Online Application Search Results

How To: Use the Zoho Sheet online spreadsheet application

While all Web 2.0 applications are by no means equal, certain among them can save you time, money, and frustration–one such web app is the Zoho Sheet spreadsheet utility, which is comparable to Excel from the Microsoft Office suite. For more information, or to get started using the Zoho Sheet online spreadsheet application for yourself, take a look!

How To: Apply online for Social Security retirement benefits

When you decide its time to retire, you will most likely need to cash in your Social Security benefits. In this official two part tutorial, presented by the American Social Secuity Administration, learn exactly how to use their website and apply online. Applying online is very easy, and takes a lot less time than applying in person. By applying online for social security, you will bypass all of the long lines and waiting that usually happens in one of the offices. Plus, you won't ever have to...

How To: File an unemployment claim online for Florida

In this tutorial, we learn how to file an unemployment claim online for Florida. First, log onto the website FluidNow. Once you are on the website, you will see a left hand sidebar with a menu, click on the option to file a claim. You will now go to a new screen where you will see guidelines and information on filing a claim. Continue to read the list of information you need, the check that you have it, and continue the application. Enter your personal information on each page you are present...

How To: Apply for a NEXUS card to use in Canada and the United

Nexus is a pre-approved trusted traveler program that allows approved people expedited travel between Canada and the US. The card is available to US and Canadian citizens or permanent residents who travel by air or land between the two countries. Anyone traveling between the two countries must have their own Nexus card including babies. The Nexus card is considered a privilege by both the US and Canadian governments. You must have a clean record with both the Canadian Border Services and The ...

How To: Download and use clipart in Microsoft Office: Mac 2008

Clip Art from Microsoft Office allows you to insert stock photos into you PowerPoint, Word, Excel and Entourage documents easily. You can gain access to the Office Clip Art site easily in any of the mentioned applications. The Microsoft Office for Mac team shows you just how to download and use clipart from Office Online in this how-to video. You can get free stock images of low-priced professional quality photos.

How To: Use the Zoho Creator database application

While all Web 2.0 applications are by no means equal, certain among them can save you time, money, and frustration–one such web app is the Zoho Creator database utility, which is comparable to Access from the Microsoft Office suite. For more information, or to get started using the Zoho Creator online database application for yourself, take a look!

How To: Apply for Arizona food stamps

In this video, we learn how to apply for Arizona food stamps. First, you will need to go online and print out the application to receive food stamps from the state. You will also need to print out the information that you will need to bring with you as well as look for an office that is closest to your location. Fill out all of the sections of the application until it's complete. Make sure to use the correct colored pen and don't leave out any information. If you do leave something out, this ...

How To: Start a screen share on iChat

This video tutorial from pirateskool presents how to enable screen share function in iChat application in Leopard operating system.Firstly, you need to ensure Screen Sharing function is enabled. From menu dock on your desktop, choose System Preferences option.In the opened window select Sharing. Make sure Screen Sharing is checked.Now you can close system preferences window.To establish screen sharing you need another user, who has Leopard operating system and iChat communication application....

How To: Customize your Ford SYNC online user account

Customizing your user account online for Ford's new SYNC system is a cinch. Simply go to the website and customize news and sports, vehicle health reports, and your personal favorites. You can even start out by adding your favorite destinations for turn-by-turn directions later. Learn how to customize your Ford SYNC online user account.

How To: Create a page turning effect in Flash

If you'd like to create a cool presentation with Flash, check out this video and the Flash plug-in flipdoo. Flipdoo allows you to build stunning flash flip books for both online and offline use in minutes. You don't need any additional software. Import your PDFs, configure book look & feel and publish. This is the best way to create digital ( electronic ) editions such as any type of publications, magazines, brochures and catalogues. Flipdoo Publisher is a Windows desktop application that hel...

How To: Put your MS Access databases on your website

To start off the process of publishing your access database online we first look at a sample MS ACCESS database with typical formats and a online searchable application where users can search by library name or city and get details of the library. There are 3 steps to publish the database. The first step is importing data which can be done through clicking on the file menu and then click on import data through a Microsoft Access Database. Now select the file you want to import through the bro...

How To: Develop applications for the Apple iPhone

This is a lengthy, detailed series on iPhone development, for which you'll need an Intel-based Mac computer, running Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) or higher. Then, before you actually get started developing for the iPhone, you'll need to register as a developer with Apple. Then, you'll need to download Xcode and the iPhone SDK. Once you have all this, you can start developing iPhone applications!

How To: Use BlackBerry Wallet to store personal information

Want to forget about always pulling out your credit card to purchase something on your BlackBerry? There's a little application that can do it all for you? But how? Best Buy has answers. The Best Buy Mobile team explains how to use the BlackBerry Wallet application. This application can store personal information such as credit card information and shipping addresses on a secure website for easy access when shopping online.

How To: Use the Xbox 360 Internet browser with NXE update

This video tutorial from KaBoom215 presents how to use Xbox 360 Internet browser with NXE update.First you need to turn on your computer and make sure you have Windows Media Center on your Xbox 360 and your computer (preferably using Windows Vista operating system).From your computer, open Internet browser, search for mce browser, choose search result that says Anthony Park Software.Download MCE Browser from this site.Back to your Xbox 360 console connected to your computer, open Windows Medi...

How To: Copy and paste data with your S60 phone

In this video S60 online explains how to copy and paste using your S60 phone. First, have what you would like to past saved on your notes application. Next, when you want to paste it to a webpage for instance open your notes application. When you open the notes, press and hold down the edit key and the directional key to highlight what you would like to copy. Still holding the edit key, press the left soft key to copy the text. Now you can past the text where you need it. Go back to where you...

How To: Get a commercial driver FAST card for US & Canada

FAST is an expedited travel program for commercial truck drivers that travel between the US and Canada. FAST cards are available to citizens or permanent residents of Canada or the US. The FAST program is viewed as a privilege by both Canada and the US. You can be denied for the FAST program if you do not have a clean driving record and a clean record with the Canadian Border Services and The US Customs and Border Protection. Things such as being caught with undeclared items and having a crim...

How To: Create an impressive photo slideshow online with Roxio

Why let all the photos you've taken over the years with your digital camera sit on your computer in loose piles, forsaken? In this video tutorial, you'll learn how to use Roxio's free photoshow application to create impressive photographic slideshows. For more information on photoshow, or to get started creating your own slideshows, watch this Internet how-to!

How To: Do basic cloud computing

This video instructs the viewer about the basics of cloud computing, using more than one computer and managing your computing needs online. The instructor explains, "Cloud computing is a metaphor for using the Internet for your computing needs." A program called cloudo, allows the user to store information online through an interface that looks like a regular computer desktop; then the information can be accessed via password from any computer with an internet connection. Other programs also ...

How To: Set custom sound volume for different applications

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to set custom sound volume for different applications in a Windows 7 computer. This task is very easy, fast and simple to do. Begin by simply clicking on the speaker icon in the system tray and select Mixer. There users will have access to the master audio mix on the left and each application listed individually, with their own volume bar. Just adjust each volume bar of the applications to your liking. This video will benefit those viewers who use a W...

How To: Add photos to Facebook using Picasa

In this Computers & Programming video tutorial you will learn how to add photos to Facebook using Picasa. The video is from Help Me Rick. Log into Facebook, go down to the lower left corner and click ‘Applications’. Click ‘Find More’ and in the search applications box, type in ‘Picasa’. You will get a list of Picasa applications. Select the Picasa by Alan Lundeen. Here you click ‘go to applications’ -> install now -> OK -> Yes -> Facebook -> Add -> OK. Now you will get a Facebook icon on the ...

How To: Uninstall a program from your Android phone

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to uninstall the program on an Android phone. Begin by clicking on Settings and select Applications. Click on Manage applications. Now users will be revealed a list of all the applications that are installed on the phone. Simply scroll through the applications and select the unwanted application(s). Users will now see the information about the application, click on Uninstall. Now click OK and click OK again when the application is finished uninstallin...

How To: Use AppVerifier to debug Windows Mobile applications

If you've programmed a few Windows Mobile applications, you might need to perform some troubleshooting and debug the program to weed out all the problems. You can do this with AppVerifier. Marty Larson demonstrates installing, configuring and using the "AppVerifier" Application Verifier tool to debug Windows Mobile applications.

How To: Create and use application level events in ASP.Net

In this video tutorial, Chris Pels will show how to create an Application Class File (Global.asax) that contains application level event handlers such as Application_Start and Application_BeginRequest. Then the sequence of application level events in the application lifecycle will be discussed as a basis for determining where certain types of operations would be best performed during the application lifecycle.

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