Overseas Businesses Search Results

How To: Get the best price on international airfare

Flying is complicated enough, especially when you are flying overseas. In this tutorial, Rick Seaney gives you tips on how to find the cheapest flights to popular international destinations. Rick also goes over how to save on luggage and other hidden airport upcharges. So, before you take your next big trip, check out this tutorial and get some insider information on how to avoid hefty costs and enjoy your holiday.

How To: Prepare Your Phone for a Trip Abroad with These Tips

So you're finally ready to head out on that big trip you've been planning for months, huh? It's an exciting time, but there are plenty of things you'll need to prepare before you head out. For instance, it's hard to imagine life without a smartphone these days, and with useful traveling apps like Google Translate and maps, you'll almost have to make sure that you have a working smartphone when you arrive at your destination.

How To: Say "pork" in Polish

If you're lucky enough to vacation overseas, you must try how the meat is prepared in each country. It's amazing how different countries prepare and cook their meat selections, and ultimately, the difference in taste. In this video, learn the Polish word for "pork" and the correct pronunciation.

How To: Define a business model and use it to improve business

Having cohesive vision for your business and sticking to it is one of the most important parts of growing a successful business. This video features small business owners describing how they were able to develop their businesses by having the vision to focus on profitable aspects of said businesses. This has allowed each of them to flourish as entrepreneurs.

How To: Start a business

In a bad economy, starting your own business is hard, even if you know everything about a business plan. And lots of people have ideas to start a business, but starting a successful business takes more than a good idea, it takes planning.

How To: Use business card examples in Microsoft Word: Mac 2008

Need to make a homemade business card for you new company. Maybe you're about to take freelancing to the next level, a more professional level. Well, Word 2008 for Mac allows you to make your very own, personal business cards, and they give you tons of pre-formatted templates to choose from. You just have to supply the ink and paper. The Microsoft Office for Mac team shows you just how to find and use business card templates in this how-to video.

How To: The Best Way to Record Calls on Your OnePlus 3 or 3T

The beta firmware for OnePlus devices lets you record calls from the stock Oxygen OS dialer, but this feature is never included in official updates. This is likely due to legal issues with recording calls in some jurisdictions, but thankfully, there's a way to get this feature without having to run beta software.

How To: Write an executive summary

An executive summary is one of the most important parts of your business career, because it's the first thing investors will look at. Placed at the beginning of a business plan, the executive summary is the hook that lures investors into wanting to learn more about your business. See how to write one in the best way possible.

How To: Write your own business plan

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to write their own business plan. This video provides several options for viewers to decide from to write a business plan. Users may choose to purchase a business plan software for $50-$65, take a business plan course for $75-$500 or hire a consultant for $1000,-$5000. Business course plans are usually located at college campuses. It is not recommended to hire a consultant as it is very expensive and you will ne the one giving the consultant the infor...

How To: Start your own business

There's nothing better than being your own boss some say. If you are ready for the risks and the work, take your passion to the next level and start your own business. Learn how to start your own business with help from this video.

How To: Perform the dime in a bottle bar trick

Bar tricks, gotta love em. This is an easy trick that's hard for someone to win unless they know the secret. Place a small coin on a business card and the business card on a bottle. Now remove the business so that the coin falls into the bottle. business card trick. Unless you know this business card trick it is very hard to figure out. Make a bet and you can win with this business card trick.

How To: Landscape the entrance area to a business

When customers come to your place of business, you want them to feel welcome and comfortable. In this video tutorial, Dave of Growing Wisdom discusses design principles to keep in mind when you're redoing the entryway to your business. For more and better information, and to get started redoing the entrance to your own business establishment, watch this landscaper's guide.

How To: Solve rate-of-change business math problems in Excel

As you might guess, one of the domains in which Microsoft Excel really excels is business math. Brush up on the stuff for your next or current job with this how-to. In this tutorial from everyone's favorite digital spreadsheet guru, YouTube's ExcelIsFun, the 30th installment in his "Excel Business Math" series of free video lessons, you'll learn how to solve business math word problems that involve rate of change (increase or decrease).

How To: Dress business casual for men

Business casual is a popular style for men in modern business environments, but it's very difficult to pin down. How casual can I go? How businessy is too businessy? Watch this video to learn how business casual works and how you can rock it yourself.

How To: Understand financial statements to improve business

Do you own a small business, but find yourself unable to understand the intricacies of your financial statements? You are not alone. This video features a small business coach explaining some of the intricacies of financial statements. The tips provided here should help you better understand your financial statements and use the information gleaned therein to improve the profitability of your business.

How To: Provide great customer service to your customers

In a bad economic environment, providing a great customer service experience is even more important than normal. Word of that great experience will spread via Twitter and Youtube, helping your business attract buzz without requiring it to spend cash on marketing. This video features a business technology expert explaining how to create a "wow" experience for your customers and use the ability to do so to improve your business.

How To: Solve rate/percent increase/decrease problems in Excel

As you might guess, one of the domains in which Microsoft Excel really excels is business math. Brush up on the stuff for your next or current job with this how-to. In this tutorial from everyone's favorite digital spreadsheet guru, YouTube's ExcelIsFun, the 32nd installment in his "Excel Business Math" series of free video lessons, you'll learn how to solve increase and decrease (Rate and Percentage) applied business math word problems.

How To: Make a small business card-sized box

Sometimes you find ideas from the most unlikely objects. This video gives proof. Here are easy instructions for making a small box to hold business cards, ATC's (artist trading cards), gift cards, etc. Watch this video tutorial to learn how to make a small business card-sized box out of an old Orbit gum package.

How To: Create animated business cards in Flash CS4

See how to build and animate a business card in Flash. The idea is that, when the user clicks the business card, it flips over and diplays information on the back and, when it is clicked again, it flips back over and displays the front again. This clip covers how to use the Motion Editor to tween using the 3D rotation tools in Flash CS4 as well as scripting the button to react to a click only when in a certain position. See how to create a simple nav bar when working in Adobe Flash CS4. Wheth...

How To: Use micro giveaways on Facebook to help your business

In this tutorial, Brian from TruTricks shows us an example of what Facebook can do to promote your business! One of the best ways to do this is to do micro giveaways on your Facebook. You don't have to give away something big, just something small that gives people incentive to post on your page and become a fan of your business! You will be able to see what people are posting on the page as well as everyone that is entered in your contest. This giveaway has given all the fans reason to parti...

How To: Obtain an international driving permit

This video is provided by "Betty Sell" from AAA travels. In this video she tells about the international travel and also about the important documents to be carried while carrying out an international travel, that is the international driving permit, commonly called as an IDP. It's very important to carry an IDP while traveling overseas because an IDP acts as an important recognizable form of photo identification which helps us to communicate with foreign authorities. To get more information ...

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