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How To: Wear a pashmina fashionably in different ways

This video shows how to wear a Pashmina, also called ladies muffler, in several different style of fashion. First, with a Pashmina, half fold it, then wear it around your neck accordingly, and pass it from the closed end as tie. Then, stretch to close around the neck. Now, for the second way, open it again, wear it from the center, in a way, that it hangs from the back of the neck, give it two folds and stretch it in opposite directions, so that it is tied around the neck, then make a knot fr...

How To: Shave Your Legs

Shaving legs is a long tradition. It's easy to do and becomes second nature in time. Shaving your legs is a basic beauty routine that once adopted can easily become second nature. You need to start slow, shaving the first few times in a bathtub is usually a good idea. That way you don't have water from the shower falling into your eyes and you can really focus on what you're doing. Buy a nice razor, one that has a swivel head to get those hard to reach places like the ankles and knees, and st...

How To: Use the new features in the Google Voice online phone service

This video series come straight from Google. It's about their new web-based product called Google Voice, which provides you with one phone number for all of your phones (landline, cell phone, etc.), giving you full online control of your telephone experience. Google Voice also allows you to make free domestic calls anywhere in the United States and Canada, gives you a cool voicemail account that's just like an email account, and many enhanced calling features.

How To: Apply online for Social Security retirement benefits

When you decide its time to retire, you will most likely need to cash in your Social Security benefits. In this official two part tutorial, presented by the American Social Secuity Administration, learn exactly how to use their website and apply online. Applying online is very easy, and takes a lot less time than applying in person. By applying online for social security, you will bypass all of the long lines and waiting that usually happens in one of the offices. Plus, you won't ever have to...

How To: Reduce Eye Strain When Using Smartphones

The smartphone has become one of the basic reasons for sore eyes. If you are addicted to your beloved smartphone, there is a fair possibility that your eyes will be paying off its expensive price. If you use your smartphone, tablet, laptop or any other similar gadget consistently, you may experience tired, dried, itchy eyes and also severe headache. Your vision can also become blurred by the time, which it means it is affecting your eyesight. However, you can lower down your eye strain by mak...

How To: Control a friend's PC with Windows XP Remote Desktop

Wartex8 demonstrates how to use remote desktop in Windows XP. Remote Desktop is a useful utility that you can use to control another computer and its applications.The necessary steps that are adopted to activate remote desktop are:1) Right click on my computer icon (either the icon on the desktop or the one on the start menu list) and select properties, and a new dialog box called system properties will pop up on the window.2) In the System Properties, select the computer name tab and write d...

How To: See if Your Phone Has A/B Partitions for Seamless Updates

If your phone has an A/B partition layout, there are two virtual hard drives that each contain a copy of Android. After every restart, it picks a partition to boot from, then the other lays idle. The idle partition can be overwritten with a new copy of the OS and it won't affect the active one. So the next time you reboot, it just switches partitions and it's as if you updated instantly.

How To: Cut and Sand Your Micro-SIM into a Nano-SIM Card for Your New iPhone 5

Planning on getting the iPhone 5, but want to keep your SIM card? The new nano-SIMs that manufacturers are adopting will be even smaller than the micro-SIMs that most of us currently use. It's fairly easy to cut a regular SIM down to a micro-SIM, but because the nano-SIM will be thinner as well as smaller than the micro, cutting it down to size will require a little more work. Photo by Tech Digest