Stimulating Collagen Search Results

How To: Remedy stretch marks

Robert Scott shows us in this video how to remedy stretch marks. Stretch marks can be caused by excess of weight gain, muscle building or anything that occurs over a short period of time and breaks down the fibers in the skin. They are not really curable but they are treatable. They can be minimized by a few different treatments. Laser treatment can be done in an aesthetician or physician's office, depending on which state you live in. This builds up the collagen and rebuilds the dermal layer...

How To: Prevent Acne with Doctor Recommended Treatments

Acne develops when pores become blocked with dead skin cells and oil. They usually disappear over time but sometimes they leave a scar. When those blemishes form white blood cells rush to the surface to help heal the area. But occasionally a scar forms. Popping and picking can send bacteria further into the skin and increase the blemish and it greatly increases the likelihood that a scar will appear. Nodules and cysts are more severe blemishes and have an increased likelihood of leaving scars...

How To: Milk your farm cow

Veterinarian Mark Lopez of Wholesome Dairy Farms demonstrates how to milk a cow. Use a teat dip to wet the teats. Then, massage in the fluid so it loosens up the surface dirt and kills bacteria. Stimulate the teat end with your fingers. Next pre-strip the cow by gently pulling on the teat and mimicking the suckling action of a calf. Let the iodine teat dip to sit on the udder. When the cow squirts milk out of the teat, it means that she is stimulated and comfortable. Take a clean towel and wi...

How To: Practice a yoga back bend routine with Deborah York

A healthy back is the key to a healthy body. Yoga backbends stimulates the spine and spinal nerves, relaxes the lower back and strengthens the legs. Deborah York guides the more experienced yoga viewer in a healthy backbend routine, which stretches and tones the abdominal region, stimulates the spine nervous system and helps to release tension in the lower back. Watch this video yoga tutorial and learn how to do a back bend routine to keep yourself healthy.

How To: Do exercises to improve your swim speed

Without speed, you'd swim like a turtle at your swim club races, which is okay if you're into leisurely paced losing. Whether you're navigating away from a hungry shark who likes your "Family Guy" swim trunks or trying to finally snag that "First Place" trophy, speed is something you can always improve on.

How To: Make ocean in a bottle with your kids

When it comes to keeping your kids entertained, there's nothing like arts and crafts to help stimulate their little minds. So many different objects from home can be used to make a great educational project. This tutorial shows you how to take items from your home in order to make the ocean in a bottle. Enjoy!

How To: Prevent heartburn with hard candy and gum

Heartburn can keep you up at night. Learn prevention tips and treatments for heartburn from Pharmacologist Joe Graedon and Dr. Terry Graedon in this how to video. Watch and see how stimulating saliva production with hard candy or gum can help the acid go back down into your stomach. You can also use yellow mustard or even chamomile to ease heartburn pain.

How To: Do straight leg bridge on a swiss ball

The Swiss ball brings an element of instability to basic exercises like the straight leg bridge. This stimulates and conditions your deep core muscles improving spinalstability. In addition to these small but important joint stabilizer muscles the Straight Leg Bridge also targets larger prime movers in your back, glutes and hamstrings.

How To: Fix strecthed or wrinkled earlobes

In this video Dr. Schultz will show you how to fix stretched or wrinkled earlobes. Here are a few things you can do to remedy stretched or wrinkled earlobes: Laser treatments, especially carbon dioxide treatments, a specified amount of heat is delivered to the skin, and it causes a contraction, which causes a plumping of the earlobe, removing the wrinkles. The results will last for years. With injectable filler treatments like collagen, you will also find a plumping of the skin, but they will...

How To: Reduce stretch marks with the Fraxel Laser System

In this video, we learn how to reduce stretch marks with the Fraxel Laser System. This happens when the skin thins and the makes marks when the skin is stretched out too quickly. The laser has been used as years as a skin tightener and now is being used for stretch marks. First, the skin is numbed then the laser pokes tiny holes in the skin, removing the stretch marks. It makes new collagen in the skin, creating a new surface on the skin where the stretch marks used to be. This is a permanent...

How To: Make a smoothie for healthy, glowing skin

In order to make a smoothie that will give you healthy and glowing skin, you should begin by considering the nutritional value and restorative nature of certain fruits. To make a smoothie that will support your collagen, elasticity, and your complexion, combine the following fruit in a smoothie: blueberries, oranges, strawberries, mango, bananas, and water. These will also provide beta keratin and antioxidants.

How To: Deal with acne scars

Suffering from acne scars that are as noticeable as the pimples that caused them? You can find an effective acne scar treatment, from laser resurfacing to collagen injections. Here, the skin care and scar removal you may discuss with your dermatologist.

How To: Make a cheap lucid dream mask

Did you know you can stimulate yourself to have a lucid dream? Well, it may take a little bit of practice first, but this sleep mask can certainly help you have the most interesting and realistic dreams of your life (yes, kinda like "Inception.") Just check out this video to learn how to make a super cheap lucid dream mask out of two LED lights and a pair of goggles.

How To: Make a time bomb prop and

Time bombs are a stimulating and ubiquitous part of action films. This video features a handy tutorial on how to make a realistic-looking time bomb at home out of basic, cheap materials that can be used to add tension and drama to any of your movies. Warning: do not let the authorities see your bomb without knowing what it is first! It is very realistic.

How To: Prune an olive bonsai tree

This video explains how to prune an olive bonsai tree properly. the olive tree used in the video is an europaea tree bought from an exclusive bonsai tree company. The way the tree is pruned are by cutting the tree so that that it has an upward shape to stimulate vertical growth. It is explained that a process known as "cut and grown" are used with the olive tree because it makes the tree grow much faster and produce more fruit. Any branches or leaves that are unnecessary to the vertical growt...

How To: Do the "Spiderman dumbbell curl" for your biceps

In this video tutorial, viewers will learn how perform the "Spiderman dumbbell curl". The name refers to the similar stance that Spiderman makes when she shoots webs. This exercise targets the bicep muscles. It will stimulate your body to gain muscle and lose fat. Start by sitting on an incline bench. Chest should be open, keep entire upper arm stationary, bring in palms, push elbows back a bit and palms should be facing towards shoulders. The exercise should be done slowly with 3 second posi...

How To: Use the Derma Roller for Acne Scars

Hey dolls, just giving you my review of the Derma roller. The good and the bad! Firstly, let me just say OUCH! This bad boy hurts, it's pain level is very close to Fraxel laser the only difference is, that you're doing it to yourself, instead of being in a clinic. I did get emotional in this video because I just couldn't believe how painful the device was on my skin. Most videos and reviews on the next say it's "pain free" and this just isn't true.

How To: Achieve stronger, more lustrous hair in five steps

Have you ever wanted Pantene commercial hair? You know, those glamorous shampoo and conditioner ads showcasing beautiful women with beautiful hair so devoid of common hair woes like split ends, raggedy texture, and frizz that it almost looks fake? We've always lusted for hair that brilliant, but thought up until now that such perfection was only achievable through having a hairstylist on call 24/7. But not anymore.

How To: Master Asian beauty secrets

The alluring beauty of Asian women is celebrated around the world. And they often look years younger than their true age. Ever wondered what the secret was to the gorgeous skin of Asian women? We’ve uncovered a few.

How To: Tighten and firm loose skin after pregnancy

Pregnancy can take a typically fit body and throw it for a loop. Your body will change so dramatically during those nine months that you may be left with stretch marks, extra fat and sagging skin. So, after you've had that beautiful baby, why not check out this tutorial? In it, you will get tips from expert physical trainer, Kathy Kaehler. Kathy has three children and knows everything there is to know about toning a post-pregnancy body. Kathy is also an author and celebrity personal trainer, ...

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