Afternoon Drinking Search Results

How To: Protect Yourself Against Chapped Lips

chapped lips is a very common issue and usually face us in summer especially when sweating is excessive and water intake is at its minimum. all that affect our body and it induce inflammation in our lips which leads to fissuring in lip mucosa which is famously known as chapped lips.

How To: 12 Unconventional Uses for Disposable Chopsticks

If your love for Chinese takeout has left you with a pile of unused disposable chopsticks in your kitchen drawer, then you're in luck. In addition to being a very versatile eating utensil for pretty much any cuisine, chopsticks also come in handy for eating Cheetos without getting cheesy dust all over your fingers, pitting cherries, skewering food, stirring drinks, cleaning out dirt from hard-to-reach spaces, and more.

How To: Treat Yourself During the Holidays with These Tasty (And Tipsy) Christmas Marshmallows

'Tis the holiday season—a time for family and the best damn drunk uncle stories that you'll hear all year. Which is all the more reason to make these tasty little alcoholic treats... Spiked eggnog may be the more popular holiday vice, but these Baileys-infused homemade marshmallows from blogger Devon are looking to make a case for the top spot. Here's what you'll need to make these fluffy holiday party treats:

News: Mainstream Comic Strip About Steampunk

You know that steampunk is mainstream when they even talk about it in comic strips. At least they got the punk in steampunk right. I don't know why anyone would be mad if their child was a steampunk. All the steampunks I know are really nice and aren't into subversive stuff or anything. We just dress up nice and do things like drink tea.

News: Bubba's Night Out

Johnny Knoxville should dress up like a hard-core redneck and go to the hardest gangster rap club in LA and try to blend. It would be hilarious if he tried to pick-up on pretty ladies and deliberately got out on the dance floor for a dance. A disguise of corse will be needed and should consist of usual redneck clothes complete with mullet in tow. At some point he should act so drunk that he somehow takes over the DJ table and and puts on any George Jones song. This prank could possibly includ...

News: SPLAT! Art Made from Everyday Household Items

Tom Friedman. One of my very favorite contemporary artists. Friedman injects the wonder into the humdrum. He creates magic from the unsuspected with his incredible sculptures assembled from simple, everyday materials. His materials have included: toilet paper, drinking straws, construction paper, masking tape, toothpicks, bubblegum, spaghetti, toothpaste, soap powder, sugar cubes.

News: 10 Unconventional Hangover Cures

For most Americans, the bane of the hangover is typically remedied by lots of water, painkillers, greasy food, and a day wasted on the couch. But if you're tired of potato chips and fried eggs, perhaps it's time you enter unfamiliar territory. Below, a combination of unorthodox methods for taming the beast, derived from science, sparkly Whole Foods new ageism, and the far East.

News: Scotch Whisky Tasting Notes

What better way to start off a blog about Scotch whiskies than to write about our first impressions of some of our favorites? These notes are from a Scotch tasting party we threw a while back. It was fairly simple: we made meat, we asked people to bring individual bottles, and we drank. And drank. 

News: Save Big without Skimping

1. Extend your engagement. A longer planning period means a better chance of getting the best vendors in your price range. Plus, you can typically lock in rates that might increase by the time your wedding date arrives.

How To: Lose Weight The Correct & Healthy Way

Obesity has ballooned into a worldwide epidemic. The World Health Organization estimates that 2.3 billion adults will be overweight and 700 million will be obese by 2015. Over 20 million children are overweight today. The reasons for these distressing figures are common knowledge: The international switch to high sugar, high fat, low nutrient processed junk foods prompted by global fast food chains and their advertising; the increasingly sedentary nature of jobs; children playing video games ...

News: Habanero Binge

everyone has a habanero eating contest and the losers pending on their place has to be punished. last place has to drink a bowl of habanero salsa wih don vitos back hair in it. second to last has to mouse trap their penis. third to last has to drink a pubic hair smoothy. first place gets to have their pubic har in the smoothy.