope & cordage skills, and more. For the outdoor enthusiast...

How To: Start a survival garden in preparation for emergencies

This series of survival training videos discusses and shows methods of gardening "when it counts." Some of the pitfalls and perils to the common survival/preparedness thinking of "when my storage food runs out I'll just grow a garden." Intermixed throughout are also invaluable tips on gardening and food production for the homestead, survival retreat or backyard in suburbia. The first step in planning to truly grow food is to recognize the factors working against you, so you can plan according...

How To: Make a primitive fishing hook from wood or thorn

Learn how to make a primitive fishing hook / fishing gouge from completely natural materials in a wilderness survival situation. Learn how to survive in the wild. You never know when you'll be stranded on a desert island, lost in the deep woods, or be a contender for Survival, the TV show. This series of videos, by Hedgehog Leatherworks, brings you the basics in outdoor survival. Wilderness survival skills include fire starting, deadfall traps, primitive fishing, making jerky, rope & cordage ...

How To: Make a cordage basket when out in the wild

Learn how to make a primitive basket for wilderness survival using natural cordage. Learn how to survive in the wild. You never know when you'll be stranded on a desert island, lost in the deep woods, or be a contender for Survival, the TV show. This series of videos, by Hedgehog Leatherworks, brings you the basics in outdoor survival. Wilderness survival skills include fire starting, deadfall traps, primitive fishing, making jerky, rope & cordage skills, and more. For the outdoor enthusiasts...

How To: Make Brazilian bushcraft survival tools: coconut containers, bamboo spoons etc

Brazil is a country rich in natural resources and splendor, making it a great place for outdoor enthusiasts. If you venture into the Brazilian wilderness and find yourself in need of precious survival supplies, or just want to make some cool stuff out of exotic plants, watch this video for instructions on making Brazilian bushcrafts like coconut containers and bamboo spoons.

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