Essay Writing Search Results

How To: Write a great conclusion for an essay

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to write a great conclusion for an essay. A conclusion is a summary of the topic and is the opinion of the topic or creator. The conclusion summarizes the main point of the topic. Repetition in the conclusion is not a problem. The points stated in the introduction of the essay are restated and rephrased in the conclusion. Adding your own opinion and ides about the topic help improve and makes the conclusion more effective. This video will benefit thos...

How To: Write a good argumentative essay introduction

In this video, we learn how to write a good argumentative essay introduction. This is a persuasive essay that is just an argument. What makes this an essay is that it has an introductory section, main body, and concluding section. Many high schools and universities will require you to write an argumentative essay. You will first need to understand the process of writing the paper and then look at good and bad examples so you can get ideas of how the paper should look. Remember that you should...

How To: Evaluate a student's written IELTS essay

In this eight-part video designed for teachers, learn how to evaluate a student's written IELTS (International English Language Testing System) essay. The IELTS is an international standardised test of English language proficiency. In these ight parts, learn how to view, analyze, and evaluate an IELTS essay.

How To: Write a great timed essay in class

Getting nervous about a timed essay coming up in school? In this six-part video of a writing class discussion, learn from Fullerton College professor Mark Fullmer some tips & tricks on how to write a "damn good" effective essay while being timed in class. Time management, essay structure, presentation, introductions, support, conclusions, vocabulary, and critical thinking are discussed over each of these six videos.

How To: Write a great essay for the SAT test

In this four part video tutorial series, learn how to write a 12 score essay for the SAT test in just ten days. The SAT essay is designed to measure your abilitity to develop a point of view on an issue presented in an excerpt, support your point of view using reasoning and examples from your reading, studies, experience, or observations, and your ability to follow the conventions of standard written English. Follow these steps presented in this video, and score at least a 10 on your SAT essay!

How To: Write an argument essay thesis

In this three-part instructional video hosted by English Ryan, learn how to write an effective thesis for an argument essay. In an argumentative essay, one not only relays information about the topic or position they are trying to argue, but also presents an argument with the PROS (supporting ideas) and CONS (opposing ideas) of the argumentative issue. One must clearly take a stand on either side of the issue and write as if persuading an opposing audience to adopt new beliefs or behavior. In...

How To: Write a DBQ (or document-based question) essay

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to write a document-based question essay. Data base question essays evaluates student ability to formulate and support an answer of documentary evidence. Each document based question is broken into 2 parts: short answer and essay. The short answer assess student ability to analyze student documents individually. The essay assess the student ability to synthesize and create an essay based on an assortment of documents. The essay should contain an intro...

How To: Write an argumentative research essay

Writing a research essay or an argumentative research essay can seem like a major challenge to students. All the work, all the writing all the deadlines! Simplify the entire process by learning how to gather information the correct way, namely using the resources at the school library and, more importantly, how to fill those pages. This video will show the easy way to write argumentative research essays.

How To: Write an introduction to an argumentative essay

This video takes the viewer through a simple, step-by-step process for writing a compelling introduction to an argumentative essay. According to the author, an ideal introduction should begin with detailing the subject matter of the essay, and should provide the background information on the issue being discussed in the essay. The introduction should be very clear about the conclusion that the author of the essay is alluding at. One of the major problems with student essays is that their intr...

How To: Write a unique personal statement essay

In this tutorial, we learn how to write a unique personal statement essay. Personal statement is the heart of the application where you can give voice to your accomplishments, dreams, and goals. You want to stand out from the rest of the applicants, so you need to express what's important to you. You can show them how well you write and show passion, your smarts, and sense of humor as you write. You can do this because you are prepared and you are being true to yourself. Once you understand t...

How To: Write an essay for school

In this video, we learn how to write an essay for school. This is important because it will help you get into college! The main parts of an essay are: the title page, outline, body, introduction, conclusion, and footnotes. Make sure your title page has the title of the paper, the student's name, teacher of the class, and due date for the paper. For the rest of the pages, make sure you follow the guidelines that have been set by your teacher to properly write. Add in a lot of details and make ...

How To: Write a good argumentative essay: first argument

This video describes the art of writing argumentative essays. In other words it narrates how to improve arguments of an essay. It starts with an analysis of classic examples. The speaker begins by criticizing the style of paragraph and how to improve the suggestions. He explains how to omit errors and form your arguments in commanding manner. Finally, he says how to come a conclusion by adding solid evidence. At the end of course he will show you how to transfer a old matter into a classic ex...

How To: Write a structured essay

Each paragraph should be roughly 4 sentences long. The first sentence is an introduction, and then you can follow up with detailed sentences. The last sentence is your conclusion. An essay follows this same makeup. The first paragraph is an introduction, and then you have detailed paragraphs, followed by a conclusion paragraph. Each sentence in your introductory paragraph can be the introductory sentence for each of your detailed paragraphs. Likewise, the conclusion sentence in your introduct...

How To: Write an introduction to your academic essay

In this tutorial, we learn how to write an introduction to your academic essay. The first part of your introduction should say why the topic is important. Using the phrase "is a topic of growing importance" is a great way to help boost your topic's importance. Next, you should have a sentence or two sentences talking about the difficulties of the topic and what issues are involved. The third part of your introduction should be a thesis statement that narrows down what the topic is going to be...

How To: Write a good argumentative essay: logical structure

In this tutorial video, you will learn the basic structure for a good argumentative essay. The narrator in this tutorial, makes a very important distinction in the video; a good argument versus an average or mediocre argument. The narrator teaches you that a good argument will have, at minimum, a 5-part structure. The elements in the structure include an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. Within the body, a good argumentative essay would contain a main argument, an objection, and a reply...

How To: Write a successful college essay in nine steps

Motivational speaker and leadership coach Tim Warneka teaches how to write a successful college essay in nine simple steps. Read and understand the directions and expectations the professor has for the assignment. Sit down and write whatever comes to mind on the topic. Edit your paper, making sure to use academic English. Allow yourself time to "sleep on it" and come back to re-read your essay with a fresh mind. When you come back to it, read the paper out loud to find any mistakes. Allow one...

How To: Write a TOEFL essay for ESL students

People spend months writing the perfect TOEFL essay. This ESL video lesson will help you avoid one of the number one mistakes people make, forgetting the details. Make sure you have at least two main points and two details, one for each main point, and you'll be ahead of most other students. Watch this how to video and you will ace the TOEFL essay in no time.

How To: Introduce examples in your IELTS essay

This is a video on writing essays. The video is a part of a series on essay writing. The current video involves inserting examples into an essay that you are writing. The speaker describes how to complement arguments contained within essays that provide support to the argument. The purpose is to improve the strength of arguments and, by extension, the quality of the essay. The speaker goes on to describe different phrases that are helpful in introducing examples into an essay.

How To: Use personal pronouns in an IELTS essay

In this video, we learn how to use personal pronouns in an IELTS essay. Pronouns are: we, I, me, you, and us. These are words we use to describe ourselves and should generally be avoided in an essay. There are times when it's difficult to avoid personal pronouns in essay, but only use these when you're being asked to or are supporting an argument. An example of how to avoid using personal pronouns is: "I believe that" could be changed to "it is believed that". Once you learn how to replace pe...

How To: Ace Every Essay Assignment with Less Substance, More Fluff

Essay writing is the bane of most students' educational existence. Whether you're a college student tired of slaving away over 30-plus page research papers or a high school student just trying to get through AP Language, chances are you'd love to find a way to cut down on all the writing. Before you spend hours googling facts and figures to cram into your next paper, work smarter by cutting down on content.

How To: Build a strong body paragraph for a school essay

In this tutorial, we learn how to build a strong body paragraph for a school essay. This consists of several sentences unified by a common point. The topic sentence is first followed by the supporting sentences. The topic sentence should express what the attitude of the topic is and describe it. Limit the scope of the topic sentence, don't make it too broad. Development is essential to an effective paragraph. It should end with a concluding sentence that is linked to the thesis statement. The...

How To: Use quotes in an essay

In this tutorial, we learn how to use quotes in an essay. When using a colon, you will set up the quote, then present it as proof of what you have just said. Note that the phrase before the quote could stand on its own as a sentence. For partial quotes, remember when summarizing to embed the author's words in your own sentence. If you take away the quotation marks the sentence should flow like you wrote it. When using commas with quotes, you can introduce the quote with an introductory phrase...

How To: Write a proper thesis statement with Jennifer Mensink

The key to a great essay or dissertation is a strong thesis. In this two part tutorial from teacher Jennifer Mensink, learn exactly what a thesis is, why it is important and how to craft the perfect one. This video lesson will cover everything including an anticipation set, input and an assessment. Jennifer teaches as though you are her only student, and you will love listening to her step by step breakdown. So, get ready for finals with this refresher course on thesis statements.

How To: Analyze the conclusion of a sample argumentative essay

In this video we learn how to analyze the conclusion of a sample argumentative essay. The conclusion is only two lines long, but it should be looked over thoroughly. The conclusion should reinstate the main thesis from the essay. It should also give an indication of how the thesis was argued for. You should avoid the phrase "I feel that", "I believe that", and "I feel strongly that". When you change up this, it will make the conclusion appear stronger. When you do this, your conclusion will b...

How To: Want to Appear Smarter? Stop Using Impressive Vocabulary

We've all been there: facing a lengthy, complex word that ignores the phonics we were taught in elementary school, unsure of not only its pronunciation, but also its meaning. These words, from autochthonous to esquamulose, are both terrifying and impressive. After all, if someone knows how to use them—and even say them—they must be quite smart. Yet before you begin stuffing every email and presentation with verbose prose, you might want to reconsider what others perceive to be intelligent.

How To: Make an essay look longer than it is

This video will show you how to make your essay appear longer then it actually is with just a few quick changes to your Microsoft word settings. First, you want to go to the "Edit" tab and click "Replace", from there in the replace with box put a period. Then click on format and click on font and change the size of the period from 12 pt font to 14 or 16 pt font and click replace all. The next change you want to make is with your margins and in the left and right margins change it from 1. 25 t...

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