Aid Guide Search Results

How To: Boost your brain

Could you boost your brain power by eating a banana? Improve your memory and IQ by pressing certain points on your body? Absolutely! In this video, we'll show you how to amp up intelligence using super simple natural remedies.

How To: Quickly fix hangovers

You've probably tried every alleged hangover cure--from cold showers to hot coffee--with little success. But a hangover remedy does exist! So watch this video and learn how to be a drunk without suffering hangovers ever again!

How To: Prevent bothersome bug bites

Between torturous tests and Friday frat parties, the last thing you want to think about is bed bugs. Unfortunately, these and other parasites, like head lice, may lurk around your dorm room. Here, everything you need to know to prevent these bug bites.

How To: 3 Ways to Consecutively Prank Your Roommate

There's nothing funnier than pulling off a successful prank, and here are 3 simple pranks you can set up on your roommate using their body spray. What sets these pranks apart from others is they they will be done back to back to back, meaning you can actually get your victim to fall for these 3 pranks consecutively in order to be able to use their deodorant.

How To: How to drop kick an ewok in Force Unleashed 2

Oh, you know you've always wanted to, and with this handy little guide, you CAN finally drop kick an Ewok. You'll need to download the Endor downloadable content for the Force Unleashed 2. After you do that, follow the guide for your kicking delight. We can only hope they soon let us kick Jar-Jar.