Accomplishing Online Search Results

Have You Seen This?: HoloTerrain Lets HoloLens Users Explore the Earth in 3D

After what appeared to be an issue with the Windows Store for HoloLens not showing many newer applications, including one that I had released over a month ago, Microsoft finally squashed the bug. So, at first glance, it would seem as if there were lots of new HoloLens projects that just appeared in the store, even though they've likely been hiding out there for a while. HoloTerrain is one of those apps.

News: HoloLens Can Give Tank Crews 360-Degree X-Ray Vision on Missions

As a commercial and potentially consumer product, one might assume it very unlikely to see the Microsoft HoloLens in the military marketplace. And that assumption would be completely wrong. One company from the Ukraine is currently working on using the mixed reality head-mounted computer for 360-degree vision inside armored tanks. If a tank crew could see the entire battlefield there are in, they would likely have a better chance of accomplishing their mission and avoiding damage. Tanks are l...

How To: Keep Track of What You Spend on Spotify, Netflix, & Other Online Subscriptions Using Your iPhone

As the internet continues to become a bigger part of our day-to-day lives, we slowly but surely start to rack up a bunch of web-based subscriptions. These internet subscription services—Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime, just to name a few—may seem innocuously cheap individually, but when combined, they actually comprise a significant portion of our monthly bills.

How To: Bypass Windows Passwords Part 1

This is my first article on here, it's based off of a project that I'm working on at school which is on three ways to bypass windows user password's. If all goes as planned and you all would like I'll work on part two and part three and post them as soon as I can. I do have to give credit to Puppy Monkey Baby and The Defalt, both of whom are my classmates at college and have helped me with writing this article.

Sorting (Part 3.0): Insertion Sort

Note: a bug was found in the Insertion Sort implementations. The bug was corrected in each language. Please refer to the pastebin links for the most up-to-date versions of the sample code. Any screenshots may be behind. More about the bug can be found here.

How To: Inside Bitcoin - Part 1 - Bitcoin and Anonymity

Over the past decade the Internet community has been witness to the rise of many new forms of online interaction. These new technologies have given rise to anonymous networks (like TOR), black markets within the deep web network (like the Silk Road), and even forms of digital currency, or more accurately crypto-currencies, such as Bitcoin. All of these technological advancements have contributed to securing users around the world and protecting their privacy. Therefore it is no surprise that ...

Drinking Games: Android Edition

If you ever need to spice up a party, drinking games can really get things started quickly. The objectives are generally to complete tasks or challenges, but it's really all a thinly-veiled excuse for increasing everyone's alcohol intake in a hurry while testing levels of inebriation.

News: The Hack of the Century!

Although this century is still young, with little fanfare we may have just witnessed the "Hack of the Century." AV software developer Kaspersky of Russia recently announced that they found that some hackers have stolen over $1 billion from banks around the world!

How To: Why Keeping Good News to Yourself Is a Good Thing

Can't stand seeing your Facebook news feed full of peoples' good news and awesome accomplishments? Those oversharing friends are, in a sense, hampering their great news simply by sharing it. If you hold back and keep your accomplishments from friends, you might find even more success than if you'd shared with your support network.

How To: Boot Linux from Your Android onto Any Mac or PC

Linux may not be the most popular consumer operating system out there, but what it lacks in consumer app variety, it definitely makes up for in flexibility and security. And if you've ever tinkered with a Linux distro, you know how easy they are to install—most of the time, I skip standard installation and boot directly from a CD.

How To: Get Inside Any Building You Want in GTA 5 Online

There are already hundreds of glitches out there for Grand Theft Auto 5 Online, but most of them are useless. Most of them don't do anything to benefit your gameplay, but they're still pretty fun to mess around with. One such glitch, shown off by YouTuber AquibTV below, lets you inside any building in Los Santos. Los Santos is a big ass city and there are tons of buildings that you cannot get into without using a glitch like this one.