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How To: Say names of colors in Italian

In this tutorial, we learn how to say the names of colors in Italian. The colors are easy to learn! White is biano, the snow is la neve. Pair these together to talk about the color of snow! Yellow is giallo and "the banana" is "la banana". Pair these together to talk about the color of a banana! Red is 'rosso', green is 'verde', and blue is 'azzurro'. Purple is 'violetto', gray is 'grigio', and gold is 'oro'. A lot of these sound just like Spanish but have a small twist to them! Just practice...

How To: Take better photos by understanding depth of field

In this video from clickherephotography we learn how to take great photos by using depth of field. In a picture of a bird he used an aperture of about 5.6 which increased the shutter speed on a 300mm Canon lens. With depth of field you can blow your background out. If you used a higher aperture, a lot more of the bird would have been in focus and a bit of the background would have been in focus. By using an F-stop and this aperture, you really bring the bird or whatever object is in the foreg...

How To: Talk about things in a kitchen in Italian

In this video, we learn how to talk about things in a kitchen in Italian. Learning Italian around the kitchen can be easy, you just need to make sure you say the words our right. Sugar in Italian is "zucchero", coffee maker is "caffetiera", cup is "tazza", and plate is "piatto". Remember if you are talking about bigger or smaller things, the word will change. Just by learning these basic words in Italian, you can better understand how to speak Italian and be on your way to learning more! Pay ...

How To: Say basic ordering phrases in Polish: "Menu" & "tea"

In this video, we learn how to say basic ordering phrases in Polish: "Menu" & "tea". When watching the video, you need to make sure you practice saying out the words after you hear them spoken. The words will appear on the screen as they are being said out loud. After you hear the word, practice saying it and break it down into different parts if you don't understand it at first. With this video, you will learn how to say a bunch of different things to order things while in a coffee or tea sh...

How To: Save your marriage by doing the opposite of normal

In this video, we learn how to save your marriage by doing the opposite of normal. If you are married to someone, chances are you will have lots of things that are opposite of each other. To help out your marriage, you should start doing the opposite of what you normally do. This will help you match your partner so that you understand their likes better than you usually do. Do something that isn't normal and you will both be able to be committed to each other and enjoy each other better. Enjo...

How To: Count cards in Blackjack

In this tutorial, we learn how to count cards in Blackjack. The basic principle in counting cards is that high cards are better for the player and the low cards are better for the dealers. There's a high concentration of Aces and 10's which gives you a higher chance of blackjack. 10's will increase the chances the dealer loses and you win. It's not hard to count cards, it's a simple system of adding and subtracting by 1. It is very simple where you learn how the high and low system works. Onc...

How To: Analyze the right hand in palm reading

In this video, Peter John analyzes the right hand in palm reading. Once you have the hand turned over, you will see lines that are underneath the middle finger. The half line means that someone is emotional because the line arcs more than usual. The person also likes to show their emotion and have the emotions shown to them. Then bait line on the side of the hands should be slightly clear, which will tell how affectionate someone is and how much they show love. Right hand palm reading can be ...

How To: Write and say "I love you" in Mandarin Chinese

In this video, we learn how to write and say "I love you" in Mandarin Chinese. Start out by saying "wuh" then "I" and then, "knee". Say each of the different parts individually at first. Then, say all of them together in one entire word. From here, you will have said "I love you" in Chinese! To write this, follow the writing that is on the screen and learn how to write out the different symbols that are included in this language. Once you understand this, you can start to learn more basic con...

How To: Use inductive reasoning

In this tutorial we learn how to use inductive reasoning. Start out with your equation that is giving you your statement. You need to prove whether this is true or not by figuring out the equation. Look at the different angles to see if they are a linear pair and then see if they are the same. Compare them to see if they add up to 180 degrees and use your mathematical logic. Once you understand the backbone to doing this type of math and what the exceptions are, then you will be able to figur...

How To: Graph a parabola

In this tutorial, we learn how to graph a parabola. Quadratic functions are parabolas. To graph these, you will first need to look at the function, which is the set of outputs for a set of inputs. Write this out on a t-chart to find what your 'x' and 'y' values are. Once you find these, you will plug in the coordinates to a graph. After you have written down the coordinates, you can graph your parabola. This is easy to do if you are familiar with quadratic functions and good at math. Just pra...

How To: Say the months of the year in Polish

In this video, we learn how to say the months of the year in Polish. To say January, you will say "Styczen in Polish. February is "luty", March is "marzec", April is "kwiecien", May is "maj", June is "czerwiec", July is "lipiec", August is "sierpien", September is "wrzesien", October is "pazdziernik", November is "listopad", and December is "Grudzien". Practice saying these out loud while you are watching the video so you get a good idea for how the words are supposed to sound when they are s...

How To: Identify number types

In this video, we learn how to identify number types. You will need to figure out what numbers from a list is a rational numbers in your math equations. A natural number is a counting number (1,2,3). A whole number is a natural number and zero (0,1,2,3). An integer is a whole number and a negative whole (-2,-1,0,1,2). A rational number is any number that can be expressed as a ration of integers. An irrational number is any number that's not rational and non-perfect. Once you understand these ...

How To: Determine if you have a function

In this tutorial, we learn how to determine if you have a function. You will start off with two functions and their points. The 'x' values make up the domain of the function and the 'y' values make up the range. The input values are the domain and the output are the range. If you're checking to see if you have a function, you will need one 'y' for every 'x'. This means that each value has another one that goes with it. Each of the points need to have one partner with them, no more and no less...

How To: Read a schoolbox ruler

In this tutorial, we learn how to read a school box ruler. A ruler will be divided into inches, each inch will be divided in half. From there, it will be in quarters, then eighths, then sixteenths. Once you understand how the inches get divided up into halves, you will be able to read the ruler better. Start off by counting the small lines that you see on the ruler to get an idea of where the eight, quarter, and half inches are located at. After practicing this, you will be able to read a rul...

How To: Say "I love you" in Russian

In this video, we learn how to say "I love you" in Russian. If you want to learn how to say this correctly, you will need to make sure that you have the accent down correctly. Listen to the audio in the video so you can get an idea of how your voice is supposed to hand. If you cannot read the word written in Russian, just try to say it. Once you understand the basic way of how to say the different letters, you can put the individual words together. From here, you will be finished with saying ...

How To: Write a unique personal statement essay

In this tutorial, we learn how to write a unique personal statement essay. Personal statement is the heart of the application where you can give voice to your accomplishments, dreams, and goals. You want to stand out from the rest of the applicants, so you need to express what's important to you. You can show them how well you write and show passion, your smarts, and sense of humor as you write. You can do this because you are prepared and you are being true to yourself. Once you understand t...

How To: Play 112 jazz guitar chords

In this video, we learn how to play 112 jazz guitar chords. Start off with the F major 7 chord. Then play this where you mute the fifth and first strings so you only play the sixth, fourth, and third. Walk along these strings starting with the "e" and continuing through the scale. Continue to do this for all the different chords on your guitar, until you reach through all of them. As you continue to play, star to do this more quickly and slowly. Once you are finished, you will better understa...

How To: Play bass guitar for beginners using open strings

In this tutorial, we learn how to play bass guitar for beginners using open strings. Get used to look at written notes. To do this, look at open notes on a piece of paper and work on your right hand technique. You won't be pulling straight up, your finger should be resting on the string. Pull it slightly backwards and feel the string vibrate. A nice and eve stroke will be perfect, do this for all the notes to get them to all sound the same. Then, combine looking at sheet music with your right...

How To: Master inverse proportions in algebra

This is a video tutorial in the Education category where you are going to learn how to master inverse proportions in Algebra. Inverse proportions have a different rule; more means less or less means more. Let us understand this with an example. It took 175 minutes to drive to the cottage at 80 kmph. If we drive at 100 kmph instead, how long will it take? Here the speed of travel is more but the time taken to complete the journey will be less. So, this is a more means less kind of inverse prop...

How To: Play the heavy metal scale

In this tutorial, we learn how to play the heavy metal scale. You will start out with the E, B, G, D, A, and E chords on the 5,7, and 8 strings. These will make the heavy metal sound and be fit to the scale. There are different ways you can play this, using small riffs. You can play the strings differently as you go, changing up the order that you put them in. Continue to practice with the scale to better understand how it works. Once you do this, you will be able to better play the heavy met...

How To: Create space to score in basketball

In this tutorial, we learn how to create space to score in basketball. In order to create space, you will need to understand the role of the defensive player. Put yourself in their shoes thinking about what they are trying to do as you're playing. As an offensive player, you want to keep them more than an arm's length away from you by closing the gap between you. This will cause the defender to change their stance in order to stand in front of you. After this, you will be able to run around t...

How To: Use the verb "have" for eating and drinking

In this tutorial, we learn how to use the verb "have" for eating and drinking. When someone asks you what you are eating or what you did eat, you will have to use the word "have" to answer or even if you want to ask the question you have. An example of asking something a question like this would be, "what do you usually have for breakfast, lunch or dinner?" Any question with meals will have the word "have" mixed into it, because it's asking what you are going to or have eating in a different ...

How To: Solve rational inequalities

In this video, we learn how to solve rational inequalities. First, you will take the problem (x-1 over x+2 is greater than 0). The first method to solve this is to think you have any number divided by another number is greater than 0. Remember the properties to solving problems. Know that both A and B have to be greater than 0 since it's a positive divided by a positive. Or, you can have a negative divided by a negative which will make a positive. The first solution is (x-1 greater than 0 and...

How To: Play an afro beat on bongos

In this tutorial, we learn how to play an Afro beat on bongos. Start off by sitting down on a chair with the drums in between your thighs and knees. After this, start to use both of your hands to beat onto both of the drums. As you continue to play, create an Afro beat. The Afro beat is a critical pattern that is not founded in salsa. It's essential to the Afro Cuban tradition to play with the Afro beat. Once you have the beat down, repeat playing so you can better understand how this is play...

How To: Write equivalent fractions

In this tutorial, we learn how to write equivalent fractions. If you have a negative in front of the fraction, it's the same as writing the negative on the numerator or the denominator. If we would have a negative on the top and on the bottom, this would cancel both out to create a positive, which wouldn't be right. To write the fractions, simplify it. If it's already simplified, you will need to multiply the fraction. After you do this, you will finish the equation and have it written out in...

How To: Comprehend quarter, half, and whole music rests

In this tutorial, we learn how to understand music rests (Quarter, half, & whole rests). Rests are signs of silence while you are playing a song. Silence is a very important element in creating music, giving the audience time to reflect on the notes that they just heard. The whole note lasts for four beats and has two half notes. Every half note has a quarter not and every quarter note lasts one beat. The quarter rest means you will count one beat where you will lift your finger from the key ...

How To: Play "Rock and Roll" by Velvet Underground on guitar

In this tutorial, we learn how to play "Rock and Roll" by Velvet Underground on guitar. The chords to play this on the electric guitar would be bar chords D, C, and G. Play these together slowly at first so you understand the rhythm you are looking for. Once you have these down, you will have the basic sounds down for the entirety of the song. After this, play the first verse of the song, then play the second, chorus, and the rest of the verses. You will need to pay attention to where the pau...

How To: Change fractions to decimals

In this tutorial, we learn how to change fractions to decimals. First, you will need to divide the numerator by the denominator. The numerator is the top number and the denominator is the bottom number. Once you get this number, you will end up with a decimal instead of a fractions. When finished, you will end with the number that will be your answer! Practice doing this with simple numbers, then move onto more difficult to test your mind and get better and better at math! This is an easy con...

How To: Use phrasal verbs when speaking English

In this video, we learn how to speak English: An introduction to phrasal verbs. Phrasal verbs are also called two-part and three-part verbs. This is a verb and one or two other short words. Together as a phrase these have a special meaning. The other words are called particles, which come together with the verb to make a different definition. Particles can change the word "figure" to "figure out" and the word "look" to "look through". These particles at the end of the verb change how the word...

How To: Use reference words in reported speech in English

In this video, we learn how to speak English: Reported Speech/Reference Words. Reported speech is reporting another person's words or telling what someone else said. Indirect speech doesn't use the use the exact words that we use. Examples of reference words are: her, she, herself, him, and himself. Types of references can be pronouns or possessive adjectives. Listen to who the speaker is so you can change the reference words so that the statement is logical. Use this example as a reference: ...

How To: Say a little poem/joke in Tagalog

In this video, we learn how to say a little poem/joke in Tagalog. When you first want to learn how to say these different poems or jokes, you will want to make sure you understand how to say these words correctly. The vowels are the most important part of the words, so make sure you are pronouncing correctly. Listen to audio to learn how to say the joke correctly, then when you have it down you will get a lot of laughs! This is a great joke to use with friends or family and can be used in Tag...

How To: Use content tags when coding a website in HTML5

This clip presents a general overview of how to utilize content tags when writing a website using HTML5, the new HTML standard. Whether you're using a fancy WYSIWYG (or what-you-see-is-what-you-get) page editor like Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 or a barebones text editor like Notepad, if you want to build websites, you'll need to have some understanding of HTML (for the structure of your web pages) and CSS (for their style). And this free coder's guide will get you started along that path.

How To: Change verb tenses when reporting in English

In this video, we learn how to speak English using verb tenses. Verb tenses will not change if you are reporting facts, general truth, or immediate reporting. In all other situations, you will change verb tenses. An example of this is "I will buy balloons" can change to "she said she would buy balloons". This shifts a sentence back to a different tense. When shifting verb tenses back future and present go to the past and past goes to past perfect. Practice changing verb tenses in different se...

How To: Play "Songbird" by Oasis on acoustic guitar

In this video, we learn how to play "Songbird" by Oasis on acoustic guitar. Start out by playing the intro to the song, then continue on until you reach the first verse of the song. As you play, you might want to break the song down into different sections so you fully understand how each of the sections are supposed to be played. Once you reach the chorus, it should be played slightly different than the verses. Once you reach the last verses, they should sound like the first parts of the son...