Opinions Expressed Search Results

How To: Grasp the differences of census, study, & sample survey

In this tutorial, we learn how to know the difference: census, study, & sample survey. The census is when everyone's opinion is needed. An example is when you will see census studies happen throughout the year from the government seeing how many people live in one household. A study is when you only need the opinion of experts. This can be when companies are releasing a new product and need the opinions of doctors or dentists about it. A sample survey is when a few people's opinions are enoug...

How To: Write a great conclusion for an essay

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to write a great conclusion for an essay. A conclusion is a summary of the topic and is the opinion of the topic or creator. The conclusion summarizes the main point of the topic. Repetition in the conclusion is not a problem. The points stated in the introduction of the essay are restated and rephrased in the conclusion. Adding your own opinion and ides about the topic help improve and makes the conclusion more effective. This video will benefit thos...

How To: Perform ballistics comparisons

In this scientific video tutorial, undergraduate students in a forensic chemistry lab demonstrate how to use a comparison microscope for bullet and bullet casing comparisons, and color developments tests for impression marking enhancement (such as for filed-off serial numbers). Learn how to perform ballistics comparisons! Just like in CSI.

How To: Use a focus group for new brand name candidates

Focus groups strike fear into the hearts of even the most season marketer, and with good reason. In a world where everything is subject to change based on public opinion, from movie endings, to popcorn flavors, to logo colors, focus groups can make or break a new idea, but it doesn't have to be that way. A focus group is just a way to gather opinions in a vigorous way and can be very useful. Watch this video tutorial to use a focus group to develop and test a new brand name or corporate ident...

How To: Ask "How do you like your job?" in English

This video teaches English-language learners how to respond to questions beginning with the words "How do you like". There are two types of questions in English that begin with the words "How do you like". The first kind requires an answer in the form of an opinion. The second requires that the answer come in the form of giving instructions. The video explains the difference, then gives several examples for each to model practice. For example, "How do you like the weather?" is a question whic...

How To: Blur out a face in your video using Wax 2.0

Watch this video and learn how to protect your identity on the internet. This clip will help you learn how to blur out your face and alter your voice when posting videos on the web, where your identity is an important secret. Stay anonymous while portraying your opinions. This software can also be used to avoid release issues with strangers in the backgrounds of your videos. Preventing passers by from having there picture posted with your opinions opening you up for legal action. This can als...

How To: Write an article

In this video, we learn how to write an article. When writing an article, you need to use the proper formatting. This starts with the introduction to grab the reader's attention. Then the middle will elaborate on the introduction with 200 words maximum. The end will give the conclusion and summarize in around 50 words total. Don't give an opinion, just keep it un-biased and let the reader come up with their own opinion. Don't make some common mistakes which include: spending too much time res...

How To: Talk Effectively to Your Child's Sports Coach

Parents and coaches are the two most important part of most young athlete's support systems that allow them to excel in their chosen sports. Unfortunately, friction often occurs between these two groups when their opinions of what is best for the young athletes in their charge differ. This video features a high school baseball coach explaining some strategies for parents to maintain a proper, courteous, effective relationship with their child's coaches and improve the skills and well-being of...

How To: Be an effective political dissident & protest

You’ve decided to protest an unjust political system or organization. Make the most impact with these tips. Protest with courage, communicate with exiles and know your rights. If you disagree with a political system, concentrate your beliefs and opinion. Study famous dissidents like Ghandi and Martin Luther King.

How To: Open format timeline in Final Cut Express

Final Cut Express provides easy setup options for a variety of video formats, but if you're not sure what format you're working with, Final Cut Express can automatically set the sequence to match the size and frame rate of your clips. When adding the first clip to a new sequence, the program will ask if the sequence should be changed to match the new clip. You don't have to work with all the same format, either, thanks to Final Cut Express' powerful open format timeline.

How To: Express big & small numbers with scientific notation

See how to express very large and very small numbers using scientific notation with this free video math lesson from Internet pedagogical superstar Simon Khan. From Ramanujan to calculus co-creator Gottfried Leibniz, many of the world's best and brightest mathematical minds have belonged to autodidacts. And, thanks to the Internet, it's easier than ever to follow in their footsteps (or just finish your homework or study for that next big test).

How To: Make userbars for forums in Photoshop

Since the early introduction of the internet, forums have been a popular destination for people to share their opinions with other users. This particular video shows you how to make a userbar for forums using Adobe Photoshop. It's an easy way to show your pride about a particular topic of interest. One of the most common places is among video game forums. So sit back and enjoy!

How To: Draw a human nose

Along with hands and feet, many people have the opinion that drawing the parts of the human face can be difficult. In this video, learn how fantasy artist Wayne Tully draws a human nose... Plus, get tips on how to make your own drawing of a human nose look more realistic on paper.

How To: Play "Halo" by Beyoncé on the piano

In this video, learn how to play the last section of Beyoncé's song, "Halo" on the piano. This instruction has added an A to the notes, allowing it sound better (in his/her opinion). If you want to play "Halo" exactly how it is in the song, the notes are (just for the last part of the right hand) as follows:

How To: Origami a crane in five minutes

Impress co-workers, show your mom you care, win over the girl you stalk, or just waste paper! Origami is an art that is older than you and I, and learning how to make a crane is the easiest and, in my opinion, best way to show off your paper folding skills. Watch this video to learn this easy origami project.

How To: Model a human ear in Maya

In our opinion, human body parts are some of the hardest things an artist can draw. When it comes to parts like hands and ears, we generally settle for a basic, rudimentary rendering because achieving a realistic portrayal seems so hard. If you're looking for quality, though, then Maya modeling software is an excellent way to achieve it.

How To: Make homemade microwave popcorn

With the carcinogenic additives in today's microwave popcorn, we at HoopajooLabs.com have developed a method of microwaving popcorn that is healthier, cheaper and (in the opinions of our test tasters) tastier. A delicious and healthy treat for about $0.10 that just about anyone can make. Great for students!

How To: Choose a good Chianti

This is a great episode that helps to explain exactly what Chianti is and what the different types mean. Gary tastes a couple different Chianti's and gives you his opinions and some great advice on how to choose a good Chianti (surprise you don't always have to pick the most known!)

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