Affordable Lodging Search Results

News: Elon Musk Gives Preview of Nearly Complete Tesla Model 3

Just like a rapper engaged in tweet feud, Elon Musk was working overtime on Twitter this morning, dropping information about the upcoming Tesla Model 3. He even gave a sneak peek of the "release candidate" version of the car, sharing a brief clip of the car driving, which, let's be real, doesn't really tell us anything. Aside from the video, Musk also revealed the fun fact that the car gots its name after Ford sued Tesla for trying to name it the Model E, which would make the abbreviation of ...

News: New Tool Promises to S-Off Any HTC Device, but There's a Catch

Rooting your phone is one thing, but to truly be in control of your device, you need to be S-Off. S-Off allows you to flash, mod, and tweak just about any aspect of your phone, including the ability to run custom recoveries and flash kernels, which are vital tools for power-users. Up until now, there have been many ways to S-Off your device, but some newer HTC models have become un-exploitable.

How To: Clean crumbs out of a keyboard

Keyboards are one of the easiest things to get dirty, especially those keyboards that have the removable keys. Crumbs and all kinds of other gunk can get lodge down in those deep crevices of the keyboard, but here's a quick tip to help you out. If you have a crumb-y keyboard, use the sticky side of a post-it note to lift bits from between the keys. Ta-da!

News: The Best Touchscreen Gloves to Get You Through the Winter

Not that long ago, touchscreen-friendly gloves were an outlier accessory, something you had to track down at a specialty brick-and-mortar store or solely online. But as the smartphone has become an integral part of our lives, so, too, has the need for fashion accessories that cater to our desire to be always connected. So now, touchscreen gloves are everywhere.

News: Oculus Quest Is the Best Way to Experience VR on the Go

At Next Reality we mostly focus on augmented reality, but that doesn't mean we're not also absolutely obsessed with virtual reality, too. If the thing that's been keeping you from diving into the deep end of VR has been clunky tethered headsets or the expensive but necessary gaming PCs, then it's time for you to try the Oculus Quest, which is currently available to buy here for less than most gaming systems on the market.

News: Kickstarter Game System Uses iOS & Android Devices to Merge Tabletop Gaming with Augmented Reality

The fortunes of ARKit and ARCore are still in the hands of developers, who have been increasing the number of mobile augmented reality apps on the market, but perhaps not as fast as companies like Apple might have expected. But one new product is looking to literally kickstart mobile AR gaming by introducing a few key components that harness the traditional board game model.

News: Are You on Virgin Mobile? Your Next Phone Will Have to Be an iPhone

Virgin Wireless, perhaps best known for Sir Richard Branson and all of his antics, is an affordable cellular option here in the US. Virgin customers can enjoy — if that's the right word for it — Sprint's cellular service, at a discounted rate, however, there are usually some compromises for that. Now, there will be yet another compromise for Virgin customers who don't like iPhones — Virgin will now only carry Apple's phone on their network.

How To: Make chicken noodle soup with vermicelli

In this video, The Frugal Chef will show you how to make a chicken vermicelli soup. First, she will show you all of the ingredients. They are chicken, vermicelli noodles (although any kind is acceptable), and various vegetables. Learn tips on how to prepare your ingredients and how to store them just before cooking. The Frugal Chef will teach you step by step, explaining as she goes, exactly how to cook this meal. In only about 5 minutes, you can easily learn the ingredients you need and what...