Agitating Harmful Search Results

How To: Replace a Whirlpool Washer Motor Coupling

The motor coupling goes between the motor and the transmission. If it fails the washer will not spin or agitate. If the washer fills with water but then does not agitate, but you hear the motor running, the coupler could be the problem. You may hear some clicking noises as the broken pieces spin around. You may also see a pile of black rubber pieces on the floor under the middle of the machine. You can follow the steps in this video to help you do the repair.

How To: Use QPR's All-In-One Melter Applicator for sealing small cracks

This video provides the operating instructions for the RTH08 All-In-One Melter Applicator, which is a hand-agitated, 10-gallon capacity sealant machine designed to effectively and efficiently execute small crack-sealing tasks. You'll learn about the safety procedures when using this Melter Applicator, startup procedure, sealant loading, heat settings and sealant application on pavement, as well as the shutdown procedure.

How To: Remove the harmful cmdd.exe file

Here is a basic walk-through of how to remove the harmful file known as the cmdd.exe. The cmdd.exe file is a backdoor trojan virus that can allow a hacker remote access to a computer infected with it. Your computer can be infected with this threatening virus at any time and it must be removed immediately. This video provides several techniques that can be used to completely get rid of the file from your computer.

How To: Control snails & aphids

In this video, Extension Horticulturalist Curtis Smith talks with Master Gardener Marsha groves about controlling harmful pests that are damaging to plants throughout the year in both outdoor garden and greenhouse environments. The first part of the video covers the issue of plant eating snails, and how they might best be dealt with. Smith explains that there are a number of non-toxic methods which one can use to rid a plant of snails. The process of introducing predatory creatures such as tu...

How To: Get permanent marker stains out of your carpet

To follow along with this video, you will need a few supplies: a spray bottle filled with lukewarm water, a couple of clean white blotting towels, and a product called Legacy of Clean. To remove the stain you begin by applying a few drops of Legacy of Clean onto the stain. Use the blotting cloth to agitate the product into the carpet fibers by rubbing it a bit. Then find a new clean spot on the towel, place it over the stain and apply pressure from your fist to blot the stain. You will see th...

How To: Make your own natural window cleaner

If you use Windex or any other window cleaning product, you may be exposing yourself, or others, to harmful chemicals. Many cleaning products that are sold in supermarkets, contain harmful chemicals that are not good and certainly not good for the environment.

How To: Use bowl gold panning techniques

Space Painter demonstrates how to pan for gold. Put the sediment in a pan and fill it with water. Agitate the pan back and forth. The light sediment will rise to the top as the heavy material sinks. Tip the tray into the water trough to remove the lighter sediment. Gold panning techniques have evolved over the years although it is a very similar process. Use a motion of the ocean or a straight up and down agitation technique. The gold panning pan should have grooves. There's still a lot of go...

How To: Identify the pecan aphid

We learn how to identify a pecan aphid. There a few different types, some more harmful than others. Looking at the leaves closely we see shiny sticky spots on the leaves. This is called honeydew' which is actually the aphids waste. It is not harmful to the tree. The Black pecan aphids however cause brown discolorations on the leaves. They are necessary to control although mother nature offers a way since there are certain insects who actually eat their eggs. It is wise to first consider this ...

How To: Remove the winlogin.exe file from your computer

This video shows you how to remove a virus or harmful winlogin.exe file. If you use a good firewall program or a good anti-virus, it will pop-up a window and let you know you have been infected or even block it. If you do not use such things, but you think you know since when you have been infected, you can try to restore your system by using System Restore in Windows XP or Vista. If you do not know the duration of the infection, you can try to manually delete the file when using Windows Safe...

How To: Avoid aggressive driving when on the road

One of the most common things when somebody is driving is they can experience aggressive people at any time. These individuals can be harmful to themselves and to others as well. But sometimes, you yourself can become fall into the category of being aggressive and that's no good. So in this tutorial, you'll find out some ways to help avoid aggressive driving when on the road. Good luck and breathe!

How To: Keep the mohair headliner clean in a classic VW Bug

When restoring a vehicle, it's important to keep the car clean as well as protected for anything harmful. So in this auto tutorial, you'll be finding out how to keep the mohair headliner clean in a classic VW Beetle Bug. It may sound easy, but not knowing how to clean things properly can result in a big mess. So good luck and enjoy!

How To: Grow potatoes in a bag

There are many benefits to growing your own vegetables and fruits. One of the most obvious is the fact you'll be saving money and preventing any harmful chemicals from entering the body. In this tutorial, you'll find out how to grow one of the most commonly eaten foods out there: potatoes. This time, it's not in a box or planter, but instead in a bag. Check it out and enjoy!

How To: Position yourself for the bench press

Proper form when performing the bench press in extremely important to avoid back and shoulder injury. Arching the back when doing the bench press is very common and very harmful. This how to video covers proper grip width and back arch when positioning yourself for the bench press.

How To: Unsend email with some help from Google

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to unsend emails with the help of Google. Users will need a Google email account. Begin by logging into your Gmail account and click on Settings. Then click on the Labs tab under Settings and scroll down the page until you see "Undo Send". Now click on Enable and click on Save Changes. Now when users send an email, they can undo the email by clicking on Undo once they have sent the mail. Users will only have 5 seconds to undo an email after it has bee...

How To: Get rid of moles in the yard

Moles can be a problem. You can identify Moles as a problem if when you stick your finger down a hole you can feel a tunnel. There is a safe way to rid your lawn of Moles without harming other pests, insects, pets or family. Castor Oil produces an odor that Moles don't like. Get it in granular or liquid form, sprinkle it around the area. You'll see more Mole activity in the first few days because they'll get agitated but quickly they'll move somewhere else. Don't use a castor oil from a groce...

How To: Install Windows in Your Classic VW Beetle Bug

Windows are an important part of a car that everyone should have. Sure feeling the wind against your face is great and all, but what happens if the wind is carrying bugs, water, or even other foreign objects in the air? The windows are there to protect you from anything that might be harmful. So in this video tutorial, you'll be finding out how to install windows in a classis VW Beetle Bug with no problems. Good luck and enjoy!

How To: Remove RC Lexan paint from a model car

To remove the lexan paint, obtain a bottle of brake fluid. Make sure you read the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for its harmful effects, and put on a pair of gloves to avoid contact with the hands when applying the brake fluid. To remove a large area of paint, pour a little amount of brake fluid onto some paper towel, and rub the area in a circular motion until the lexan paint is completely dissolved and removed from the area. A Q-tip can also be used to remove smaller areas. Apply as muc...

How To: Remove viruses, malware, trojans or hacks from your PC

If your computer is working slow--or not at all, there could be some unsavory programs running amok in your system. Trojans, malware, viruses, and hacks are dangerous to the health of your operating system. This video tutorial demonstrates the measures to take in order to rid your PC of malicious programs. Stop being bullied by harmful applications and use such programs as AVG Antivirus and Malwarebytes to protect your computer. Once you've cleaned up your system, be sure to configure your se...

How To: Unclog a drain without toxic chemicals

Don't call a pricey plumber! Anyone with a few tools can unclog a drain -- without even resorting to those strong, toxic chemicals. Most of the time, anyway. You will need baking soda, vinegar, rubber gloves, cleaning rags or duct tape, a rubber plunger, a plumber's snake, petroleum jelly, a bucket or pan, and a length of hose. WARNING: Do not try this if you have already used a commercial drain opener, as it can create harmful fumes.

How To: Make sodium bromate & potassium meta-periodate

This video tutorial is in the Education category which will show you how to make sodium bromate and potassium meta-periodate. This experiment uses toxic chemicals and releases harmful gases. First you have to make a saturated sodium bromide. To this solution then add a small amount of potassium dichromate. The solution now becomes concentrated. Then make the circuit as shown in the video. You need a 3 - 5 ohm resistor in order to reduce the current. Then let the cell run for around 6 hours. S...

How To: Test paint for the presence toxic lead

In this tutorial, we learn how to test paint for the presence toxic lead. You will first need to make up two solutions. One will need sodium sulfide and water mixed together in a small container. Then, add acidic acid and water into another container. Drop small amounts of the mixtures into containers, then add in the paint to the containers. Watch and see how the reaction of the paint is with the mixture. If you start to see a black reaction occur in the container, you will know that your pa...

How To: Make your own homemade, eco-friendly all purpose cleaner

If you've just ran out of all purpose cleaner, hold on to your waller for just a couple of minutes. Most of the all purpose cleaners, or any cleaner for that matter, contains chemicals that can be harmful for you and others. Not only that, but it produces more trash that can easily be avoided. How so? By making your own stuff from scratch.

How To: Get free, non-intrusive virus protection with Avira

In this tutorial, we learn how to get free virus protection with Avira. To do this, first go to Free AV, and download the software. After you install everything, open the program up. Next, you will want to scan your computer for any viruses that may be present already. It may take a while to scan your entire computer, but it will search all of your different files. If something comes up, you can choose how to deal with it and get rid of the virus if you wish. This is also great for any emails...

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