Regulatory Framework Search Results

How To: Set Your Wi-Fi Card's TX Power Higher Than 30 dBm

Do you have an Alfa AWUS036NH Wi-Fi adapter that claims it can go to 2000 mWs, or some card that can supposedly transmit power over 1000 mW? If so, you may have run into problems setting your card's TXPOWER higher than 30 dBm, which is about 1000 mW. Well, I will show you how to break that barrier and go as high as you want!

How To: Choose the right PHP framework and CMS

In this video tutorial, JREAMdesign looks at the task of choosing a PHP framework and a CMS. He helps simplify the act of choosing between the major framework contenders (Zend Framework, Symfony, Yii, Code Igniter, CakePHP) and content management systems (Drupal, WordPress, Joomla, Wolf CMS, Mod X) by summarizing what normally is expected from these systems and some of their typical features.

How To: Configure an ASP.Net site for a .Net Framework version

In this video tutorial, Chris Pels will show how to configure an ASP.NET web site to use a specific version of ASP.NET/.NET Framework. First see how to identify what version of the .NET Framework a web site is associated with by viewing the script map in Internet Information Server (IIS). See how a script map is associated with the root in IIS and then with individual web sites. Next learn about the ASP.NET IIS Registration tool (aspnet_regiis.exe) used to configure IIS or an ASP.NET web site...

How To: Increase TX-Power in Kali 2.0

Hello, *Note This is my first how to post on here, so please correct anything that I have missed and let me know if anything I explained is unclear and I will try to clearify. Also I am a NOOB when it comes to this art, so I might have missed something, if so please inform me so I can better myself*

How To: Use the Spark component framework in Flash Builder 4

Need an introduction to Adobe Flash Builder 4's Spark component framework? This clip provides just that. Whether you're new to Adobe's popular Flash IDE (previously titled Adobe Flex Builder) or simply wish to become better acquainted with the program, you're sure to find benefit in this free video software tutorial. For more information, including specific, step-by-step instructions, take a look.

How To: Center Your Pixel XL's Status Bar Clock, iPhone-Style

There's one thing that I've always liked about iPhones, and that's their centered digital clock in the status bar at the top of the screen. On Android, it's always on the right side by default, and there's no easy setting that lets you just change it to the center position. But if you have a Google Pixel XL, there's a simple modification you can perform to get exactly that—a centered status bar clock.

How to Hack Like a Pro: Getting Started with Metasploit

This is my first contribution in an ongoing series on detailing the best free, open source hacking and penetration tools available. My goal is to show you some of the quality tools that IT security experts are using every day in their jobs as network security and pen-testing professionals. There are hundreds of tools out there, but I will focus and those that meet four key criteria:

How To: Build your own hydroponics system

In this tutorial, we learn how to build your own hydroponics system. To do this, you will need: square line rain gutter, 6x end caps, 3x gutter running outlet, 1x small pond pump, 2 meters pond pump tubing, timber for framework, large plastic container, and gutter leaf guard. When you start, you will need to measure out how tall your pump will need to be, then build the framework to surround it. Then, grab all your gutter parts and put them together. Once you do this, start to set up all the ...

How To: Make a web browser in Xcode

In this tutorial, we learn how to make a web browser in Xcode. First, open up Xcode on your Apply computer, then create a new project. Now go under actions and click 'add', then 'existing frameworks'. Next, click add twice, then scroll down to where you see "menu.xib". Double click on this, and interface builder will open up. You will now have four windows on your desktop opened up. Now go to web view and drag and drop the screen. From here, you can create buttons for the web browser and deci...

How To: Use the jQuery Javascript framwork to make websites

jQuery is a very popular and easy-to-use Javascript framework that allows you to make very interactive websites quickly and easily. This video introduction will show you how to use the basics of jQuery and explains why you should be learning how to use it in the first place. If you want to make really smooth user interfaces for websites, watch this video. You really need to know jQuery.

How To: Make a collapsible panel with Spry in Dreamweaver CS4

Use Adobe Dreamweaver CS4? See how to create quick-and-easy collapsible panel using the open-source Spry Ajax framework. Whether you're new to Adobe's popular WISYWIG HTML editor or a seasoned web development professional just looking to better acquaint yourself with the CS4 workflow, you're sure to be well served by this video tutorial. For more information, including a step-by-step overview, watch this free video guide.

How To: Extend your iPhone's vibration notification

In this video we learn how to make your iPhone vibrate your notifications longer. For this you need an SSH program like cyberduck. You also need plist edit pro. Once you have SSH in your phone, go to system, library, private frameworks, celestial framework, then find vibration patterns. Double click that. Download it to the desktop. Open it. Open up the plist file. Go to default, look at total duration, click into that to change the time of the vibrate duration. Change the On Duration too. No...

How To: Use the Spry framework for AJAX Dreamweaver CS3

ChadandToddPodcast teaches you how to use the spry framework for AJAX in Dreamweaver CS3. This allows for effects on the page to happen, without the need for the browser to refresh. You start with a simple .html page. You have 2 buttons and 2 div tags with text in them. Div 1 and div 2 have the visibility property set to hidden. Click on the div 1 button, go to Tag inspector and click behavior with a plus. Click Effects and choose Appear/fade. The target element should be div 1. Fade from 0 t...

How To: Hack web browsers with BeEF

This video tutorial talks about browser exploitation. Particularly, it talks about tools, like BeEF, that can be used to hack known vulnerabilities within browsers and some cool frameworks that you can use to check the security of your own browser. To get started hacking your own browser, watch this how-to.

How To: Create Extender Controls with ASP.NET extensions

Microsoft ASP.NET is a free technology that allows programmers to create dynamic web applications. ASP.NET can be used to create anything from small, personal websites through to large, enterprise-class web applications. All you need to get started with ASP.NET is the free .NET Framework and the free Visual Web Developer. In this ASP.NET video tutorial, you'll learn how to develop the basics of a custom extender control using the ASP.NET extensions framework. Get started using ASP.NET extensi...

Raspberry Pi: Metasploit

Before we dive into the world of frustration, I first would like to thank whoever of the admins and mods made the folder for Raspberry Pi in the How-To's, thank you. Now with that outta the way, this article is about Metasploit on Raspberry Pi (hence the title). I should say that I ran into a error, but I think I figured what the problem is. First of all this is not on Kali Linux, but on a regular Linux OS. With that said let's open up a terminal and begin.

How To: Use the IIS registration tool to configure ASP.Net

In this video tutorial, Chris Pels shows how to use the ASP.NET IIS Registration Tool to configure ASP.NET. First, see how file extensions are mapped to ASP.NET in the IIS Manager on a global and web-site-by-web site basis. These script maps provide the basis for configuring individual ASP.NET applications to run under a specific version of the .NET Framework. Next, see how aspnet_regiis.exe, the IIS Registration Tool command line utility, is specific to each version of the .NET Framework and...

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