Short Url Search Results

How To: Create a short curly bob without cutting your hair

Do you have long hair but want short hair for a day? With this video you can do that easily! First, section off your hair so half of it is up. Then, take the bottom portion and braid it. Tie it off at the end, then roll this into a bun and stick it to the base of your head. Next, let the top of your hair down and tease it at the top. Use a straightener to curl the front of your hair into spirals and then use it to straighten out your bangs. From here, spray hairspray in your hair and then you...

How To: Shorten URLs for posting them on Twitter

What do President Obama, the Dalai Lama and Justin Bieber have in common? Why, they're all on Twitter, of course. Join the party. Whether you're new to Twitter's popular microblogging application or just missed a few of the essentials along the way, you're sure to benefit from this free video tutorial, which offers instructions on how to use URL shorteners to shrink links to Twitter-friendly sizes.

How To: Shorten URLs and hide your email address

In this tutorial, Gary Rosenzweig of takes a look at two tiny, but nevertheless very useful, Web services. The first,, will take a long Web address and shorten it to make it easier to send in email. The second,, will hide your email address. For more information consult this great how-to.

How To: Create a short, curly hairstyle

Have short hair and want to curl it? Look no further than this helpful home-beauty how-to, which presents a detailed, step-by-step overview of how to curl shorter hair styles using a standard hair straightener. For more information on how to curl your own locks into beautiful tresses, watch this free video guide.

How To: Style short hair with cute curls

In this video, Stacy demonstrates how to get a curly hair style on short African-American ethnic hair. The results are beautiful, though it doesn't take long to do and requires only a few products. She has already relaxed her hair prior to recording, so her hair is straight and ready for styling. Stacy recommends using a wrap lotion designed for ethnic hair to help hold the style, such as Styling Finish Silky Hair Foam. After applying wrap lotion, separate small sections of hair using a ratta...

How To: Create a short, curly bob look

Want to take your bob from straight and boring to curly and sexy? This video shows you how! First, spray a heat protectant on your dry hair, then put up most of your hair so you are working with the bottom section of hair first. Take your curling iron (whatever size curls you are looking for, smaller with create tighter curls, bigger will create looser curls) and start curling about one inch strands of hair. Alternate directions for a more natural look. Repeat the process with small sections ...

How To: Add More Domain Extensions to Your iPhone's Keyboard Shortcut to Type Email Addresses or Website URLs Faster

When typing an email or website address in a compatible input field on an iPhone, most people will manually type in the domain extension. But there's a much faster way to enter domain suffixes for email addresses and website URLs that you should be using on your keyboard. Even better, there's a way to customize what domain extensions appear in the keyboard shortcut!

How To: Shorten links with

Link shortening is the process of cleaning up the URL link which is long and converting it into a short URL. You can use to do link shortening. Using you can not only shorten the link but also track the users who are using those links. To use this service go to the website. There in the home page you are provided with a text box. Enter your long link in the text box and submit it. Now the website converts the long URL and provides you with a short link which ca...

How To: Make innocent URLs appear suspicious with ShadyURL

Want to disguise your URLs so that they appear suspicious? In the style of websites such as Tiny URL that take your original URL and give you a shortened one to post on your blog or twitter feed, Shady URL takes your original URL and gives you one that might convince people not to click it. Go to Shady URL and paste the URL you wish to disguise. Click submit, and on the next page it will give you a URL that looks, well, shady. It might include something about a mail order bride or an investme...

How To: Implement URL writing in ASP.Net

In this video tutorial, Scott Golightly shows how to create an ASP.NET HttpModule to “rewrite” the URL when a request for a web page comes in. You may want to rewrite URLs to create friendly URLs or to direct an old URL to a new URL. We will look at the code needed to implement URL rewriting and also how to handle page post back events.

How To: Assure that URL's blocked in robots.txt don't show up on Google

Google is the biggest and best search engine on Earth, and if you are a webmaster and want your website to be a big success it would really behoove you to know as much about how it works as possible. The Google Webmasters series of videos and website were created to teach webmasters, SEO professionals, and others how Google works by answering their questions and giving them insights into how they can best integrate and utilize Google's functionality to improve their business. This video will ...

How To: Use file extensions in URL's to improve traffic

Google is one of the most powerful forces on the Internet, and their technology can be the key to helping you find success in whatever your online endeavor might be, from web design to filmmaking. This video is a part of their Google Webmaster Series, offering help to webmasters the world over on how to best utilize Google in their work. This video will explain how stripping file extensions from URL's affects both Google rankings and user behavior, information that will help you design your s...

How To: Pass the link value on non-canonical URL's to canonical ones for Google

Google is the biggest and best search engine on Earth, and if you are a webmaster and want your website to be a big success it would really behoove you to know as much about how it works as possible. The Google Webmasters series of videos and website were created to teach webmasters, SEO professionals, and others how Google works by answering their questions and giving them insights into how they can best integrate and utilize Google's functionality to improve their business. This video will ...

How To: Use the YouTube's built-in URL shortening tool

Learn how to use YouTube new built-in URL shortener feature. It's easy! So easy, in fact, that this home computing how-to from the folks at Easily can present a complete (and somewhat talky) overview of the process in just over two minutes' time. For the specifics, and to get started shortening unweildy video addresses yourself, just watch this handy how-to.

How To: Embed a YouTube video into a Blackboard post

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to embed a YouTube video into a blackboard forum post. Begin by finding the YouTube video that you want and copy the URL. Then go to your blackboard post and go to a forum that you want the video to be in. Start a new thread and fill out the thread as you wish. Then click on the red F (Add Flash/Shockwave Content). Paste in the URL and fill in the file options. In the URL, delete "watch?", add / after v and delete =. This video will benefit those view...

How To: Communicate between Flash AS3 and PHP

All the files you need are in a free download on DevelopPHP. PHP has to be on a server. It will not run on a local machine. Type your name. There are two variables which show up in the dialog boxes (which are stacked.) You can change the user name. It sets up a URL request and a URL loader and sends some URL variables and are placed into the value of names and pairs. They get posted to the PHP file. Place the URL reference location of where the PHP files are on your server in the line that sa...

How To: Create and upload your own torrents using uTorrent

To create and upload a torrent file using uTorrent v.1.7.5 you will begin by clicking the create torrent button. Clicking this button will open the dialogue box where you can click "add file" and select the file which you would like to create your torrent from. After you have selected your file click "open," this will bring you back to the original dialogue box. Now add the tracker URLs making sure you have a blank line between each tracker URL (some tracker URLs can be found at http://torren...

How To: Make Google say your name

In this video the instructor shows how to make Google say your name. To do this, first, open up your favorite web browser and go to the website GoogleMyWay. This opens a page where it says that you can design your own Google web page. Now type your name into the first box and click to make it. This generates a URL for you. Copy the URL into the address bar of the browser and open the page. This opens a Google-like website with your name on it. Now, if you like to make this your home page, the...

How To: Make an image your YouTube profile background

This video shows you how to give your YouTube account a background image. Basically what you do is take any image that you would like to have as your background and upload it to a image uploader of your choice. Once the image is hosted it should show a url link to the file, copy this link. Then under your YouTube account settings scroll down to channel design. From here you should see a box that asks for a background image url, paste the url into this box click yes for background image and up...

How To: Create shorthand link aliases

If you like to share websites via email, are a writer who needs to share email in her stories, or just need to make a quick written note of a website address, you need to know how to use web address shorthand. Some URLs can be hundreds of characters long and therefore too tedious to reproduce in writing. To make an easier-to-communicate link, you'll need to use a URL minimizer, like TinyURL. Learn how with this address-minimizing how-to!

How To: Link to your podcast channel

To link to a podcast that’s registered with iTunes, whether it’s your podcast or produced by someone else, just find the podcast homepage in the iTunes store and then Control-click (or right-click) on the image. Copy the iTunes Store URL to your clipboard. Then, just open your webpage and create a simple link to this URL. This tutorial will walk you through the process.

How To: Embed a YouTube video into MS Powerpoint 07

Chris Davis with the Educational Technology Center shows us a few easy steps to putting YouTube videos in our Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 presentations. To start you'll need to have an active internet connection and you should have the developer tab in PowerPoint active. To do this go to the Office menu, PowerPoint options, popular and click show developer tab. Locate the hammer looking more control option button and scroll down to Shockwave Flash Object and click it. This allows you to draw a ...

How To: Make and publish a podcast using Audacity

RabbidHedgeHog shows viewers how to easily make a podcast. This features how to make the podcast with the program Audacity. First open your internet browser and go to Audacity. Scroll down to download Audacity 1. 2. 6, save the file, Install and download the program. Now, open up Audacity which is basically a recorder. Connect your microphone which will allow you to record. Click edit, preference, find microphone and select the device you will use. Now, record your podcast by clicking the red...

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