Properly Conditioned Search Results

How To: Properly care for an indoor saintpaulia flowering plant (African violet)

Taking care of houseplants is a tough job, especially if you have more than one kind, because the proper, healthy growing conditions can become muddled. If one of your houseplants is a African violet, which is a saintpaulia flowering plant, then this video will help you take care of it for a thriving plant that will surely brighten up any room. Learn about picking the right environment, watering, fertilizing and keeping pests away.

How To: Take care of relaxed hair

To take care of your relaxed hair, you will need to choose your relaxer carefully. Lean towards relaxers that aid tensile strength rather than deplete it. The hair has to be conditioned properly and regularly. Relaxed hair has been processed, and it requires a lot of moisture. Try using a hair mask. The Moroccan masks are a good choice for your hair. Make sure that you deep condition the hair at least once a week. Try to avoid blow drying your hair. Blow drying dries out the hair. It pulls th...

How To: Keep your vinyl LPs in perfect condition

Do you have an old collection of vinyl records but can't keep them in good condition? First, take an empty syringe and fill it with clean water. Add the water from the syringe as the record plays. The water will spread throughout the record and increase the sound quality. The stylus also has to be properly cleaned. This will help you clean your old and dusty records, as well as help with recording music on your CDs.

How To: Do a pre-ride bike check

This video teaches you how to do a check of your bike before you go on a ride, especially if you haven't ridden in a while. Before each ride, check the tire pressure with a tire gauge. Pump it up if it is low, and release pressure if it is too high. Also check the tires' condition, looking for worn places. Make sure the axle is properly seated in the dropout. Check brake pads for wear, or debris from the road. Remove debris with sand paper. Make sure brakes tighten enough to stop the bike and...

How To: Use the constraint system when programming in Clojure

One of the most obvious perks of using the Clojure is the user community organized around it. With this clip, the fourth installment in Sean Devlin's "Full Disclojure" series of Clojure video tutorials, you'll learn how to use the new constraint system in Clojure 1.1. Constraints are certain pre and post conditions that need to be met in order for a function to execute properly. If you've used D or Eiffel you've worked with constraints before. For more information, including a detailed, step-...

How To: Use pediatric resuscitation equipment in nursing

Studying to be a pediatric nurse? Then here is a nursing how-to video that teaches you how to properly use pediatric resuscitaion equipment in the hospital. Every nurse should know the basics, follow along and see how easy it is to use the Broselow Medical Guide and pediatric emergency tape. The Tape is intended to be a guide only in determining specific drug dosages. The clinical condition of the patient in combination with the providers clinical experience and training should always be used...

How To: Perform plyometric fitness exercises

In this tutorial, we learn how to perform polymetric fitness exercises. Before you begin doing these exercises, make sure you are conditioned properly and have stretched out thoroughly. First, you want to jump up and down controlling your movement and not bouncing around a lot. Next, practice jumping onto a step without having to stop at the top or the bottom. Your next exercise is to jump on this step again, except doing a lunge this time at 90 degree angle, and not stopping at all. Now, on ...

How To: Make cold process soap

Brought to you by this video shows you how to make a cold process to make soap. By measuring accurately and using proper equipment such as a container that won't break under more extreme conditions. Lye and other ingredients are used in this so it's important to mix properly and to have a well ventilated area. By following the steps in this video will show you exactly how to make your own soap that can be scented or have an added moisturizer if you choose for it to.

How To: Properly break in a baseball glove

This video gives you four steps on how to properly break into a baseball glove. If a glove isn’t correctly broken into, it may affect a player’s performance. The first step is to condition the leather, softening it by adding either glove oil or cream. Remove any excess oil with a paper towel. Make sure to repeat this step throughout the year. The second step is shaping your glove by placing a ball where you would normally hold a baseball and then tying two large bands around the glove in ...

How To: Maintain a perm to make it last

In this video the woman is lecturing on how to maintain a hair perm. She advises to locate a good salon to determine what type of perm you want for your particular hair type. After you get a perm do not wash the hair for at least 14 hours in order for the perm to set properly. Keep the hair moisturized as much as possible. Do this by looking for hair products such as shampoo and conditioners indicating it contains moisturizers. The woman very emphatically cautions against rubbing the hair wit...

How To: Plant flowering trees and tree shrubs with Lowe's

This video describes how to plant a tree which is useful for home owners looking to improve their lawn or backyard and for those interested in landscape. In this video one will learn how to plant trees properly, insure a healthy start and maintain the trees. For example when considering a tree to plant one must consider location and overall weather conditions in order to match a tree that can survive in the intended location. Overall this video is detailed and useful for anyone who would like...

How To: Install solar window screens

Hub Kirkpatrick teaches the viewers how to save handyman bills by installing solar window screens by yourself. This video describes the step-by-step process of installing solar screens on windows. According to Hub, these screens are not only very easy to install using tools found in everyone's garage, they are also only about one-third of the price of the conventional roll-down screens. In addition, these screens, if properly installed, can drastically reduce air-conditioning bills by prevent...

How To: Suture a wound with a first aid kit in austere conditions

In a wilderness survival situation, someone in your group suffering a major laceration is a catastrophe. Achieving sterility and suturing the wound closed will both be very difficult to achieve. This four-part video series features a detailed explanation and demonstration of how to use a basic first aid kit to suture a wound closed in an austere situation, such as out in the wilderness. Suturing a wound closed in an austere setting is a last resort, but knowing how to do it could keep you or ...

How To: Make USB air conditioning

Wondering how to most effectively combine ice cubes and a simple USB-powered computer fan into a fully functioning air conditioning system? In this video tutorial, you'll learn how to hack a coffee can and USB-powered fan into a simple, but effective, air conditioning unit. For detailed instructions on hacking together your own tin-can AC unit, watch this über-short how-to.

How To: Make a homemade eco-friendly air conditioning

Fans do a pretty good job of cooling you down in the summer but sometimes only an air conditioning can do the job right. In this tutorial, SuChin Pak and Daniel Sieberg demonstrate how to make a homemade air conditioning system with a fan, coil and ice water. Save the environment while staying cool in the summer with this DIY air conditioning.

How To: Condition or knead polymer clay before molding jewelry

Art Jewelry Magazine associate editor Jill Erickson shows you a couple of ways to condition polymer clay. Conditioning, or kneading, is essential to drive out air bubbles and to better prepare clay for molding. Learn how to condition or knead polymer clay before molding or sculpting by watching this video jewelry-making tutorial.

How To: Give a full body massage properly

Admit it: you're all stressed out, and you could use some relaxation. Watch this 4 part video tutorial to learn all about how to give a full body massage, the right way. Now, all you need to do is find a partner who will watch this with you, and then give you the massage you so desperately need!

How To: Properly focus your video camera

This video shows you how to properly focus your video camera. Usually cameras have two focusing modes, manual and automatic. Despite the sophistication of modern cameras and their auto focusing modes, manual focusing still gives the person operating the camera the most control. To focus in manual focusing mode you must first focus your eyepiece. To focus your eyepiece fully zoom in on your subject, then rotate your lens' focus ring until the subject becomes sharp and clear. Finally rotate you...

How To: Winterize car tires

Use snow tires in the winter. Special patterns in the tread encourage the tires to grip the road better than regular tires. Snow tires are especially helpful if your car has rear wheel drive to discourage fish tailing.

How To: Perform a float fishing cast properly

Float fishing is one of the most popular types of fishing, and the art of casting the pole properly as a part of it is much debated. This video features a professional fisherman demonstrating the techniques he using for casting properly while float fishing. Master these and you are sure to catch more fish and have much more enjoyable days on the water.

How To: Remove nitrile exam gloves properly and safely

Nitrile exam gloves are the latest in disposable medical glove technology. They withstand stress well and won't trigger latex allergies, making them a great choice for first aid work. Watch this video to learn how to remove them properly, ensuring that your skin is not contaminated by whatever you were trying to keep off them with the gloves.

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