Tactical Flexibility Search Results

How To: Tie a trucker's hitch

The trucker's hitch is a good, strong knot with many uses. It's ideal for securing a load in a vehicle, and was used that way dating back to the days of wagons hauled by horses. In this video the folks at ITS Tactical teach you how to tie a trucker's hitch, quick and easy.

How To: Slipping out of zip ties

You're a prisoner of some dangerous people, and they tell you to hold out your wrists so they can bind them together using zip ties. What you do next could mean the difference between life and death. This tutorial from the folks at ITS Tactical will teach you how to strategically get your wrists tied in a way that's easy to escape from.

How To: Escape from zip ties using shims

The odds are that you'll never find yourself being held prisoner with your hands bound together with zip ties. But if you ever are, you'll be very grateful for the info you learned from this video. In this tutorial from the folks at ITS Tactical, you'll learn how to escape from zip ties using shims. You can use all sorts of things for shimming, from professional equipment to your own fingernails.

How To: Escape from zip ties

Zip ties are stronger than they look, and escaping from them is tricky. In this tutorial from the folks at ITS Tactical, you'll learn how to quickly escape from zip ties. If you should ever find yourself kidnapped by terrorists, held for ransom or kept prisoner in a serial killer's basement, you'll be very glad you watched this video!

How To: Tie a right angle knot like Navy SEALS

You're underwater, and you need to tie a knot. (Hey, it could happen!) What do you do? In this tutorial from the folks at ITS Tactical, you'll learn how to tie a right angle knot. This is a knot used by navy SEALs, and if you ever end up needing to tie a knot underwater, you'll be very glad you watched this video.

How To: Tie a chain sinnet

A chain sinnet is a useful rope technique to know for climbing, camping or disaster prep. It's a bit tricky for beginners, but you should pick it up before long. In this tutorial, the guys at ITS Tactical show us how to make a chain sinnet using some flaked rope.

How To: Tie a pitzen knot

The pitzen knot has various uses, but it's ideal for securing a hook to a fishing line. It's relatively easy to learn and quick to do once you know how. In this video the folks at ITS Tactical teach you how to tie a pitzen knot.

How To: Tie a snake knot

The snake knot is mostly decorative, not ideal for situations requiring a really strong knot. You can use it to make keychains and do all sorts of other things. In this video the folks at ITS Tactical teach you how to tie a snake knot quickly and easily.

How To: Tie a Swiss seat knot

If you want to rappel down walls like a Navy SEAL, the Swiss seat knot is an essential skill to learn. With it, you can quickly create a modified rappelling harness. The guys at ITS Tactical have got you covered in this video showing how to tie a Swiss seat knot.

How To: How to tie an eye splice with rope

The eye splice might sound like some horrible procedure from the lab of Dr. Frankenstein, but it's actually a very useful skill to learn for camping or disaster preparation. Eye splicing is a way to secure different strands of rope together so they're stronger than a knot. In this tutorial, the guys at ITS Tactical show us how to do an eye splice.

How To: Tie a snell knot

The snell knot is a good knot for various uses, including tying fishing line. It's pretty simple to learn, and it's strong enough that those fish won't stand a chance. In this video tutorial, the folks at ITS Tactical show you how to tie a snell knot like the pros.

How To: Beat the Tactical Command Challenge with flawless gold ranking in StarCraft 2

Starcraft 2 is finally upon us after 12 years of waiting, and it is just as majestic as you would hope it would be. If you're new to the series or just haven't played in five years, the barrier to entry for the unskilled can high, especially if you prefer playing online multiplayer. Fortunately for you, we've compiled videos on just about everything you need to know about the game, including strategies and tips for winning with different races in different modes and situations, and even how t...

How To: Become more flexible with yoga

Flexibility is generally defined as the range of motion of the joints. It is the ability to bend and stretch easily without too much effort. Flexibility depends upon various factors like the state of the joints, muscles, length and looseness of muscles, shape of bones, age etc. Some medical conditions like arthritis can affect flexibility.

How To: Escape from Dual Zip Tie Handcuffs

You are not having a good day. You've been abducted by sinister folks, and your hands are tied by a pair of zip ties bound together. How will you escape? In this tutorial, the guys at ITS Tactical show you how to escape from these bound cable ties, which are frequently used as makeshift handcuffs by police and military personnel, along with mischievous kidnappers. To break free, believe it or not, all you need is a little force.

How To: Play chess with concrete tactics

Grandmaster Alexandra Kosteniuk shows you how to play chess in this chess video tutorial, but wait, where's Alexandra? For this chess master class, guest star GM Laurent Fressinet from France will be filling in to show you how to play one of his games from Warsaw (2005), Fressinet vs Postny.

How To: Do a stretching massage to improve flexibility

If you have a partner or spouse who loves you then wrangle them in to doing this extremely relaxing stretching massage. As the name implies, this massage involves another person helping to stretch out your muscles so the tension pent up inside disappears as quickly as a Stephanie Meyer vampire.

How To: Increase flexibility with yoga

If you are not naturally flexible, you can learn quickly, but you cannot simply do average stretches and hope to see big results. Diet and nutrition play a very big role in increasing flexibility as well. This yoga tutorial teaches you how to increase your flexibility safely and quickly.

How To: Use the common rope seizing knot

Rope seizing is a technique that is used when two things need to be held together with rope, like two pieces of timber for example. This video from ITS Tactical demonstrates how to use some cord to perform rope seizing on a big, heavy rope so that you can use it to suspend an object or perform other heavy rope-using tasks.

How To: Perform advanced split stretches for greater flexibility (for kids)

Whether you plan on doing the splits for your hip dance routine or your gymnastics, this tutorial will show kids the best way possible to perform the flexible move. This is a more advanced stretch, involving a great deal of flexibility, but remember— Always warm up muscles before doing the splits, use a spotter when needed, go step-by-step slowly and don't stretch beyond what is comfortable. Flexibility takes consistent work and does not happen in a day, but if you keep at it you will start t...

How To: Do a calming yoga flow to increase leg flexibility

There are a plethora of reasons why you should practice yoga, from easier breathing to increased flexibility to clearing your mind. But there's another super important reason you should take up the art of the pretzel-limbed: It helps build strength all throughout your body, which means you'll be less likely to pull a muscle or throw out your back in real life.

How To: Strengthen your body with Hatha yoga

Flexibility is not hard if you know which poses to practice and how to practice. Many yoga teachers will tell you to take it easy, be safe, and take your time. Yoga can work miracles, but you have to work too. Learn how to strengthen your body and increase flexibility with Hatha yoga.

How To: Do the Scissors pilates move

The Scissors is an original pilates exercise that strengthens the abdominal muscles and increases hamstring flexibility. If your hamstrings are tight initially, decrease the range of motion so that you can keep your knee straight, otherwise your hamstring flexibility won't increase as quickly. The Scissors will deliver flatter abs and lean sculpted legs. Watch this fitness how to video and you will be strengthening your body with pilates in no time.

How To: Make a tactical ninja matchbook igniter

This video tutorial will have you making your very own ninja tactical matchbook igniter. With this video, you will be able to make this cool, helpful matchbook ignitor for whatever you can dream of. Use a book of matches to make a couple of variable ignitors for fireworks, tripwires, smoke grenades, or whatever! If you need to survive in the wilderness, this is how you do it. Just matches and a few other things, that's it.

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