Academics Wondered Search Results

UnaPhone Zenith: The No-Google, Super-Secure Android Phone

With the FBI getting access to iPhones, and apps like Waze being used to track people's locations, you've got to wonder just how safe and secure your smartphone is... or isn't. When you consider everything you do on your phone, from taking and sharing pictures to mobile banking, keeping your information safe is a crucial step that may seem out of your hands.

How To: Make Coffee Mugs Gleam Like New with This Little-Known Cleaner

If you consider yourself a regular coffee, tea, or hot chocolate drinker, you probably have a kitchen cabinet full of stained mugs that refuse to scrub clean. Thankfully, there is a better solution that doesn't involve continuing to fight those stains with a sponge, bleach, and elbow grease. The answer to your coffee or tea stain problems is Cafiza: an awesome espresso machine cleaning product that is popular amongst professional baristas... but also doubles as an extremely effective ceramic ...

Raspberry Pi: Metasploit

Before we dive into the world of frustration, I first would like to thank whoever of the admins and mods made the folder for Raspberry Pi in the How-To's, thank you. Now with that outta the way, this article is about Metasploit on Raspberry Pi (hence the title). I should say that I ran into a error, but I think I figured what the problem is. First of all this is not on Kali Linux, but on a regular Linux OS. With that said let's open up a terminal and begin.

Rasberry Pi: Connecting on Computer

I have gotten comments from my last tutorial on not being able to do anything because of a lack of a monitor. In order to address this problem I'm gonna show you how to connect and control the Rasberry Pi through a SSH client on Linux, Mac, Windows, and Chromebook computers. This will probably we a long tutorial so please bear with me. Anyway, lets get to work.

How To: Security-Oriented C Tutorial 0x11 - Command Line Arguments

In many programs on Linux, you'll come across programs which allow you to specify additional arguments instead of just simply running the program by itself. If you've used the Kali distribution, I'm more than certain you'll have come across these with the command line tools, else if you have been following these tutorials, we have already come across three tools which also use the same technique, i.e. gcc, gdb and wc. How do we do this with C? Let's find out.

How To: Use Your Smartphone to Check for Dead Batteries

We've all been there. Channel surfing lazily whilst reclining on the sofa—then all of a sudden, the remote stops working. Out of frustration, you hold the remote up higher, press the buttons harder, or maybe a even give it a good smack hoping that will fix it. Right around this time, you start to wonder if your trusty old remote has finally called it quits or if it's just a dead battery.

How To: Bypass T-Mobile's Tethering Limit for Free

T-Mobile's "Uncarrier" initiative has done wonders for my wallet and my data usage. Before I had to deal with being throttled down to 2G speeds after passing my data limit, but thanks to their unlimited data plans, I'm free to use as much LTE data as I possibly can. The only downside is, when sharing data through a mobile hotspot (tethering), T-Mobile imposes a 5 GB limit (which was recently upped to 7 GB for some).

News: Could Cooking White Rice with Coconut Oil Cut Calories?

White rice is cheap, filling, and tasty. No wonder so many countries in the world rely on it as a mealtime staple, including most of East and Southeast Asia. Alas, because of its relative lack of nutrition and its high calorie count, consuming lots of white rice regularly also puts people at risk for diseases like diabetes and obesity.

How To: The Easiest Way to Discover New Music on Your Phone

Resources for finding new music are at our disposal in all corners of the internet; the only problem is deciding which one is the best for you. Spotify, Pandora, and Rdio all have options to discover new music on your smartphone, but they tend to expose mostly established artists, making the process of finding lesser-known but good music a game of trial and error.

News: How Chemistry Creates the Ultimate Cheese Dip

I have a weird fondness for the texture, if not the taste of Velveeta (and Kraft American cheese slices). No other cheese has quite the same amount of slip or smoothness and manages to stay that way, undoubtedly because Velveeta contains sodium alginate, an algae derivative that helps it stay so silky-smooth even as it heats up. It also contains a high level of protein-to-fat ratios, which is what makes it a champion melter.

Weird Ingredient Wednesday: Durian Stinks Like Hell but Tastes Heavenly

I've known eaters who will fearlessly bite into the hottest peppers, but even they have quailed before durian, the fruit that hails from Southeast Asia and whose smell has been compared to garbage, rotting flesh, and the bathroom post-use. However, this hefty globe with its spiny, prickly outer covering isn't called "the king of fruits" for nothing. According to its many fans, its stench does not correlate to its taste, which has been described in extremely flattering terms. Monica Tan of The...

How To: Hide That Pesky NFC Icon from Your HTC One's Status Bar (Root Required)

If you turned on your HTC One for the first time and wondered what that weird icon that looks like an N is, it indicates that NFC is on. It seems strange to me that HTC wanted to waste Status bar space on an NFC indicator, but sometimes we just have to deal with it. However, if you're a softModder, you don't have to just deal with it. The icon can't be removed permanently, but there is a very easy way to hide it forever.