How To: Practice the Cleanout Demo drill in Australian rugby
Cleanout Demo drill starts as 2v2 then move to 2v1 with pressure on the defender. Defenders should keep their heads up and body square during this Australian rugby drill.
Cleanout Demo drill starts as 2v2 then move to 2v1 with pressure on the defender. Defenders should keep their heads up and body square during this Australian rugby drill.
1v1 Tracking Square drill in Australian rugby is a great drill to get you on defense and offense as well as get players fit.
Halfback Passing Races are a good way to get weight transfer and sweep passes down. This ends with a shoot. The technique is to master ball delivery and get pick ups to be speedy.
Basic Pull Pass drill is a good beginner or warm-up drill for practice. This keeps your hands warm and build eye hand coordination as well as partner passing.
4v3 Moving Defenders drill is a great drill to get defenders and attackers on their toes for Australian rugby. It is important to match up fast on this drill as offense / attackers strike quick and defense doesn't want to be caught on their heels.
Continuous Defense drill keeps your body squared to the offense. It's a point exchange drill that emphasizes positioning in defense for Australian rugby.
Practice Side On Tackle variations in from Ford Rugby Academy in Australia. The side on tackle is a good defense move in rugby.
In this language tutorial video, Phil Rosenbaum interviews Australians about their favorite Aussie slang phrases. In Australia, of course the official language is English, but Australians have a rich and colorful array of expressions and slang words that they use. Check out this instructional language video and learn the meanings of several Aussie slang phrases.
Your cultural experiences growing up shape the kinds of food that you like, and nowhere is this more evident than in the case of Vegemite.
Want the beautifying, bag-reducing benefits of green tea eye mask but, you know, without all the green tea? You're in luck! With prepared tea bags, you'll never have to taste a drop of delicious, salubrious tea ever again.
This video provides instructions on how to make Pavlova which is an Australian desert. Using an electric mixer beat egg whites until they are nice and foamy. Then slowly add two cups of a fine sugar. Add until it is completely mixed in and dissolved. Then add two teaspoons of vanilla extract, 1/2 teaspoon cream of tartar. Mix until stiff. On a baking sheet place two pieces of baking paper. Then spoon mixture onto tray forming the mixture into a cake shape with a flatter top. Place into pre-he...
Boomerangs are traditional Australian throwing sticks. They can be used as weapons or as sport. This video shows you how to throw one properly. These are not the returning boomerangs. These are longer and used as multi purpose tools equivlant to a Swiss army knife. They used em as instruments, utensils, weapons, child obeidience devices. The angle is less severe. They're thrown horizontally and thrown directly into the wind. The returning boomerangs are thrown overhand and at a 45 degree angl...
This Australian bush guide teaches the ways of the Boomerang. How to throw the Aussie weapon. Boomerangs are like airplane wings. Have the curved side with the beveled edge facing you. The more you flick your wrist when throwing the boomerang the more rotation your boomerang will have. Throw the boomerang at a 45 degree angle to the wind. Don't throw the boomerang into the wind. Throw it at a 1 o'clock angle, not 12 o clock or six. It's not to be thrown like a baseball or a frisbee. If you th...
In this tutorial, we learn how to make Australian buttermilk fried chicken. You will need: salt, pepper, an egg, butter milk, Corn Flakes crumbs, flour, and chicken pieces. To start, you will want to place the chicken into a plastic bag after washing and drying, then pour butter milk over them and let them sit for 2 hours. Now, you will need to crack your egg and whisk it with milk, then place your corn flakes and flour into separate plates. To start, you will dip the chicken in flour, then t...
This video shows you a delicious recipe and how to make quick and easy brownies, with an Australian twist. This is an old fashioned favorite, perfect for a school bake sale, or just something sweet to impress the family. Also a great way to bound with the family by getting them involved.
If you're still drinking tea from water infused with a dinky little tea bag then you're not really drinking tea at all. In fact, drinking tea from a tea bag you get at Ralph's is equivalent to eating a burger and fries at a fast food joint and thinking it's real food.
Want to brew different kinds of tea? Learn how to brew green tea, white tea, Oolong tea, and more in this free video series about steeping tea.
Ingredients for Green Tea Ice Cream (400ml/1.69 u.s. cup)
In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to make a tea bag fly with a home experiment. Viewers learn how to make a tea bag fly using convection. The materials required for this experiment are: tea bags, matches, tin foil and scissors. Begin by cutting the top of the tea bag and open it. Empty out the tea. The tea bag should be a cylinder shape. Place the tea bag on top of a piece of tinfoil and use your matches to light the top of the tea bag. This video will benefit those viewers who enjoy ...
Feeling like you need to rid your body of a few toxins? A nice, hot cup of tea isn't just soothing; some varieties have health and diet benefits. See which brew might be right for you. Learn how to tea-tox with help from this video.
Pottery is the art of forming various objects out of clay. Learn how to make a pottery tea set with tips from a pottery expert in this free video series.
All tea comes from the same plant; however, the way the tea leaves are prepared are very different. Learn about green, white, Oolong, and black tea in this free video series about making the perfect cup of loose leaf tea.
In this tutorial, learn how to make green tea - the right way - with Jenny Jones. Jenny will show you how to cook up this healthy, delicious Asian tea so that you get the most health benefits. Green tea can help fight disease, aid weight loss and give you an overall better sense of wellbeing. Follow along with Jenny and steep your tea to perfection.
Australian native Scott's biggest concern is water conservation. By overhauling his bathroom, hot water, heater and backyard, Scott saves $360 a year on water costs. Learn how you can save money and conserve water by renovating your plumbing with this how to video.
This is a video demonstrating how to make Thai Iced tea. The presenter explains that Thai tea mix can be bought at a local Asian market. She explains that it costs about 5 dollars. She says that one package can last a long time. Sugar and boiling water, ice and half and half is also necessary. A large pot is then filled with water and boiled. The tea leaves are then placed in the boiling water and are then mixed with a large spoon. The heat is on high and the tea is allowed to boil for 15 min...
Have a craving for the perfect iced tea? Learn how to make iced tea with tips from a tea lounge owner in this free video series.
Learn how to make your favorite gourmet tea and coffee drinks at home and save money in this free drink recipe video series on making gourmet tee and coffee.
Green tea is packed full of antioxidants that can be beneficial when brewed correctly. Learn about green tea in this free tea brewing video series.
Check out this video to learn how to make and drink jasmine green tea with flowers. Use one and a half teaspoon of tea leafs for your jasmine tea.
Naps provide some serious mental and physical benefits, but not if they last too long or occur too late in the day. Ideally, you want to awake from a nap feeling alert and refreshed enough to attack the rest of your tasks with renewed zeal, but not energized to the point where you can't get to sleep at night. Alas, most of us don't know these tricks and end up messing with our sleep cycle (guilty).
We've all heard of dying paper with tea dye for an aged, vintage effect. But did you know you could use tea (and coffee) to dye other things as well, including T-shirts and yarn?
The Digital Chef shows how he makes Masala Chai Tea, also known as Indian Spice Tea.
This video tutorial demonstrates how to make a flying tea bag. You only need is a cheap tea bag and a match to set it off. The tea bag remains are so light that the hot air produced from the ashes is enough to make them lift into the air. This experiment is slightly dangerous, so be careful!
There are all sorts of different teas out there, it's hard to keep up! But this video focuses particularly on one specific type: English tea. You have to give the English some credit they can produce some pretty tasty tea that is perfect for any time of the day. This tutorial will show you exactly how to make English tea. Enjoy!
This is a tutorial on how to make a $2.00 didgeridoo. This musical instrument is made Redneck style out of ABS pipe. The Digeridoo is an Australian wind instrument. This one is a non-traditional plastic version.
Flower arrangements centered around tea cups make for great little gifts. Make a tea cup flower arrangement with tips from a floral designer in this free video on flower arrangements.
Afternoon tea is becoming a popular alternative to the business breakfast or lunch. In this how to video, etiquette coach Syndi Seid offers some simple guidelines for proper tea table manners. Watch this how to video and you will know how to behave at an afternoon tea or high tea.
Watch this step-by-step instructional video, showing how to create your very own concave skimboard. Take it from an Australian guy who knows just a little bit about skimboards. To make your skimboard, you will need several materials. Watch the video to learn what you will need.
Watch Ray Mears from the BBC show you how to dig for water in the Australian outback. Use grass as a filter.
3,2,1... blast off! Here's a fun little experiment you can do with a tea bag and some matches. You can try it at home and see how far up you can make your tea bag rocket go. The Tea Bag Rocket is really an adaptation of a classic science demonstration called the Ditto Paper Rocket. Each piece of Ditto paper had a sheet of tissue paper that separated the two-part form, and it was this discarded piece of paper that kids used to make the "rocket." Since Ditto paper is a thing of the past, scienc...