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How To: Hold her hand

Every guy's there... You're taking a stroll with a girl you like and you want to grab her hand, but find your own claming up and getting sweaty! Yes, it's a bit nerve racking doing it for the first time: hand holding that is. Luckily, your Wing Girls are here to help! Get tips on how to get to the hand holding stage with the advice of these two young dating & relationship gurus.

How To: Create an adorable floral formal teen bun

Little girls are always in a rush to look just like their mommies. Just think pint-sized fashionistas like Suri Cruz and Courtney Cox's daughter Coco, who was recently caught by the paps wearing the same ruby lipstick as her mommy on a stroll. While we don't think that wearing makeup is all that age appropriate for a five year old, beautiful, youthful hairstyles are.

How To: Tie your Converse shoelaces in a very cutesy, girly way

Converse sneakers are like the LBDs of our shoe wardrobe. And that's why we don't feel too original strolling down our college campus with the same black and white Chucks that every other girl has also got on. But you shouldn't sacrifice your Chucks for far more uncomfortable - and pinching! - flats or kitten heels just so you can stand out.

How To: Make a mermaid wave necklace

Crafter Brenda from Brightlings shows viewers how to make a mermaid wave necklace at home. This project will include certain tools and supplies which are further explained in the video. Any variation of colors can be used but the ones shown in the video give the necklace more of a mermaid ocean type look. This necklace is great for pairing up with your favorite bathing suit for a stroll along the beach or just to wear around the house while you daydream about swimming with the fish.

How To: Build a bat cave

August is a time when it is common to see bats flying overhead while taking an evening stroll or night fishing at your favorite spot. The two most common bats in Ohio are the little brown and the big brown bats and both are found in rural and urban settings. Bats serve a valuable purpose for humans because they feed on insects, including mosquitoes and those which plague farmers’ crops. However, bats sometimes create roosts, or gathering places, in people’s homes. Join Wild Ohio’s Donna Danie...

How To: Dance the Jitterbug Stroll

The Jitterbug is a popular swing dance, also known as the Lindy Hop and East Coast swing. In this four part how to video, Mike and Tina of Head Over Heels demonstrate the Jitterbug stroll. There are four steps to the Jitterbug stroll, the Pada Pada, the Knee Slap, the Suzie Q, and the Tick Tock. Watch this dance tutorial and you will be doing the Jitterbug in no time.

How To: Avoid phishing attempts

See what phishing (attempts to steal your online information with fraudulent email and webpages) is all about and read the tips on how to avoid becoming the next victim. In this example a HSBC bank phishing attempt is displayed.

How To: Cheat on a test with an eraser

In this video we show you how to take a normal eraser and turn it into a cheating device. As usual, we will do this by taking a common object that no one will think twice about and altering it to fit our needs. Cheating on tests is a serious offense - be careful!

How To: Serve in tennis with David Lloyd

If you want to learn how to serve in tennis this is for you. The serve is the most important aspect in the game because the server has complete control. You have two attempts to serve the ball; if both attempts hit outside of the service box the server double faults and their opponent receives a point. When you are serving the ball your front foot should be at a 45 degree angle and your rear foot should be parallel to the baseline. Your weight should be evenly distributed over both feet. The ...

How To: Gain self confidence with Craig Worrell

Craig is sharing about how to gain self confidence. Maybe you are feeling not very confident or you don't have a lot of self confidence. Maybe you would like to do some bigger or bolder things in your business or personal life. You can only get confidence from surviving the attempt. The only true way to get the confidence is by surviving the attempt. You cannot get it from a book or tape You have to make the attempt. You have to go out and do things, try things that you are not comfortable wi...

How To: Use the Wedge ROP in Houdini 9.5

The Wedge ROP is a render output driver, which can be used to change variables on the fly while rendering. This can be very useful when simulating, in that you can test out different parameters to see the different results. It's a relatively new feature in Houdini 9.5.

How To: Teach your dog to retrieve

In this how to video, you will learn how to teach your dog to retrieve. First, you should teach your dog the a regular retrieve. You will toss the object so that the dog sees where it lands. Next, give it the command to retrieve. Next, attempt the semi blind retrieve. This involves tossing the object, allowing your dog to see where it has gone. Next, distract the dog for a bit before giving it the command to retrieve. The full blind retrieve should now be attempted. This is done by hiding the...

How To: Remove tar from skin

We've all been there, taking a nice stroll along the beach and, oh no, a big splotch of tar is plastered on your foot! No need to worry because there are a variety of everyday products that get that tar right off.

How To: Adjust JPEG and TIFF images with Adobe Camera RAW

Uncover the mysteries of working with JPEG, and TIFF images in Adobe Camera RAW. Warning! This is an advanced demo. Be sure to update to the current version of Photoshop and Bridge before attempting this process on your own. Watch this image editing software tutorial and improve your Camera RAW skills at adjusting jpeg and tiff images.

How To: Tune your harmonica to the key of A

Want to play Canned Heat's "On the Road Again" but your harmonica's in the wrong key? No problem: in this elaborate instructional video you'll learn how to tune your harmonica to the key of A by raising the pitch in draw hole 6. And remember: before attempting to adjust the tuning on your favorite harp, it might be wise to practice pitch adjustments on an old, used, broken or cheap harmonica.

How To: Take apart a laser pointer

Have you ever had a combination of extreme boredom and an unrelenting curiosity? If so one thing you may have attempted to do is to take apart or "de-engineer" a common office laser pointer. In this online video we are shown how to take apart a cheap laser pointer. It should be noted if you are going to attempt to do this you should only try it on a laser pointer that is inexpensive so your loss will not be great if you should make an error.

How To: Lose love handles with a 3 minute work out

Trainer Josh helps out by explaining a 3-minute blast to get rid of love handles. First, he explains side-ups. Side-ups are when the body is aligned with the ground on your hips. Then you push upward, and this can also be attempted, while your knees are bended. The next movement involves a dumbbell. This is called a Russian Twist, and you bring the dumbbell from side to side, while sitting on the ground. Next, a side crunch is attempted, while lifting the leg at the same time. Next, he does a...

How To: Master the camel pose when practicing yoa

The camel pose will open up your throat, increase the blood flow into your brain and aid in your digestion. Make sure you have stretched adequately before attempting this pose, and pay attention to your breathing to make sure you are inhaling and exhaling at the right times.

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