Ruffles Bathing Search Results

How To: Sew ruffles three different ways

In this tutorial, we learn three different ways to sew ruffles. The first way, you will put your sewing machine setting on the highest, then take your fabric and place it underneath the needle. Let the fabric go through the machine and ruffles will start to create when it's ran through a couple of times! The next way is to scrunch the fabric together while it's underneath the needle on the machine, and sew the fabric completely together. Be careful not to hurt your fingers during this! the la...

How To: Make Ruffles-style potato chips from polymer clay

Learn how to sculpt a miniature Ruffles-style potato chips out of polymer clay with this free video art lesson. While this tutorial is best suited for those with some familiarity of polymer clay sculpture, novice sculpters should be able to follow along given a little effort. For specifics, including step-by-step instructions, nd to get started making your own Ruffles-style chips, watch this sculpture tutorial.

How To: Sew a ruffle

This instructional sewing video demonstrates how to sew a ruffle. Choose any type of fabric and some stretchy material. Sew the stretchy material onto the fabric while the elastic is stretched out. When you let it relax the fabric will retain a natural ruffle. Try it out at home with your own designs.

How To: Do ruffle & ruffle bow cake decorating techniques

Wilton Cake Decorating demonstrates how to do a ruffle and a ruffle bow cake decorating techniques. Use a #104 petal tip to create this effect. Also use a medium icing consistency and hold the bag at a 45 degree angle. A petal tip can be used to make ribbons and bows. The icing tip has a narrow end and a larger end. Place the larger end down and move your hand up and down to create the ribbon. Make a figure eight to make the bow. Add a knot in the middle, if desired, and add strings. Star tip...

How To: Bathe your baby properly

Bathing your baby should be studied before diving into it. There's many things to learn about including water temperature, how to place the baby in the bath, and how to support his/her body once in the bath. Here is an easy, step-by-step tutorial hosted by Johnson's Baby on how to bath your baby safely and gently.

How To: Make chocolate ruffle cake

Stop serving a scoop of ice cream and put some effort into your next dessert dish! Steal this recipe from Sue McMahon, cookery editor at Woman's Weekly, for a delicious chocolate ruffle cake. To make this ruffle cake you will need about two-and-a-half hours and the following ingredients:

How To: Make herbal bath salts

Need a wonderful and inexpensive gift for a friend? Nobody dislikes bath salts! Bath salts are a wonderful gift to give someone you feel needs to some tim to themselves to take a break and relax from their busy schedule. From Mountain Rose Herbs, learn how to make your own bath salts with a luxurious bath salt recipe the simple way.

How To: Bathe a your gentle newborn baby

How to Bathe a Newborn Baby Patty Siegrist shares some tips on how to bathe a newborn baby on this BabyCenter video. Set up for the bath by setting the room temperature to 74 degrees 15 minutes before the bath. It is safe to bathe a newborn in a tub after the umbilical cord stump has fallen off.

How To: Make scented bath salts

This video crafting tutorial shows how to make scented bath salts at home. You will need sea salt, baking soda, citric acid, FDA color, and cosmetic grade fragrance oil. Make a soothing bath fizz as a gift, maybe even for yourself. Learn how to make custom scented bath salts by watching this instructional video.

How To: Keep your pets' skin, teeth and fur clean and healthy

In this clip, learn how to keep your dog or cat clean as a whistle! Did you know that there are many methods of cleaning your pets these days? For example, if you have a pet who is afraid of the water try Quick Bath wipes instead of a full bath. This clip is full of advice on how to keep you pet bathed and healthy so that they live a long, happy life.

How To: Make a sailor-style bikini bathing suit

See how to make your very own nautical-themed bikini bathing suit with this fashion designer's guide. Though you might find the process daunting if you've never made a bathing suit before, it's easier than you'd think. So easy, in fact, that this video tutorial can present a complete overview of the process in just over five minutes' time. For detailed instructions, and to get started making your own sailor girl bikini, take a look.

How To: Take a spa bath

Take tub time to new heights of relaxation with these tips. A bath 90 minutes before bed time can help you get a good nights rest. These tips will help make you feel and look great. Watch this video hygiene tutorial and learn how to take a spa bath.

How To: Give a dog a bath at home

Does your dog like to jump in mud puddles and play in dirt? Learn how to give your dog a bath at home so you can save the cost of frequent trips to the dog groomer. In this case we are going to use a bath tub, but you can also bathe your dog in outdoor showers, indoor showers, or just use a hose. Now that we have the place to bathe the dog, we have to decide what type of shampoo to use. Remember, dogs have different types of fur, so you will want to select the appropriate shampoo for the type...

How To: Bathe your baby gently

Baby's first tub bath can be daunting, but you'll learn all about gentle bathing in this simple, step-by-step how to video. From getting the water just right to washing your baby's hair, you'll find tips and techniques to make bathing a soothing time for both of you. Make sure your baby's bath is relaxing and safe with this tutorial.

How To: Bathe a dog

Dogs need occasional bathing to clean off excess dirt, and even to inspect general health. This how-to video demonstrates the simple steps to safely washing a dog. Learn how to bathe a dog by watching this video pet and animal care tutorial.

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