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Walkthrough Assassin's Creed 2: Mission 67

X Marks the Spot: Activate the odd glowing thing and then walk up to the wall of codex pages to bring up a puzzle. Use eagle vision and you can spot the faint red outlines of a picture. You need to rotate all of the pieces around into their correct positions in order to complete the picture. Start by going around the perimeter of the puzzle and arranging the border—it's the easiest. Once you've got the border in place, go for the inner pieces.

Walkthrough Assassin's Creed 2: Mission 65

All Things Come to He Who Waits: After parting ways with Leonardo, break into the walled-off area to the northeast and trigger this mission via a waypoint on the parapet walk. After the cut scene, you need to trail a courier that zigs a zagging path through the city. Stay far enough behind him that he doesn't get curious, but also be sure to keep him in your sights. If he gets separated from you by a wall, a countdown timer hurries you to catch back up.

Walkthrough Assassin's Creed 2: Mission 61

Caged Fighter: Make your way across town and you'll find an injured soldier on the rooftops that gives you some new information on finding Bartolomeo, who should in turn help you with Silvio. You get a large green area added to your map, but note that it's overlapped by a restricted area. Expect trouble.

Walkthrough Assassin's Creed 2: Mission 58

Cheaters Never Prosper: But they do get quite a reputation. This is a simple mission. You need to just fight off the opponents that come at you using your bare hands. Even though you've no weapon equipped, you can still use the typical counter ability. Though you won't always KO an opponent with the first counter, repeatedly make use of the technique and you'll eventually drop the opponent.

Walkthrough Assassin's Creed 2: Mission 56

And They're Off: Time's crucial in this missions, so be careful. You've got a limited amount of time to complete this fairly challenging obstacle course. A series of waypoint show up one after the other, and you've got to run through all sixteen of them, quickly. The first four are on ground level, so you don't waste time climbing any buildings. The fifth waypoint will start you on an ascent up the side of a building, and from then on you can expect next bunch to require some careful platform...

Walkthrough Assassin's Creed 2: Mission 51

Infrequent Flier: Fly through this episodic mission and take control. As you take flight, immediately pause the game and check out your map. You can see the locations of all of the fires in the city, as well as the target to the far, far southeast. If you make a simple beeline for the target, the Palazzo Ducale, you won't get the updrafts you need to maintain your height and infiltrate the fortress. Instead, you need follow the trail of fires that lead you east and then north before finally t...

Walkthrough Assassin's Creed 2: Mission 46

Everything Must Go: It's the truth. It's time to say goodbye to everything. See Antonio again and be ready for a quick time event during the cut scene after you accept the mission. The first order of business is to kill five archers surrounding the building in which Emilio is camping. Take to the rooftops and locate the guards. Once you've gotten near them, you can't let them get too far away from you. Kill all of 'em, being as stealthy or as brazen as you like. Personally, we like brazen.

Walkthrough Assassin's Creed 2: Mission 42

Cleaning House: This mission just might be the best one of all. Talk to Antonio, the head of the thieves guild and you'll at first get a cut scene and a memory sync, without having to do anything. Talk to him again, however, and you'll get a mission to identify and kill some traitors. The nearest traitor is in an area just north of you, so head toward the green area on your map.

Walkthrough Assassin's Creed 2: Mission 38

Tutti a Bordo: This mission is a whopper, so be careful. You get transported to Forli, a new city. To the far, far northeast corner you'll find Leonardo, who's ready to board a ship with you. But before you can join, you get interrupted with this mission to save a woman who got herself into trouble.

Walkthrough Assassin's Creed 2: Mission 24

Fox Hunt: When you trigger this mission, you're asked to find a particular man among the crowd in the village square that's marked in green on your map. Use your eagle vision and only the guy you're looking for will glow gold (guards glow red, everyone else is darkened out). When you find the man, approach him for a quick, puzzling cut scene.

Walkthrough Assassin's Creed 2: Mission 21

What Goes Around: Comes around. Maybe. See for yourself. You can talk to Claudia in her room on the second floor of the mansion for a bit of dialog, but no mission. Next, go to the south end of town and exit the gate to find a stable of horses just outside. Hop aboard one of the horses and ride it southeast toward the map marker. Time to go to Tuscany.

Walkthrough Assassin's Creed 2: Mission 17

Arivederci: Or is that Arrivederci? This mission won't take long. As long as your notoriety is at zero (and it has to be), this mission is a piece of cake. You have to escort Ezio's mother and sister across town to the city's exit. The city is temporarily packed with guards, but they'll pay you no mind, even if you run. Just avoid bumping into guards and you'll be a-okay.

Walkthrough Assassin's Creed 2: Mission 14

Ace Up My Sleeve: It's not a playing card though. Talk to Paola again and she'll give you the hookup with a cool weapon. Problem is, it doesn't work yet. You need to bring it to Leonardo da Vinci, who's just across town. Make your way to him and knock on his door for a lengthy cut scene.

Walkthrough Assassin's Creed 2: Mission 13

Fitting In: Find your way to the, uh, video arcade and you'll get a cut scene introducing you to the next mission. You'll be introduced to a number of new, basic gameplay mechanics, so nothing's too difficult. At first, you'll learn to blend. Simply walk into the center of a group of women and you should see a white webbing on the ground that lets you know you've blended.

Walkthrough Assassin's Creed 2: Mission 11

Family Heirloom: Find the precious family peice passed down generation to generation. Go back to Giovanni's room and use eagle vision to locate the hidden door. Okay, it's not really very hidden. Open the door and step into the secret room. Open up the chest inside to get a snazzy new outfit, plus a useful sword.

Walkthrough Assassin's Creed 2: Mission 4

Nightcap: A good drink is just what the doctor ordered. Walk to the glowing view point at the top of the tower and synchronize to fill out part of your map. Afterward, you're left to take a leap of faith off the top of the tower. Leap into the hay stack below and a quick cut scene briefly interrupts your play. For more info, watch the whole gameplay.

How To: Use tables in documents on Microsoft Word: Mac 2008

Creating tables inside Microsoft Word has always been a chore— but not anymore! With Word 2008 for Mac, you can easily create tables of all your information. And if you're not sure of the best way to select, resize, and move those tables, you'll know soon enough. The Microsoft Office for Mac team shows you just how to work with tables with these Word table tips in this how-to video.

How To: Pack pots and pans for storage or movement

Moving is such a hassle! Packing is a big job but this video shows and easy way to pack out pots and pans. You will need 4-5 cubit foot cartons. You can get these from your mover or you can purchase them from a moving company. You will also want to get clean newsprint, packing tape, a moving blanket, and a permanent ink marker. Prepare your 4-5 foot carton by putting crushed paper on the bottom. This will act as a cushion for the pots and pans. Put the moving blanket or a protected pad on the...

How To: Moon Walk like Michael Jackson

If you want to know how to do Michael Jackson's moonwalk, you should watch this. 1. Find a flat, smooth surface that won't provide an immense amount of friction and wear any comfortable clothes and trainers. 2. Stand with both feet flat on the ground. Lift your left leg into "L" position so that the toe of your right leg is pointed to the floor. 3. Learn how to balance your self. With your weight on your bent leg, slide back your left foot. Be sure to keep your left foot flat on the floor as ...

How To: Play One Republic "Apologize"

Viewers learn to play One Republic "Apologize" with this video. The whole song rotates through C, A-flat, B-flat, and B. Repeats though the whole song. First part plays with the C octave-G, C, E-flat, 5-1-3-1 fingers. Second part: Move down to A-flat with left and with the right play A-flat, C, F. Same fingering. Move up to E-flat. E-flat, E-flat G. Same fingering. Roll from F to E-flat. Next, move left to D, B-flat, D and F. Same fingering. One time. Roll from E-flat to D. Next, play C, A-fl...

How To: Divide decimals with Mr Binkley

This video is provided by Mr. Binley. Let's learn this with an example, let's say that we want to divide 0.492 by 0.4, the most important thing remember while dividing the decimal numbers is that we need to convert the divisor into a whole number, here we need to convert 0.4 into a whole number. To do this we need to move the decimal to the right, then 0.4 becomes 4, now do the same thing to the dividend (0.492), move the decimal to the same location that we followed while moving the decimal ...

How To: Perform the basic two handed spiral for poi

Perform the basic two handed spiral poi move with tips from this how-to video. This poi how-to video is for beginners and those at the intermediate level. The basic two handed spiral poi move is also known as hand spirals, spiral wraps, and double hand-wraps. To do this poi move, you need to have good split-time and wall-plane control.