Healthy Weight Search Results

How To: Gain weight and stay healthy

With the world being obsessed with obesity; where does that leave the polar opposite? Malnutrition should be equally important. In this video from the Youth Health Alliance, the concerns of the under weight person are addressed. After watching, you'll have a basic understanding of what is required to gain weight in a healthy way. It addresses the consequences of being underweight. It also describes both diet and exercise for healthy weight gain. It explains which calories are healthy to consu...

How To: Lose weight with a healthy after workout meal

Darin Steen of Major League Health explains how to lose weight with a healthy meal after a workout. What you put in your mouth composes 70% to 80% of fitness fat loss gain. Meals that you eat after intense workout sessions are very important. Eat a meal that is predigested and absorbed quickly like whey protein and a banana. Eat your meal 30 minutes to 60 minutes after your workout. For people weighing 120 pounds to 140 pounds, use 15 grams of whey protein and a half of a banana. For people w...

How To: Lose Weight The Correct & Healthy Way

Obesity has ballooned into a worldwide epidemic. The World Health Organization estimates that 2.3 billion adults will be overweight and 700 million will be obese by 2015. Over 20 million children are overweight today. The reasons for these distressing figures are common knowledge: The international switch to high sugar, high fat, low nutrient processed junk foods prompted by global fast food chains and their advertising; the increasingly sedentary nature of jobs; children playing video games ...

How To: Maintain a thin and healthy body for life

More than any expensive exercise machine, more than any fad diet, and more than even having a trainer, the single most important thing you can do to lose weight and keep that weight off is to have willpower. That means having the courage to overcome cravings and eat healthy, and to work out rather than watch "Friends."

How To: Lose weight quickly with a raw food diet & juicing

The person describes many different foods you can eat and what you can make from all the diet and healthy foods. The viewer can learn how to lose weight and keep it off with an easy diet. This is important because of the increasing number of overweight and obese people in this country. He describes how to make a healthy smoothie for those who are over weight or just want to be more healthy.

How To: Find your happy weight

Losing weight can be a battle, but why not be realistic about your goals rather than kill yourself striving for a size 0? A happier alternative to the cycle of weight loss and gain is to achieve a weight you and your doctor can both live with. In this tutorial, learn how to calculate your BMI and ways to figure what your "happy weight" is.

How To: Gain weight with a fast metabolism

In this tutorial, we learn how to gain weight with a fast metabolism. If you have a high metabolism, it may be difficult for you to gain weight. Eating more just isn't enough if you want to gain weight, you want to change your habits that will change your hormones. Testosterone has an anabolic or growth effect in your body that promotes muscle strength and breakdown. Include fatty acids in your diet, which are healthy fats in avocados, fish, oils, and nuts. Also, lift heavy weights and use as...

How To: Calculate your BMI with a formula

Knowing your BMI, or Body Mass Index, is a great way to see if you are at a healthy weight. In this simple and short video provided by Children's Hospital Boston, you will figure out how to calculate your BMI by taking your weight (in pounds) and multiplying it by the number 703 and then dividing it by your height (in inches) squared.

How To: Stop overeating on a raw food diet

Just because you are following a healthy raw diet, doesn't mean you are exempt from weight gain. A lot of times when people first transition to a raw lifestyle, they overeat because they are not used to the different types of food. While this is better than say, binging on unhealthy snacks, it is still not good to bombard your system with too much.

How To: Make healthy, fresh green tea at home with Jenny Jones

In this tutorial, learn how to make green tea - the right way - with Jenny Jones. Jenny will show you how to cook up this healthy, delicious Asian tea so that you get the most health benefits. Green tea can help fight disease, aid weight loss and give you an overall better sense of wellbeing. Follow along with Jenny and steep your tea to perfection.

How To: Exercise in your 30's

Get in great shape in your 30s. Keep up a healthy and strong body with some exercise and work out tips in this exercise and fitness video. To effectively workout in your 30's you should take up running, lift weights and combine cardio & weights. With this how to video you can get a great workout that is perfect for your 30's.

How To: Lose belly fat for women

In this tutorial, we learn how to lose belly fat for women. Menopause can effect a woman's weight because the hormones are decreasing in the body and the fat cells increase. This will cause more fat to store around the organs. Going to the gm and exercising during this time is extremely important. Just a small amount of exercise each day can make a difference for women losing belly fat. The receptors in your brain will respond to healthy foods and estrogen supplements to help keep you on trac...

How To: Burn belly fat faster with simple nutrition principles

In this video tutorial, viewers learn about nutrition that will help lose fat and gain muscle. Users learn about the meal they should consume after a workout session. The meal should be predigested to help recover muscles rapidly after a workout. The meal advised to digest is whey protein and a banana. The amount of protein consumption depends on the weight of the user. Users can choose to simply consume the protein with just water or by blending it with other nutritional sources such as the ...

How To: Begin a raw food diet

Yuri Elkaim, author of "Eating for Energy", explains how to begin a raw food diet. First, understand what you want. If you want to lose weight, be healthy or have more energy, the raw food diet will be great for you. If you take a simple approach to incorporating more fresh foods into your diet, it will be easier to manage and more sustainable. Keep it simple and fresh. Don't focus on recipes that require complicated preparation. To transition from a cooked food diet, just add in one more fru...

How To: Exercise in your 80's

Remain active and healthy in your 80s. Learn exercises and fitness tips for your 80s in this exercise and fitness video. To exercise in your 80's you should exercise at home, use cans as weights and do easy, light exercises. With this how to video you can safely and effectively exercise well into your 80's.

How To: Gain weight after radiation therapy

In this tutorial, we learn how to gain weight after radiation therapy. Cancer patients will need a strong focus, because most cancer patients just simply forget to eat. The brain does not tell them they are hungry when sick. First, make sure to eat despite changes in taste, try to eat a well-balanced diet. Also, make sure to take a powdered or liquid weight gain supplement which will enhance appetite. Also, eat five or six small meals a day, which will make you more hungry. Changing your diet...

How To: Bulk up and gain weight quickly

It seems like people are always trying to lose weight..but what if you have the opposite problem? Whether you’re recovering from an illness, are a growing teen, or you are an athlete trying to bulk up, a little information can go a long way in helping you pack on a few extra pounds.

How To: Calculate your waist-to-hip ratio

In this video, we learn how to calculate your waist to hip ratio using a tape measure. First, measure your waist round your belly button and write down what number it is. Next, measure your hips around the largest part of your butt, and then write down what number you get for this. After this, divide your waist measurement by your hip measurement. A healthy ratio for women is .8 and under and a healthy ration for men is .95 and under. It's important to watch the weight around your waist, beca...

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