Australians Panic Search Results

How To: Stop a panic attack

In this tutorial, we learn how to stop a panic attack. Start by reminding yourself that you are having anxiety and do not get upset with the situation. Realize you are just having heightened sensations and that you are not in any danger at the moment. Don't close down, let your sensations run through your body and process the fear. Travel through the anxiety to become free of it. The act of welcoming will change your attitude, and let you flow with the experience. You can mentally feel the se...

How To: Use Aussie slang

In this language tutorial video, Phil Rosenbaum interviews Australians about their favorite Aussie slang phrases. In Australia, of course the official language is English, but Australians have a rich and colorful array of expressions and slang words that they use. Check out this instructional language video and learn the meanings of several Aussie slang phrases.

How To: Deal with social anxiety & improve your social skills

This video tutorial is in the Motivation & Self Help category which will show you how to deal with social anxiety and improve your social skills. In this video Momo answers some questions on social skills and gives a few suggestions on what to do when the panic sets in. The panic sets in either because you have nothing to say or you have expectations. Usually it is expectations. You got expectations from your teachers, your parents, your friends or your peers. When you have expectations when ...

How To: Make Pavlova (an Australian meringue dessert)

This video provides instructions on how to make Pavlova which is an Australian desert. Using an electric mixer beat egg whites until they are nice and foamy. Then slowly add two cups of a fine sugar. Add until it is completely mixed in and dissolved. Then add two teaspoons of vanilla extract, 1/2 teaspoon cream of tartar. Mix until stiff. On a baking sheet place two pieces of baking paper. Then spoon mixture onto tray forming the mixture into a cake shape with a flatter top. Place into pre-he...

How To: Throw an Australian boomerang correctly

Boomerangs are traditional Australian throwing sticks. They can be used as weapons or as sport. This video shows you how to throw one properly. These are not the returning boomerangs. These are longer and used as multi purpose tools equivlant to a Swiss army knife. They used em as instruments, utensils, weapons, child obeidience devices. The angle is less severe. They're thrown horizontally and thrown directly into the wind. The returning boomerangs are thrown overhand and at a 45 degree angl...

How To: Throw an Australian boomerang properly

This Australian bush guide teaches the ways of the Boomerang. How to throw the Aussie weapon. Boomerangs are like airplane wings. Have the curved side with the beveled edge facing you. The more you flick your wrist when throwing the boomerang the more rotation your boomerang will have. Throw the boomerang at a 45 degree angle to the wind. Don't throw the boomerang into the wind. Throw it at a 1 o'clock angle, not 12 o clock or six. It's not to be thrown like a baseball or a frisbee. If you th...

How To: Make Australian buttermilk fried chicken

In this tutorial, we learn how to make Australian buttermilk fried chicken. You will need: salt, pepper, an egg, butter milk, Corn Flakes crumbs, flour, and chicken pieces. To start, you will want to place the chicken into a plastic bag after washing and drying, then pour butter milk over them and let them sit for 2 hours. Now, you will need to crack your egg and whisk it with milk, then place your corn flakes and flour into separate plates. To start, you will dip the chicken in flour, then t...

How To: Make quick & easy chocolate brownies

This video shows you a delicious recipe and how to make quick and easy brownies, with an Australian twist. This is an old fashioned favorite, perfect for a school bake sale, or just something sweet to impress the family. Also a great way to bound with the family by getting them involved.

News: A US Release of Grab's 'Panic Button' Feature Could Mean Safer Rides

Ride-hailing services are everywhere nowadays and with new companies developing all the time, it is one of the most convenient ways for people to get around. Companies like Uber make it easy for passengers to call a car to pick them up and drive them to their desired location. These services have been especially helpful for commuters as well as those who might need a ride home after a night at the bar. However, ride-hailing services require driving with a total stranger, which means the safet...

How To: Conserve water in your home

Australian native Scott's biggest concern is water conservation. By overhauling his bathroom, hot water, heater and backyard, Scott saves $360 a year on water costs. Learn how you can save money and conserve water by renovating your plumbing with this how to video.

How To: Make a concave skimboard

Watch this step-by-step instructional video, showing how to create your very own concave skimboard. Take it from an Australian guy who knows just a little bit about skimboards. To make your skimboard, you will need several materials. Watch the video to learn what you will need.

How To: Play "Waltzing Matilda" on the ukulele

Want to play "Waltzing Matilda" on your ukulele? Learn how with this free video ukulele lesson from Ukulele Mike. Whether you play the ukulele or bass kazoo, there is no better way to improve your chops than by learning to play your favorite songs. Not only is it more fun and much easier than running drills or memorizing a chord book by wrote, it's obviously also a wonderful way to build your repertory of songs. For more information, and to get started playing the famous Australian bush balla...

How To: Trim your beard from 3" to 1/2"

November is officially Movember, a month that brings light to men's health issues, especially prostate cancer. "Mo" is the Australian slang for mustache, which is appropriate because during November the quest of Movember is to have guys lay off the shaving for a month and grow mustaches to spread awareness.

How To: Fold a JKF-18 Hornet jet paper plane

This aircraft origami masterpiece is a JKF-18 Hornet, which is modeled after the McDonnell Douglas F/A-18 Hornet] supersonic fighter jet used by the United States Navy and Marine Corps, along with the Royal Australian Air Force and Spanish Air Force. It's a fantastic plane—but this origami version of it is better!

How To: Play the ukulele

Check out this ukulele lesson for beginners. Learn from the Australian guy. Start by learning how to hold the instrument and eventually you'll get to playing songs like "Five foot two, eyes of blue."

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