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How To: Make ''The Prototype'' Mask

For this project, I was inspired by the as-yet-to-be-released movie called The Prototype when making this mask. Paper strips and a mix of water and flour is the main things you'll need to make this Prototype-like mask. For the eyes, I used old halogen bulbs and inside them I put LEDs connected to a battery with switch.

How To: Draw a Skull

How to Paint a Skull. How to Draw Fantasy. I go over a few things in this skull drawings. In the same vein as How to Draw a Skull. Drawings of Skulls. I tried a new way of editing for this art video / art tutorial. Hope you enjoy it. For my main blog go to:

How To: Draw Steampunk

How to Draw Steampunk. I go over a little bit on steampunk information. The various sources to get knowledge on steampunk looks. On my drawing sites, there are other drawing videos, art videos, art tutorials, and more how to draw fantasy posts. Easy things to Draw. For my main blog go here:

How To: Drawing Demon Art

Drawing demon art. A drawing video, art video, art tutorial. I talk through how I come up with a Demon design. Easy things to draw if you love doing it. My drawing sites go over it plenty. Good for subjects on how to draw fantasy. Please visit my main blog at:

How To: Draw a Zombie Clown

How to Draw a Zombie Clown. Drawing sites like this go over the zombie , but done as a clown. I'm trying to make it an enjoyable drawing video. Clowns are one of the easy things to draw. I go into anatomy features then dig into the clown features. i do this from my head. For my main blog go here:

How To: Bypass your router to access your server

This video discusses how to bypass your router to access your server. In the search window type in CMD to open up a command prompt. Then type in ipconfig to bring up the ip configuration. You want to look for the ip address for the default gateway and the one for your computer. They should both start with 192.168. Once you find them open up internet explorer and type in the ip address for your default gateway and it should then prompt you for a user name and password. Log in and look for a po...

How To: Build an Emergency Rucksack with a Poncho & Rope (The Horseshoe Pack)

There’s a good chance that you’ll be alone in life one day, and no... I’m not talking about a couch-bound, dateless loser with a pocket pussy and a bag of potato chips. I’m talking about alone. In the wilderness. Hungry. Cold. Lost. You can’t stay in one place too long, so it would be nice to have something to carry your belongings in. Maybe it’s post-apocalyptic land where you’re the sole survivor, and all the backpacks and rucksacks in the world are but mere ash. Either way, knowing this si...

How To: Slipstream Windows installations

Gigafide will show you how to slipstream Windows installations. You need to go to Vlite and download the program for Windows Vista. Install and run it. Select install at the main window. Use 7-zip to extract the ISO file. Next, go to that folder and run startcd.exe. You click next, agree to the terms and install it to the Vlite folder. Go to that folder, then Tools - x86 and select the file wimgapi.dll. Copy and paste that into the main Vlite folder. Go to Vlite, select your Windows Vista dis...

How To: Write an executive summary

An executive summary is one of the most important parts of your business career, because it's the first thing investors will look at. Placed at the beginning of a business plan, the executive summary is the hook that lures investors into wanting to learn more about your business. See how to write one in the best way possible.

How To: Convert photos to black and white in Adobe Photoshop

Open the picture you want to edit. Right-click on the main picture layer in the box and then select "Duplicate Layer". Then, in the same box, go to the drop-down menu that says normal, and change it to "Overlay". Then, select Filter>Other>High Pass. In the box that comes up, set the radius to 7.4 pixels. Next, go to Layer>New Adjustment Layer>Gradient Map. Then, when the box comes up, click OK. Then click on the main gradient in the Gradient Map. In the new box, there is a bar that goes from ...

How To: Create a custom caption box in Wordpress

In order to create a custom caption box in WordPress you'll need to go to your dashboard. Here click on appearances, then on editor. Now over on the right select the sidebar option. Here you'll see some code, what you need to do is find the word that you want to replace on the main page, you can use ctrl+F to find the word. When you've found it within the code just replace it with whatever you want and then press the 'apply' button. You'll see that the main page will now be displaying the wor...

How To: Repair damaged hair with shampoo

Before beginning you should start to focus on shampooing your roots and scalp and conditioning your hair and ends of hair. This will help by saving the ends of the hair and the main body of your hair from unnecessary damage. Shampoo is a very strong product and as you work it into your scalp and roots it will naturally move down your hair grabbing dirt and old product from your hair. So, focusing on shampooing the ends of your hair and the main body of your hair is not needed and it can be da...

How To: Make herbal & essential oil bath salts

The main ingredients needed in both herbal and essential oil bath salts your main ingredients needed are Epsom salts, baking soda (not needed if salts will be used immediately), and sea salt. For the essential oil bath salts you will need essential oils, and for the herbal bath salts you need whatever herbs or rinds you like. You will also need some sort of container to put the salts in, and measuring tools. For the essential oil salts, fill a jar about halfway with Epsom salts, then add a ge...

How To: Write a good argumentative essay: logical structure

In this tutorial video, you will learn the basic structure for a good argumentative essay. The narrator in this tutorial, makes a very important distinction in the video; a good argument versus an average or mediocre argument. The narrator teaches you that a good argument will have, at minimum, a 5-part structure. The elements in the structure include an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. Within the body, a good argumentative essay would contain a main argument, an objection, and a reply...

How To: Prune plants

Learn how to cut back plants in your garden effectively to encourage new growth and remove dead and diseased branches. Follow this Howcast guide to learn how to prune plants.

How To: Solve the puzzle in Pan's Temple in Castlevania: Lords of Shadow

Pan's Temple contains a tough puzzle that may leave you thrashing about and quite possibly breaking your controller in half. You have to save your love from a variation on the old Pendulum Blade torture device. The puzzle presents you with two main rings that you have to adjust among other nasty pieces of the puzzle. If you're confused on how to complete this puzzle, check out this video to get a tutorial on how to complete the puzzle quickly and easily!

How To: Do the Prologue Speed Run achievement in Mirror's Edge

In this video, we learn how to do the Prologue Speed Run achievement in Mirror's Edge. You can unlock this after finishing the main story. The prologue has a qualifying time of three minutes. Rather than jumping to the left, you can jump straight and hang onto ropes. You can also jump along a beam and that will save a lot of time. Make sure you grab the left bar and then you can maneuver around a lot more easily. Continue to run through the level doing a fast speed. Once you are finished, you...