Acid Market Search Results

News: Samsung's Galaxy S9 Could Arrive in a Burgundy Red Color

Samsung just announced that the Galaxy S8 is getting a fresh coat of paint, launching a burgundy red color of the flagship in their home market of Korea. There is currently little information about whether this color will come to the US for the S8, but this could be a preview of things to come. The Galaxy S9 is set to arrive in January and may also come in a beautiful red variant.

NR50: The Influencers to Watch in Augmented & Mixed Reality

When building anything of a social nature, be it a local roller derby or softball team, a club dance night for chiptune, or building new technology markets, the community around those ideas are an important factor in helping these things not only come into existence but to grow into something that enlightens everyone involved. The community around an idea can actually make or break these new ventures — and this applies to augmented and mixed reality as well.

Hot vs. Cold Brew Tea & Coffee: Which Ones Are Better for You?

Cold brewing tea and coffee are all the rage, and for good reason: they're idiot-proof. I, personally, am a total dunce at brewing coffee. It either ends up strong enough to peel paint from a car or so weak that you can see through it. Meanwhile, I have friends who inevitably brew green tea to the point where it's painful to drink it.

News: Apple's iPhone 6 Might End Up as Big as the Samsung Galaxy S5

If new leaked images are to be trusted, an iPhone with a display around 5 inches will be released later this year. From Italian site Macitynet, images show a device that's stated to be the new iPhone 6 side-by-side with the new Samsung Galaxy S5. A couple of weeks ago, I showed you leaked internal emails and memos that suggested Apple was concerned with not only Samsung's marketing strategy, but about the industry trend towards larger devices.

How To: 10 Key Things Everyone Should Know About Seasoning, Cleaning, & Maintaining Cast Iron Pans

Cast iron is one of the best surfaces to cook on, but taking care of it is a whole 'nother story. It's not as simple as just washing it in soapy water like all of your other pans, and everyone has different ideas about how it should be done. It seems intimidating at first, but once you learn the basics, you'll be making the best steaks, homemade pizza, and fried chicken of your life.

News: A DreamWorks Tablet Is Coming. What's Next, HBO GO Phones?

If I could think of one thing the world was missing, it would surely be more tablets. While people struggle between shelling out 200 to 500 dollars for a new iPad, Nexus 7, Kindle Fire, Microsoft Surface, or one of the hundred other tablets on the market, the folks over at DreamWorks have decided to make their own, aptly named the Dreamtab. The Dreamtab will have an 8-inch screen and favor applications with the use of a stylus, for coloring and the like. Total cost is rumored to be under 300 ...

How To: Oven-cook beef brisket

Make a fantastic brisket for your next holiday meal. Brisket can be dry and bland when not done correctly so remind everyone just how delicious and oven-roasted beef brisket can be with this flavor popping recipe.

How To: Play Augmented Reality Games on Your Nintendo 3DS with Android & WP7 Phones

The Nintendo 3DS comes with six AR cards that allow you to play the augmented reality games packaged with the device. Of course, if you were to lose the fragile paper cards or damage them in some way, you would be unable to continue playing them. It's easier and safer to carry constant access to the AR games by installing apps on your Android and Windows Phone 7 smartphones. Both apps are free and available through the smartphone app markets.

How To: Make healthy, no-bake almond and apricot granola bars

For all that they are marketed as healthy meal alternatives or snacks on the go, granola bars are pretty damn bad for you. With high fructose corn syrup ranking among the top five ingredients in the ingredients list and a bunch of other cheap corn products thrown into the mix, you wouldn't be much better off eating Cheetos.